dependencies = ['torch', 'torchvision'] import os import torch try: from mmcv.utils import Config, DictAction except: from mmengine import Config, DictAction from mono.model.monodepth_model import get_configured_monodepth_model metric3d_dir = os.path.dirname(__file__) MODEL_TYPE = { 'ConvNeXt-Tiny': { 'cfg_file': f'{metric3d_dir}/mono/configs/HourglassDecoder/', 'ckpt_file': '', }, 'ConvNeXt-Large': { 'cfg_file': f'{metric3d_dir}/mono/configs/HourglassDecoder/', 'ckpt_file': '', }, 'ViT-Small': { 'cfg_file': f'{metric3d_dir}/mono/configs/HourglassDecoder/', 'ckpt_file': '', }, 'ViT-Large': { 'cfg_file': f'{metric3d_dir}/mono/configs/HourglassDecoder/', 'ckpt_file': '', }, 'ViT-giant2': { 'cfg_file': f'{metric3d_dir}/mono/configs/HourglassDecoder/', 'ckpt_file': '', }, } def metric3d_convnext_tiny(pretrain=False, **kwargs): ''' Return a Metric3D model with ConvNeXt-Large backbone and Hourglass-Decoder head. For usage examples, refer to: Args: pretrain (bool): whether to load pretrained weights. Returns: model (nn.Module): a Metric3D model. ''' cfg_file = MODEL_TYPE['ConvNeXt-Tiny']['cfg_file'] ckpt_file = MODEL_TYPE['ConvNeXt-Tiny']['ckpt_file'] cfg = Config.fromfile(cfg_file) model = get_configured_monodepth_model(cfg) if pretrain: model.load_state_dict( torch.hub.load_state_dict_from_url(ckpt_file)['model_state_dict'], strict=False, ) return model def metric3d_convnext_large(pretrain=False, **kwargs): ''' Return a Metric3D model with ConvNeXt-Large backbone and Hourglass-Decoder head. For usage examples, refer to: Args: pretrain (bool): whether to load pretrained weights. Returns: model (nn.Module): a Metric3D model. ''' cfg_file = MODEL_TYPE['ConvNeXt-Large']['cfg_file'] ckpt_file = MODEL_TYPE['ConvNeXt-Large']['ckpt_file'] cfg = Config.fromfile(cfg_file) model = get_configured_monodepth_model(cfg) if pretrain: model.load_state_dict( torch.hub.load_state_dict_from_url(ckpt_file)['model_state_dict'], strict=False, ) return model def metric3d_vit_small(pretrain=False, **kwargs): ''' Return a Metric3D model with ViT-Small backbone and RAFT-4iter head. For usage examples, refer to: Args: pretrain (bool): whether to load pretrained weights. Returns: model (nn.Module): a Metric3D model. ''' cfg_file = MODEL_TYPE['ViT-Small']['cfg_file'] ckpt_file = MODEL_TYPE['ViT-Small']['ckpt_file'] cfg = Config.fromfile(cfg_file) model = get_configured_monodepth_model(cfg) if pretrain: model.load_state_dict( torch.hub.load_state_dict_from_url(ckpt_file)['model_state_dict'], strict=False, ) return model def metric3d_vit_large(pretrain=False, **kwargs): ''' Return a Metric3D model with ViT-Large backbone and RAFT-8iter head. For usage examples, refer to: Args: pretrain (bool): whether to load pretrained weights. Returns: model (nn.Module): a Metric3D model. ''' cfg_file = MODEL_TYPE['ViT-Large']['cfg_file'] ckpt_file = MODEL_TYPE['ViT-Large']['ckpt_file'] cfg = Config.fromfile(cfg_file) model = get_configured_monodepth_model(cfg) if pretrain: model.load_state_dict( torch.hub.load_state_dict_from_url(ckpt_file)['model_state_dict'], strict=False, ) return model def metric3d_vit_giant2(pretrain=False, **kwargs): ''' Return a Metric3D model with ViT-Giant2 backbone and RAFT-8iter head. For usage examples, refer to: Args: pretrain (bool): whether to load pretrained weights. Returns: model (nn.Module): a Metric3D model. ''' cfg_file = MODEL_TYPE['ViT-giant2']['cfg_file'] ckpt_file = MODEL_TYPE['ViT-giant2']['ckpt_file'] cfg = Config.fromfile(cfg_file) model = get_configured_monodepth_model(cfg) if pretrain: model.load_state_dict( torch.hub.load_state_dict_from_url(ckpt_file)['model_state_dict'], strict=False, ) return model if __name__ == '__main__': import cv2 import numpy as np #### prepare data rgb_file = 'data/kitti_demo/rgb/0000000050.png' depth_file = 'data/kitti_demo/depth/0000000050.png' intrinsic = [707.0493, 707.0493, 604.0814, 180.5066] gt_depth_scale = 256.0 rgb_origin = cv2.imread(rgb_file)[:, :, ::-1] #### ajust input size to fit pretrained model # keep ratio resize input_size = (616, 1064) # for vit model # input_size = (544, 1216) # for convnext model h, w = rgb_origin.shape[:2] scale = min(input_size[0] / h, input_size[1] / w) rgb = cv2.resize(rgb_origin, (int(w * scale), int(h * scale)), interpolation=cv2.INTER_LINEAR) # remember to scale intrinsic, hold depth intrinsic = [intrinsic[0] * scale, intrinsic[1] * scale, intrinsic[2] * scale, intrinsic[3] * scale] # padding to input_size padding = [123.675, 116.28, 103.53] h, w = rgb.shape[:2] pad_h = input_size[0] - h pad_w = input_size[1] - w pad_h_half = pad_h // 2 pad_w_half = pad_w // 2 rgb = cv2.copyMakeBorder(rgb, pad_h_half, pad_h - pad_h_half, pad_w_half, pad_w - pad_w_half, cv2.BORDER_CONSTANT, value=padding) pad_info = [pad_h_half, pad_h - pad_h_half, pad_w_half, pad_w - pad_w_half] #### normalize mean = torch.tensor([123.675, 116.28, 103.53]).float()[:, None, None] std = torch.tensor([58.395, 57.12, 57.375]).float()[:, None, None] rgb = torch.from_numpy(rgb.transpose((2, 0, 1))).float() rgb = torch.div((rgb - mean), std) rgb = rgb[None, :, :, :].cuda() ###################### canonical camera space ###################### # inference model = torch.hub.load('yvanyin/metric3d', 'metric3d_vit_small', pretrain=True) model.cuda().eval() with torch.no_grad(): pred_depth, confidence, output_dict = model.inference({'input': rgb}) # un pad pred_depth = pred_depth.squeeze() pred_depth = pred_depth[pad_info[0] : pred_depth.shape[0] - pad_info[1], pad_info[2] : pred_depth.shape[1] - pad_info[3]] # upsample to original size pred_depth = torch.nn.functional.interpolate(pred_depth[None, None, :, :], rgb_origin.shape[:2], mode='bilinear').squeeze() ###################### canonical camera space ###################### #### de-canonical transform canonical_to_real_scale = intrinsic[0] / 1000.0 # 1000.0 is the focal length of canonical camera pred_depth = pred_depth * canonical_to_real_scale # now the depth is metric pred_depth = torch.clamp(pred_depth, 0, 300) #### you can now do anything with the metric depth # such as evaluate predicted depth if depth_file is not None: gt_depth = cv2.imread(depth_file, -1) gt_depth = gt_depth / gt_depth_scale gt_depth = torch.from_numpy(gt_depth).float().cuda() assert gt_depth.shape == pred_depth.shape mask = (gt_depth > 1e-8) abs_rel_err = (torch.abs(pred_depth[mask] - gt_depth[mask]) / gt_depth[mask]).mean() print('abs_rel_err:', abs_rel_err.item()) #### normal are also available if 'prediction_normal' in output_dict: # only available for Metric3Dv2, i.e. vit model pred_normal = output_dict['prediction_normal'][:, :3, :, :] normal_confidence = output_dict['prediction_normal'][:, 3, :, :] # see for details # un pad and resize to some size if needed pred_normal = pred_normal.squeeze() pred_normal = pred_normal[:, pad_info[0] : pred_normal.shape[1] - pad_info[1], pad_info[2] : pred_normal.shape[2] - pad_info[3]] # you can now do anything with the normal # such as visualize pred_normal pred_normal_vis = pred_normal.cpu().numpy().transpose((1, 2, 0)) pred_normal_vis = (pred_normal_vis + 1) / 2 cv2.imwrite('normal_vis.png', (pred_normal_vis * 255).astype(np.uint8))