desc "Runs the specs [EMPTY]" task :spec do # Provide your own implementation end task :version do git_remotes = `git remote`.strip.split("\n") if git_remotes.count > 0 puts "-- fetching version number from github" sh 'git fetch' remote_version = remote_spec_version end if remote_version.nil? puts "There is no current released version. You're about to release a new Pod." version = "0.0.1" else puts "The current released version of your pod is " + remote_spec_version.to_s() version = suggested_version_number end puts "Enter the version you want to release (" + version + ") " new_version_number = $stdin.gets.strip if new_version_number == "" new_version_number = version end replace_version_number(new_version_number) end desc "Release a new version of the Pod (append repo=name to push to a private spec repo)" task :release do # Allow override of spec repo name using `repo=private` after task name repo = ENV["repo"] || "master" puts "* Running version" sh "rake version" unless ENV['SKIP_CHECKS'] if `git symbolic-ref HEAD 2>/dev/null`.strip.split('/').last != 'master' $stderr.puts "[!] You need to be on the `master' branch in order to be able to do a release." exit 1 end if `git tag`.strip.split("\n").include?(spec_version) $stderr.puts "[!] A tag for version `#{spec_version}' already exists. Change the version in the podspec" exit 1 end puts "You are about to release `#{spec_version}`, is that correct? [y/n]" exit if $stdin.gets.strip.downcase != 'y' end puts "* Running specs" sh "rake spec" puts "* Linting the podspec" sh "pod lib lint" # Then release sh "git commit #{podspec_path} -m 'Release #{spec_version}' --allow-empty" sh "git tag -a #{spec_version} -m 'Release #{spec_version}'" sh "git push origin master" sh "git push origin --tags" sh "pod push #{repo} #{podspec_path}" end # @return [Pod::Version] The version as reported by the Podspec. # def spec_version require 'cocoapods' spec = Pod::Specification.from_file(podspec_path) spec.version end # @return [Pod::Version] The version as reported by the Podspec from remote. # def remote_spec_version require 'cocoapods-core' if spec_file_exist_on_remote? remote_spec = eval(`git show origin/master:#{podspec_path}`) remote_spec.version else nil end end # @return [Bool] If the remote repository has a copy of the podpesc file or not. # def spec_file_exist_on_remote? test_condition = `if git rev-parse --verify --quiet origin/master:#{podspec_path} >/dev/null; then echo 'true' else echo 'false' fi` 'true' == test_condition.strip end # @return [String] The relative path of the Podspec. # def podspec_path podspecs = Dir.glob('*.podspec') if podspecs.count == 1 podspecs.first else raise "Could not select a podspec" end end # @return [String] The suggested version number based on the local and remote # version numbers. # def suggested_version_number if spec_version != remote_spec_version spec_version.to_s() else next_version(spec_version).to_s() end end # @param [Pod::Version] version # the version for which you need the next version # # @note It is computed by bumping the last component of # the version string by 1. # # @return [Pod::Version] The version that comes next after # the version supplied. # def next_version(version) version_components = version.to_s().split("."); last = (version_components.last.to_i() + 1).to_s version_components[-1] = last".")) end # @param [String] new_version_number # the new version number # # @note This methods replaces the version number in the podspec file # with a new version number. # # @return void # def replace_version_number(new_version_number) text = text.gsub!(/(s.version( )*= ")#{spec_version}(")/, "\\1#{new_version_number}\\3"), "w") { |file| file.puts text } end