const fetch = require( "node-fetch" ); module.exports = function( grunt ) { /** * Helper function to update the content of the file. * * @param {string} file Target file. * @param {RegExp} pattern Pattern to search for. * @param {string} version Version to insert. * * @returns {void} */ function setVersion( file, pattern, version ) { const contents = file ).replace( pattern, version, ); grunt.file.write( file, contents ); } /** * Reads the current Gutenberg version from the file. * * @param {string} file Target file. * @param {RegExp} pattern Pattern to search for. * @param {int} index Index to return. * * @returns {string} The version from the file. */ function getVersion( file, pattern, index ) { return pattern.exec( file ) )[ index ]; } grunt.registerTask( "sync-gutenberg-version", "Makes sure the Gutenberg-supported version is set to the latest release.", async function() { const done = this.async(); const targetFile = "admin/class-gutenberg-compatibility.php"; const gruntFlags = grunt.option.flags(); const noGitPush = gruntFlags.indexOf( "--no-git-push" ) !== -1; const gutenbergInfo = await fetch( "" ); const gutenbergInfoJSON = await gutenbergInfo.json(); const currentVersion = getVersion( targetFile, /(\s?)(const CURRENT_RELEASE = ')(\d+(\.\d+){0,3})(';\n)/, 3 ); // Only change the file if the version does not match. if ( currentVersion !== gutenbergInfoJSON.version ) { setVersion( targetFile, /(\s?)(const CURRENT_RELEASE = ')(\d+(\.\d+){0,3})(';\n)/, "$1$2" + gutenbergInfoJSON.version + "$5" ); setVersion( targetFile, /(\s?)(const MINIMUM_SUPPORTED = ')(\d+(\.\d+){0,3})(';\n)/, "$1$2" + gutenbergInfoJSON.version + "$5" ); // Add the file to commit the version bump. grunt.config( "gitadd.gutenbergFiles", { files: { src: [ targetFile ] } } ); "gitadd:gutenbergFiles" ); // Commit the version bump. grunt.config( "gitcommit.gutenbergFiles", { options: { message: "Bump Gutenberg supported version." }, files: { src: [ targetFile ] }, } ); "gitcommit:gutenbergFiles" ); // Push the commit to the branch. if ( ! noGitPush ) { grunt.verbose.writeln( "push changes to github" ); grunt.config( "gitpush.gutenbergVersion.options", { remote: "origin", upstream: true, branch: } ); "gitpush:gutenbergVersion" ); } } return done(); }, ); };