FROM fedora RUN dnf -y update && dnf install -y make git golang golang-github-cpuguy83-md2man \ # storage deps btrfs-progs-devel \ device-mapper-devel \ # gpgme bindings deps libassuan-devel gpgme-devel \ gnupg \ # htpasswd for system tests httpd-tools \ # OpenShift deps which tar wget hostname util-linux bsdtar socat ethtool device-mapper iptables tree findutils nmap-ncat e2fsprogs xfsprogs lsof docker iproute \ bats jq podman runc \ golint \ openssl \ && dnf clean all # Install two versions of the registry. The first is an older version that # only supports schema1 manifests. The second is a newer version that supports # both. This allows integration-cli tests to cover push/pull with both schema1 # and schema2 manifests. RUN set -x \ && REGISTRY_COMMIT_SCHEMA1=ec87e9b6971d831f0eff752ddb54fb64693e51cd \ && REGISTRY_COMMIT=47a064d4195a9b56133891bbb13620c3ac83a827 \ && export GOPATH="$(mktemp -d)" \ && git clone "$GOPATH/src/" \ && (cd "$GOPATH/src/" && git checkout -q "$REGISTRY_COMMIT") \ && GOPATH="$GOPATH/src/$GOPATH" \ go build -o /usr/local/bin/registry-v2 \ && (cd "$GOPATH/src/" && git checkout -q "$REGISTRY_COMMIT_SCHEMA1") \ && GOPATH="$GOPATH/src/$GOPATH" \ go build -o /usr/local/bin/registry-v2-schema1 \ && rm -rf "$GOPATH" RUN set -x \ && export GOPATH=$(mktemp -d) \ && git clone --depth 1 -b v1.5.0-alpha.3 git:// "$GOPATH/src/" \ # The sed edits out a "go < 1.5" check which works incorrectly with go ≥ 1.10. \ && sed -i -e 's/\[\[ "\${go_version\[2]}" < "go1.5" ]]/false/' "$GOPATH/src/" \ && (cd "$GOPATH/src/" && make clean build && make all WHAT=cmd/dockerregistry) \ && cp -a "$GOPATH/src/"/*/* /usr/local/bin \ && cp "$GOPATH/src/" /atomic-registry-config.yml \ && rm -rf "$GOPATH" \ && mkdir /registry ENV GOPATH /usr/share/gocode:/go ENV PATH $GOPATH/bin:/usr/share/gocode/bin:$PATH RUN go version WORKDIR /go/src/ COPY . /go/src/ #ENTRYPOINT ["hack/dind"]