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Re-assign Leadership

This is one of the cases where this repo begs to differ from traditional Kafka setups. In Kubernetes the restart of a pod, and subsequent start on a different node, should be a non-event.

”when a broker is stopped and restarted, it does not resume leadership of any partitions automatically”

-- Neha Narkhede, Gwen Shapira, and Todd Palino. ”Kafka: The Definitive Guide”

Create the preferred-replica-election-job.yml resource, after deleting any previous one.

Change a Partition's Replicas

”From time to time, it may be necessary to change the replica assignments for a partition. Some examples of when this might be needed are:

  • If a topic’s partitions are not balanced across the cluster, causing uneven load on brokers
  • If a broker is taken offline and the partition is under-replicated
  • If a new broker is added and needs to receive a share of the cluster load”

-- Neha Narkhede, Gwen Shapira, and Todd Palino. ”Kafka: The Definitive Guide”

Use the reassign-paritions-job.yml, after editing TOPICS and BROKERS.

Increase a topic's replication factor

See #140

Use the replication-factor-increase-job.yml, after editing TOPICS and BROKERS.

The affected topics may end up without a preferred replica. See above to fix that, or to affect only your selected topics use Kafka Manager's topic screen, Generate Partition Assignments followed by Reassign Partitions.