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Configuration primarily consists of environment variables in the .yml and .conf files.

  • phorge_nginx.conf = NGINX config file (needs to be modified if you're using NGINX for SSL termination or not using HTTPS at all)
  • Make whatever changes you need to the appropriate .yml. All environment variables for Phorge can be found in
  • phorge_mailers.json = Configure your email provider if you're using one

On first start you'll need to add an authentication provider, otherwise you won't be able to login or create new users. If you don't have mail setup you can connect to the Phorge container and use /var/www/html/phorge/bin/auth recover <username> to get a recovery link.

Using NGINX for SSL Termination

  • yourdomain.test.crt = The SSL certificate for your domain (you'll need to create/copy this)
  • yourdomain.test.key = The SSL key for your domain (you'll need to create/copy this)

I personally use this with Traefik as a reverse proxy, I've included an example traefik.yml but it's not necessary.

You'll need to create the appropriate Docker Secrets and Docker Configs.

Run with docker stack deploy --compose-file docker-swarm.yml phorge

You'll need to create a config folder and put phorge_nginx.conf and phorge_mailers.json in it. If you're using NGINX for SSL also put your SSL certificate and SSL key in it.

Run with docker-compose up -d. View using