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Copyright (c) 2012 Iordan Iordanov,

Based on VX ConnectBot

Copyright (c) 2011 Martin Matuška


PubkeyGenerator is derived from VX ConnectBot, which is an enhanced version of the popular open-source telnet and secure shell (SSH) client ConnectBot.

Features and enhancements

  • based on VX ConnectBot 1.7.1
  • background file transfer (SCP protocol)
  • screen capture (save a PNG screenshot of the console)
  • character picker dialog (on-screen and hardware SYM keys)
  • single line input (on-screen key)
  • long press menu to toggle full screen mode or change font size
  • ssh-agent from Roberto Tyley

New key mappings:

  • ALT + Up Arrow maps to Page Up
  • ALT + Down Arrow maps to Page Down
  • ALT + Left Arrow maps to Home
  • ALT + Right Arrow maps to End
  • ALT + Backspace maps to Insert
  • Search key maps to URL scan


PubkeyGenerator is licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0

Trilead SSH2 is licensed under a BSD-style license as detailed in the LICENSE-com.trilead.ssh2 file.


PubkeyGenerator git repository

VX Connectbot Homepage

VX Connectbot on Android Market


PubkeyGenerator is based on VX Connectbot

VX Connectbot is based on ConnectBot

ConnectBot Copyright (c) 2007-2011 Kenny Root, Jeffrey Sharkey

Based in part on the Trilead SSH2 client, provided under a BSD-style license. Copyright (c) 2007 Trilead AG.

Also based on JTA Telnet/SSH client, provided under the GPLv2 license. Copyright (c) Matthias L. Jugel, Marcus Meiner 1996-2005.

Also based in part on the JSOCKS library, provided under the GNU LGPL license. (c)

Also based in part on JZlib provided under a BSD-style license. Copyright (c) JCraft, Inc., 2000-2004

This software includes modifications from Irssiconnectbot developed by Iiro Uusitalo and Ville Kerminen.

This software includes the ssh-agent service developed by Roberto Tyley.

SCP file transfer support is badsed on modifications by Kartikaya Gupta.

Internal file selection dialog is based on Android File Dialog by Alexander Ponomarev, provided under a BSD-style license.