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A fast, fun and stimulating object to object Mapper


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##Mapster - The Mapper of Your Domain

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Basic usage

var result = TypeAdapter.Adapt<NewType>(original);

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PM> Install-Package GeekMapper

###Mapster 2.0 Release! Mapster 2.0 is now become blistering fast! We upgraded the whole compilation unit while still maintain its functionalities. Here is benchmark.

Engine Structs Simple objects Parent-Child Parent-Children Complex objects Advance mapping
AutoMapper 11076 26121 21019 15841 18619 21987
ExpressMapper 758 1701 1208 1323 3296 5252
OoMapper - 1595 1182 1188 3221 -
ValueInjector 9071 21030 15698 12263 17334 31261
TinyMapper - 1238 - - - -
Mapster - 2382 1892 1626 4287 6756
Mapster 2.0 610 1323 874 787 2292 3654
Native 593 796 496 659 2287 4266

(NOTE: Benchmark runner is forked from ExpressMapper. Benchmark was run against largest set of data, times are in milliseconds, lower is better. Blank values mean library did not supported.)

###Examples ####Mapping to a new object Mapster makes the object and maps values to it.

var destObject = TypeAdapter.Adapt<TSource, TDestination>(sourceObject);

or just

var destObject = TypeAdapter.Adapt<TDestination>(sourceObject);

####Mapping to an existing object You make the object, Mapster maps to the object.

TDestination destObject = new TDestination();
destObject = TypeAdapter.Adapt(sourceObject, destObject);

####Customized Mapping When the default convention mappings aren't enough to do the job, you can specify complex source mappings.

TypeAdapterConfig<TSource, TDestination>()
    .Ignore(dest => dest.Property)
    .Map(dest => dest.FullName, 
         src => string.Format("{0} {1}", src.FirstName, src.LastName));

#####Ignore Members & Attributes By default, Mapster will automatically map properties with the same names. You can ignore members by using Ignore method.

TypeAdapterConfig<TSource, TDestination>()
    .Ignore(dest => dest.Id);

Or you can ignore globally by using global setting.


You can ignore members annotated with specific attribute by using IgnoreAttribute method.

TypeAdapterConfig<TSource, TDestination>()



#####Property mapping By default, Mapster map property by name, but you can customize property mapping.

TypeAdapterConfig<TSource, TDestination>()
    .Map(dest => dest.FullName, 
         src => string.Format("{0} {1}", src.FirstName, src.LastName));

The Map configuration can accept a third parameter that provides a condition based on the source. If the condition is not met, the mapping is skipped altogether.

TypeAdapterConfig<TSource, TDestination>()
    .Map(dest => dest.FullName, src => src.FullName, srcCond => srcCond.City == "Victoria");

You can also map even type of source and destination properties are different.

TypeAdapterConfig<TSource, TDestination>()
    .Map(dest => dest.Gender,      //Genders.Male or Genders.Female
         src => src.GenderString); //"Male" or "Female"

#####Merge object By default, Mapster will copy null values to destination properties (or convert destination properties to default values). You can merge objects by ignore null values in source properties by using IgnoreNullValues method. When you use this setting, null value will not copy to destination property.

TypeAdapterConfig<TSource, TDestination>()

Or you can ignore null values globally by using global setting.

TypeAdapterConfig.GlobalSettings.IgnoreNullValues = true;

NOTE: after you set IgnoreNullValues in global settings to true, you can opt-out by setting IgnoreNullValues in TypeAdapterConfig<TSource, TDestination> to false.

#####Shallow copy By default, Mapster will recursively copy nested objects. You can do shallow copying by setting ShallowCopyForSameType to true. When you use this setting, when types of source properties and destination properties are the same, it will not create new objects, but it just copy reference from source properties to destination properties.

TypeAdapterConfig<TSource, TDestination>()

Or you can set globally by using global setting.

TypeAdapterConfig.GlobalSettings.ShallowCopyForSameType = true;

NOTE: after you set ShallowCopyForSameType in global settings to true, you can opt-out by setting ShallowCopyForSameType in TypeAdapterConfig<TSource, TDestination> to false.

