<img src="https://github.com/Zabanaa/jabbbar/blob/develop/Jabbbar.png" style="display: block; margin: 0 auto;">
# Jabbbar
Jabbbar is a wrapper for the Dribbble API. It is written in Python 3 and it's designed to help you interface with the resources and content served by Dribbble. It will allow you to effortlessly make calls.
_Please note that you are limited to 60 requests per minute and 1440 requests per day (for calls using OAuth)_
## Requirements
Before you start using Jabbbar, please ensure you have registered an application with Dribbble on their [developers site][1].
You will be asked to give your app a name, a description, a url and a callback url. (Which will be used to redirect your users to your site after they agree to give you access to their account information).
When your app is registered, You will be given two keys: a client id and a client secret. Make note of those as you will need both to request an access token.
_Be careful NOT to share your client secret publicly_
[1]: https://developer.dribbble.com/
## Installation
_Note: jabbbar is only compatible with python 3.3 and up_
You can easily install Jabbbar through pip by like so
pip install jabbbar
Depending on your setup and virtualenv settings you may need sudo privileges
## Usage
### Authentication
```python from jabbbar import Jabbbar
# Instantiate the client object client = Jabbbar(client_id='CLIENT_ID', client_secret='CLIENT_SECRET', redirect_uri='https://yoursite.com/authorize')
# You can also pass optional scope and state params client = Jabbbar(client_id='CLIENT_ID', client_secret='CLIENT_SECRET', scope=['write','upload'], state="somerandomsecretstring")
# Generate an authorisation url for your application auth_url = client.auth_url ```
Send your users to the auth_url. After they authorise your app, they will be redirected to the redirect_uri you've set in the previous step. The url will contain a query parameter of code that looks something like this: https://yoursite.com/your_redirect_url?code="CODE_RETURNED_IN_REDIRECT".
In your web application back-end, retrieve the code and use it to request an access_token.
# Request an access token based on the code returned in the redirect
access_token = client.set_access_token("CODE_RETURNED_IN_REDIRECT")
You can also instantiate a client directly by passing it an access_token if you have one
client = Jabbbar(access_token="YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN")
With your access token set, you can start making calls to the API.
## Userless Access
Since version 0.2.0, you can make read-only requests against the API's public endpoints.
To do so, just copy your client access token (found in your application page on dribbble.com) and pass it to the client instance.
client = Jabbbar(client_token="YOUR_CLIENT_TOKEN")
_Note that you will not be able to access protected resources with a userless client_
## Usage
Jabbbar exposes the following classes to help you create more readable code: Bucket, Project, Shot, Shots, Team, User
Each of these classes represent a collection of resources accessible through the API
To use them, simply import them into your app like this
from jabbar import Bucket, Project # etc ...
## Examples
### Users Create a user object ```python # ... # Instantiate your client above my_user = User(client)
```python # Get your user's account details my_user.get_details()
# Get another user's account details my_user.get_details(username="therealmichaeljordan") ```
### Shots
```python # Instantiate a Shots object shots = Shots(client)
# List all shots shots.list_all()
# Get a specific shot's details shots.get_one(1234567890) ```
### Teams
```python # Instantiate a Team object my_team = Team(client, team_name="name_of_the_team")
# Get a list of all of the team players my_team.list_players()
# You can also list the players for other teams my_team.list_players(team_name="some_other_team") ```
### Projects
```python # Instantiate a Project object project = Project(client, project_id=1234567890)
# Get details for the instantiated project project.get_details()
# You can also details for other projects project.get_details(project_id=12345678980) ```
### Buckets
```python # Instantiate a Bucket object bucket = Bucket(client, bucket_id=1234567890)
# Get details for the instantiated bucket bucket.get_details()
# Create a bucket bucket.create(name="my_new_bucket", description="a cool bucket") ```
### Shots (individual shots)
```python # Instantiate a Bucket object shot = Shot(client, shot_id=1234567890)
# Get a list of all attachments for the instantiated shot shot.list_attachments()
# Get a list of all attachments for another shot shot.list_attachments(shot_id=9283328392) ```
## Full List Of Methods
``` User.get_details() User.list_buckets() User.list_shot_likes() User.list_projects() User.list_shots() User.list_teams() User.list_followers() User.list_following() User.list_shots_from_following() User.check_following() User.follow_user() User.unfollow_user()
Team.list_players() Team.list_shots()
Shots.list_all() Shots.get_one()
Shot.list_attachments() Shot.get_attachment() Shot.list_buckets() Shot.list_comments() Shot.list_comment_likes() Shot.get_comment() Shot.check_user_likes_comment() Shot.like_comment() Shot.unlike_comment() Shot.list_likes() Shot.like() Shot.unlike() Shot.list_projects() Shot.list_rebounds() Shot.check_user_likes_shots()
Project.get_details() Project.get_shots()
Bucket.get_details() Bucket.create() Bucket.update() Bucket.delete() Bucket.list_shots() Bucket.add_shot() Bucket.remove_shot() ```
## Testing
In order to run the tests, follow these 3 steps:
- Rename jabbbar/tests/credentials.example.py to credentials.py
- Fill in your credentials
- run nosetests
## Contribution and Improvements
If you spot code smells and wish to make improvements, please feel free to do so by way of pull requests, explaining how the solution you're proposing is better (purely for learning purposes)
## License
Jabbbar is licensed under the Do What The Fuck You Want license.
## Todo
- [ ] Create a Jabbar.rate_limit() method
- [ ] Create a Jabbar.remaining_requests() method
_Need a player account_ - [ ] Shots.upload - [ ] Shots.update - [ ] Shots.delete - [ ] Shot.create_attachement - [ ] Shot.delete_comment - [ ] Shot.create_comment - [ ] Shot.update_comment - [ ] Shot.delete_comment
## Build Status [![Build Status](https://travis-ci.org/Zabanaa/jabbbar.svg?branch=master)](https://travis-ci.org/Zabanaa/jabbbar)