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This repository contains the source code of the zyda package - a powerful Python-based package for filtering and deduplicating text datasets for subsequent use in LLM pretraining. The core dataset objects are based on HuggingFace's datasets package, making it straightforward to work with datasets hosted on HuggingFace. In addition, the default HuggingFace format is based on pyarrow, which allows for fast indexing and easy parallel processing of the datasets.

This package was used for producing Zyda dataset. See accompanying technical report for details.

We release step-by-step instructions on how to reproduce Zyda using this package.


git clone
cd Zyda_processing
pip install -e .

Repository structure

The zyda folder contains the source code for the package. It consists of the following subfolders:

  • preprocessing_and_filtering - code for preprocessing and filtering the datasets
  • lsh_minhash - code for computing minhash signatures and building the LSH index
  • connected_components - code for finding connected components in the graph of duplicates and for identifying which document to keep in every component
  • utils - commonly reused code

The zyda_reproduction folder contains scripts for reproducing the Zyda dataset arranged in a step-by-step manner.

How to reproduce Zyda dataset

All the scripts necessary for Zyda reproduction are in zyda_reproduction folder. Below are step-by-step instructions on how to run them. Before running the scripts, please, set the following environment variables:

  • DATA_BASE - base location in your filesystem to save results of processing steps
  • REPO_BASE - location of Zyda_processing repository
  • NUM_PROC - number of parallel processes to use at various stages of processing
  • [optional] HF_HOME - location of HuggingFace cache

1. Downloading component datasets

Scripts for downloading the component datasets of Zyda are in zyda_reproduction/1_downloading.

All the scripts save downloaded datasets into separate folders in HuggingFace format in $DATA_BASE/raw/<component name> folders.

Downloading most components from HuggingFace is straighforward: e.g. run and scripts.

However, we had to apply special handling to SlimPajama and StarCoder:

  1. Clone their HuggingFace repositories locally
  2. Set SLIMPAJAMA_REPO_PATH and STARCODER_REPO_PATH environmental variable with paths to local SlimPajama and StarCoders repositories respectively
  3. Run scripts and for generating raw versions of the datasets in HuggingFace format.

2. Preprocessing and filtering

Scripts for preprocessing and filtering are in zyda_reproduction/2_preprocessing_and_filtering.

Run all the bash scripts in this folder.

This stage performs the following operations:

  1. Generation of filtering features
  2. Transformation of the text
  3. Filtering of the documents (default filtering parameters can be found in zyda/utils/
  4. Splitting of the resultant datasets to shards, and then saving them in $DATA_BASE/processed/<component name>/shard_<id> folders in HuggingFace format

3. Computing minhashes

Scripts for computing minhash signatures are in zyda_reproduction/3_minhashing.

Run all the bash scripts in this folder.

This stage performs the following operations:

  1. Normalizes the text of each document and splits it into words
  2. Generates 13-grams based on words
  3. Computes minhash signatures with of the size of 128
  4. Saves results in $DATA_BASE/minhash/<component name> folders in HuggingFace format (it only saves columns necessary for indexing along with minhashes)

4. Building LSH index

Script for building the LSH index is at zyda_reproduction/4_lsh_indexing/

For Zyda we used 40% Jaccard similarity threshold when building our LSH index. The optimal split of minhash signatures can be computed using zyda/lsh_minhash/, which for our threshold and signature size gave us 32 bands with a range of 4.

This is the most time-consuming and memory-intensive stage. We split it in a parallel job distributed among 8 nodes of our HPC cluster, each with 92 physical cores and 2TB of RAM. It took approximately 2 days with a peak RAM consumption of 1.5TB.

We stripped away our distributed configuration in the script, basically assuming it will be run on one node. To limit RAM consumption we allow only 2 minhash bands to be processed in parallel by specifying --bands-parallel 2 flag. On one compute node, bands are be split into 16 groups of size 2, and such groups are processed sequentially.

The resultant LSH index is saved in $DATA_BASE/lsh_0.4/lsh_index-<band index>.pickle files. We also save all the identified duplicate pairs in $DATA_BASE/lsh_0.4/dupes/all_pairs-<band index>.txt files.

5. Clustering duplicates using connected components and generating indices of documents to remove

Script for clustering duplicates using connected components and generating indices of documents to remove is at zyda_reproduction/5_clustering/

This stage performs clustering of identified duplicated documents by identifying connected components in a graph, where the nodes are documents and the edges are duplicate pairs. Graph processing is implemented in zyda/connected_components/

  1. It first performs processing of all duplicate pairs text files (coming from building indices of individual bands) and generates a single set that is saved to $DATA_BASE/lsh_0.4/dupes/output/cc-set-final.txt
  2. It uses networkit package for building a graph and finding connecting components. It saves the graph at $DATA_BASE/lsh_0.4/dupes/output/cc-graph.graph, document-to-node mapper at $DATA_BASE/lsh_0.4/dupes/output/cc-mapper.pickle, and connected components with node-to-document reverse mapper at $DATA_BASE/lsh_0.4/dupes/output/cc.pickle.

Finally, we generate indices of duplicate documents to remove by sorting every document in a cluster according to a ranking and keeping only the highest ranked one. This is implemented in zyda/connected_components/ The resultant dict with a mapping of datasets names to indices to remove is saved in $DATA_BASE/lsh_0.4/dupes/output/dupes.pickle. We decided to use the following ranking:

  1. starcoder components
  2. refinedweb
  3. peS2o
  4. arxiv
  5. c4-en
  6. pile-uncopyrighted
  7. slimpajama

This stage took roughly half a day to run.

6. Generating final dataset

Scripts for generating final dataset are in zyda_reproduction/6_generating_final_dataset.

Bash script zyda_reproduction/6_generating_final_dataset/ generates final jsonl files of our dataset:

  1. Load processed and filtered local HuggingFace datasets from stage 2
  2. Remove documents using indices from the previous stage
  3. Save resultant datasets in jsonl partitions to $DATA_BASE/zyda_0.4-final/jsonl

If you want to generate parquet files, you can convert jsonl's by running zyda_reproduction/6_generating_final_dataset/, which saves them to $DATA_BASE/zyda_0.4-final/parquet. Files generated by this script were uploaded to Zyda's HuggingFace dataset repository.


To cite our work please use:

      title={Zyda: A 1.3T Dataset for Open Language Modeling}, 
      author={Yury Tokpanov and Beren Millidge and Paolo Glorioso and Jonathan Pilault and Adam Ibrahim and James Whittington and Quentin Anthony},


We would like to acknolwedge SlimPajama's team for publicly releasing their codebase with detailed instructions and explanations: huggingface link, github link. We used their code as a starting point for LSH minhash deduplication. We made significant changes to optimize parallel performance and enable distributed deduplication jobs on our HPC cluster.


Apache License 2.0


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