#####Preserve reference (preventing circular reference stackoverflow) By default, Mapster will not track reference (for performance reason). Therefore, when you copying circular reference objects, there will be stackoverflow exception. If you would like to copy circular reference objects, or you would like to preserve references (such as 2 properties point to the same object), you can preserve reference by setting PreserveReference to true

TypeAdapterConfig<TSource, TDestination>()

Or you can set globally by using global setting.

TypeAdapterConfig.GlobalSettings.PreserveReference = true;

NOTE: after you set PreserveReference in global settings to true, you can opt-out by setting PreserveReference in TypeAdapterConfig<TSource, TDestination> to false.

####Mapping Lists Included This includes lists, arrays, collections, enumerables etc...

var destObjectList = TypeAdapter.Adapt<List<TSource>, List<TDestination>>(sourceList);

####Mapping Enums Included Mapster maps enums to numerics automatically, but it also maps strings to and from enums automatically in a fast manner.
The default Enum.ToString() in .Net is quite slow. The implementation in Mapster is double the speed.
Likewise, a fast conversion from strings to enums is also included. If the string is null or empty, the enum will initialize to the first enum value.

In addition, fast Enum mapper extension methods are included for convenience.

//Convert enum to string
var myEnum = new SomeEnum.FirstValue;

//Convert string to enum
var myEnumString = "FirstValue";

####Implicit TSource Mapping Inheritance If a mapping configuration doesn't exist for a source ==> destination type, but a mapper does exist for a base source type to the destination, that mapping will be used. This allows mappings for less derived source types to be used to satisfy multiple derived mappings. FPR will search downward the source class hierarchy until it finds a matching configuration.
If no match exists, it will create a default configuration (the same behavior if no mapping was present). It doesn't combine derived configs, it will stop at the first match.
For example, if you have:

public class SimplePoco
    public Guid Id { get; set; }
    public string Name { get; set; }

public class DerivedPoco : SimplePoco

public class DerivedPoco2 : SimplePoco

public class SimpleDto
    public Guid Id { get; set; }
    public string Name { get; set; }

The following mapping will be used when mapping the SimplePoco or either of the derived POCOs to the Simple DTO.

TypeAdapterConfig<SimplePoco, SimpleDto>.NewConfig()
    .Map(dest => dest.Name, src => src.Name + "_Suffix");

If you don't wish a derived type to use the base mapping, just define a new configuration for that type.

TypeAdapterConfig<DerivedPoco2, SimpleDto>.NewConfig();

####Implicit TSource and TDestination Mapping Inheritance In some cases you may wish to derive a mapping based on both the source and destination types. In such a case, setting the global configuration AllowImplicitDestinationInheritance setting to true will allow inheritance of a mapping based on both the source and destination types. The source class hierarchy is traversed in an inside loop and the destination class hierarchy is traversed in an outside loop until a match is found.

public class SimplePoco
    public Guid Id { get; set; }
    public string Name { get; set; }

public class DerivedPoco : SimplePoco

public class SimpleDto
    public Guid Id { get; set; }
    public string Name { get; set; }

public class DerivedDto : DerivedDto

The following mapping will be used for any permutation of Simple/Derived Poco to Simple/Derived Dto unless overridden by a specific configuration.

TypeAdapterConfig.GlobalSettings.AllowImplicitDestinationInheritance = true;
TypeAdapterConfig<SimplePoco, SimpleDto>.NewConfig()
    .Map(dest => dest.Name, src => src.Name + "_Suffix");

If you don't wish a specific permutation to use the base mapping, just define a new configuration for that permutation.

