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Basic Processor

  • 12 bit instruction with distinct 4 operations(ADD, NEG, MOV, JZ).
  • 4 bit data bus.
  • 8 instruction program ROM. Blank diagram - Page 3 (3)

Advanced Processor Design

As a way of fixing the concerns of the basic processor design, we built an advanced processor with these specifications

  • The processor operates under 15-bit instructions and is capable of executing 16 different operations.
  • The registers can hold integers in the range of -16 to 15.
  • The program ROM can store up to 32 instructions.
  • The processor can represent boolean values.

Frame 1

The instruction decoder of the advanced processor Frame 2

OP codes for the advanced processor


There is a 4-bit opcode in this design. As a result, it can identify sixteen distinct kinds of instructions. The following opcodes are utilized in this design:.

Instruction Type OPCODE
0000 ADD
0001 SUB
0010 MUL
0011 NEG
0100 AND
0101 OR
0110 NOT
0111 CMP
1000 MOVI
1001 CP
1010 END
1011 NOP
1100 JMP
1101 JZR
1110 JZ
1111 JN

* Registers with the addresses indicated by register 1 and register 2 bits of the instruction, respectively, are indicated in the below table by “registers 1” and “register 2.”

Instruction Type Description
ADD Add the register 2 value to the register 1 value, and store the result in register 1. Indicates whether the result overflows by the O flag, zero by the Z flag, and negative by the N flag.
SUB Subtract the register 2 value from the register 1 value, and store the result in register 1. Indicates whether the result overflows by the O flag, zero by the Z flag, and negative by the N flag.
MUL Multiply the register 2 value by the register 1 value, and store the result in register 1. Indicates whether the result is overflowing by the O flag, zero by the Z flag, and negative by the flag.
NEG Negate the register 1 value and store the result in register 1. Indicates whether the result by O flag, zero by Z flag and negative by N flag.
AND Perform the bitwise AND operation between register 1 value and register 2 value and store the result in register 1. (Optionally, it does the logical AND operation and indicates the result using Z flag (0-True, 1-False.)
OR Perform the bitwise OR operation between register 1 value and register 2 value and store the result in register 1. (Optionally, it does the logical OR operation and indicates the result using Z flag (0-True, 1-False).
NOT Perform the bitwise NOT operation between register 1 value and register 2 value and store the result in register 1. (Optionally, it does the logical NOT operation and indicates the result using Z flag (0-True, 1-False).
CMP Compare the register 1 value with the register 2 value. If reg 1 value = reg 2 value, turn on the Z flag. If reg 1 value < reg 2 value, turn on the N flag. Otherwise, turn off both Z and N flags.
MOVI Move the immediate value to register 1.
CP Copy the value from register 2 into register 1. (This action can be used to prevent losing the prior value due to overwriting in ALU operations.)
END End the program. (Perform by disabling the program counter.)
NOP Waste a clock cycle without doing any operation.
JMP Jump to the memory address indicated by the jump address of the instruction.
JZR Jump to the memory address indicated by the jump address of the instruction if the value in register 1 is zero (00000).
JZ Jump to the memory address indicated by the jump address of the instruction if the Z flag is turned on.
JN Jump to the memory address indicated by the jump address of the instruction if the N flag is turned on.