TypeAdapterConfig<DerivedPoco, SimpleDto>.NewConfig();

Explicit Mapping Inheritance

In some cases, you may wish to have one mapping inherit from another mapping. In this case, anything set on the derived mapping will override settings on the base mapping. So unlike implicit mapping inheritance, where the goal is to find an applicable mapping configuration and configurations are not combined, with Explicit Inheritance, each derived mapping overrides the settings of the inherited mapping. Use the Inherits<TBaseSource, TBaseDestination> configuration method to accomplish this where TBaseSource and TBaseDestination must be assignable from the derived configuration's TSource and TDestination respectively. For example, if you have:

public class SimplePoco
    public Guid Id { get; set; }
    public string Name { get; set; }

public class DerivedPoco : SimplePoco

public class SimpleDto
    public Guid Id { get; set; }
    public string Name { get; set; }

public class DerivedDto : SimpleDto

And you have the following base mapping:

TypeAdapterConfig<SimplePoco, SimpleDto>.NewConfig()
    .Map(dest => dest.Name, src => src.Name + "_Suffix");

You can base the mapping of the derived classes on this base mapping:

TypeAdapterConfig<DerivedPoco, DerivedDto>.NewConfig()
    .Inherits<SimplePoco, SimpleDto>();

####Custom Destination Object Creation You can provide a function call to create your destination objects instead of using the default object creation (which expects an empty constructor). To do so, use the "ConstructUsing()" method when configuring. This method expects a function that will provide the destination instance. You can call your own constructor, a factory method, or anything else that provides an object of the expected type.

//Example using a non-default constructor
TypeAdapterConfig<TSource, TDestination>.NewConfig()
            .ConstructUsing(src => new TDestination("constructorValue"));

//Example using an object initializer
TypeAdapterConfig<TSource, TDestination>.NewConfig()
            .ConstructUsing(src => new TDestination{Unmapped = "unmapped"});

####Custom Type Resolvers In some cases, you may want to have complete control over how an object is mapped. In this case, you can register a custom type resolver. It's important to note that when using a custom type resolver, that all other mapping associated with the type is ignored. So all mapping must take place within the resolver. The custom type resolver must implement the ITypeResolver interface and register it using MapWith().

//Example using MapWith resolver generic call.
TypeAdapterConfig<TSource, TDestination>.NewConfig()

//Example using MapWith resolver factory function
TypeAdapterConfig<TSource, TDestination>.NewConfig()
            .MapWith(() => new TCustomTypeResolver());

//Example using MapWith resolver instance
TypeAdapterConfig<TSource, TDestination>.NewConfig()

####Custom Value Resolvers In some cases, you may want to encapsulate a value conversion into a separate class. In this case, you can use a custom value resolver by registering it using Resolve(). The value resolver must implement the IValueResolver interface.

//Example using MapWith resolver generic call.
TypeAdapterConfig<TSource, TDestination>.NewConfig()
            .Resolve<TCustomValueResolver, string>(dest => dest.Name);

//Example using value resolver factory function
TypeAdapterConfig<TSource, TDestination>.NewConfig()
            .Resolve(dest => dest.Name, () => new TCustomValueResolver());

//Example using value resolver instance
TypeAdapterConfig<TSource, TDestination>.NewConfig()
            .Resolve(dest => dest.Name, customValueResolver);

####Type-Specific Destination Transforms This allows transforms for all items of a type, such as trimming all strings. But really any operation can be performed on the destination value before assignment. This can be set up at either a global or a mapping level.

TypeAdapterConfig.GlobalSettings.DestinationTransforms.Upsert<string>(x => x.Trim());

//Per mapping configuration
TypeAdapterConfig<TSource, TDestination>.NewConfig()
    .DestinationTransforms.Upsert<string>(x => x.Trim());

####Conditional Mapping The Map configuration can accept a third parameter that provides a condition based on the source. If the condition is not met, the mapping is skipped altogether.

TypeAdapterConfig<TSource, TDestination>()
    .IgnoreMember(dest => dest.Property)
    .Map(dest => dest.FullName, src => src.FullName, srcCond => srcCond.City == "Victoria");

####Max Depth When mapping nested or tree-type structures, it's often necessary to specify a max nesting depth to prevent overflows.

TypeAdapterConfig<TSource, TDestination>

####Queryable Extensions

using(MyDbContext context = new MyDbContext())
    // Build a Select Expression from DTO
    var destinations = context.Sources.Project().To<Destination>().ToList();

    // Versus creating by hand:
    var destinations = context.Sources.Select(c => new Destination(){
        Id = p.Id,
        Name = p.Name,
        Surname = p.Surname,

####Forcing Explicit Mapping In order to help with "Fail Fast" situations, the following strict mapping modes have been added. An ArgumentOutOfRange exception will currently be thrown in the situations below if an appropriate mapping and/or source cannot be located.

Forcing all destination properties to have a corresponding source member or explicit mapping/ignore:

//Default is "false"
TypeAdapterConfig.GlobalSettings.RequireDestinationMemberSource = true;

Forcing all classes to be explicitly mapped:

//Default is "false"
TypeAdapterConfig.GlobalSettings.RequireExplicitMapping = true;
//This means you have to have an explicit configuration for each class, even if it's just:
TypeAdapterConfig<Source, Destination>.NewConfig();

####Validating Mappings Both a specific TypeAdapterConfig<Source, Destination> or all current configurations can be validated. This will throw and ArgumentOutOfRangeException that contains all of the existing missing destination mappings. In addition, if Explicit Mappings (above) are enabled, it will also include errors for classes that are not registered at all with the mapper.

//Validate a specific config
var config = TypeAdapterConfig<Source, Destination>.NewConfig();

//Validate globally
TypeAdapterConfig<Source, Destination>.NewConfig();
TypeAdapterConfig<Source2, Destination2>.NewConfig();

####Mapper Instance Creation In some cases, you need an instance of a mapper (or a factory function) to pass into a DI container. Mapster has the IAdapter and Adapter to fill this need:

IAdapter instance = TypeAdapter.GetInstance();

###Assembly Scanning for Custom Mappings To make it easier to register custom mappings, we've implemented an assembly scanning approach. To allow this, either inherit from IRegistry or Registry in the Mapster.Registration namespace.

Override the Apply() method and perform your registrations there. When your app starts up, use the Registrar class to perform registration.

//Implement a registry class
public class MyRegistry : Registry
    public override void Apply()
        TypeAdapterConfig<TSource, TDestination>.NewConfig()
            .IgnoreMember(dest => dest.CurrencyCode)
            .IgnoreMember(dest => dest.ExtraElements);

//In my boostrap/startup code, call the registry
//Method 1: Call registry directly with extension method
new MyRegistry().Register();

//Method 2: Scan the assembly (by assembly or class type)

###Performance Comparisons When aggregating times across complex and simple objects, we're seeing a ~30x speed improvement in comparison to AutoMapper, but it's obviously very dependent upon your situation.

####Benchmark "Complex" Object

The following test converts a Customer object with 2 nested address collections and two nested address sub-objects to a DTO.

Customer c = new Customer()
    Address = new Address() { City = "istanbul", Country = "turkey", Id = 1, Street = "istiklal cad." },
    HomeAddress = new Address() { City = "istanbul", Country = "turkey", Id = 2, Street = "istiklal cad." },
    Id = 1,
    Name = "Eduardo Najera",
    Credit = 234.7m,
    WorkAddresses = new List<Address>() { 
        new Address() { City = "istanbul", Country = "turkey", Id = 5, Street = "istiklal cad." },
        new Address() { City = "izmir", Country = "turkey", Id = 6, Street = "konak" }
    Addresses = new List<Address>() { 
        new Address() { City = "istanbul", Country = "turkey", Id = 3, Street = "istiklal cad." },
        new Address() { City = "izmir", Country = "turkey", Id = 4, Street = "konak" }

Competitors : Handwriting Mapper, Mapster, FastMapper, AutoMapper

Iterations : 100
Handwritten Mapper:     1
Mapster:                0
AutoMapper:             10

Iterations : 10000
Handwritten Mapper:     4
Mapster:                17
AutoMapper:             507

Iterations : 100000
Handwritten Mapper:     29
Mapster:                177
AutoMapper:             5058


A fast, fun and stimulating object to object Mapper







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