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Scripts for parsing and manipulating VCF files


Parse VCF files

Most of my scripts use a processed .vcf format that I call .geno. This looks something like this:

#CHOM      POS      ind1      ind2      ind3
scaffold1  1        A/A       A/G       G|A
scaffold1  1        N/N       T/T       T|C

Missing data is denoted as N, and phased and unphased genotypes are shown conventionally with | and /.

NOTE if you want to use parallel processing,

The script will convert vcf to this format. It has various options for filtering based on read depth, genotype quality or any other flag in the FORMAT column of the vcf.

The script (note the 's' on the end) extends the usage of by using tabix. This allows multi-threaded processing, and processing and merging of multiple VCFs.

Example commands:

Base script (single threaded, and therefore slow)

python -i input.vcf.gz --skipIndels --minQual 30 --gtf flag=DP min=5 | bgzip > output.geno.gz

Wrapper script (multi threaded, and therefore faster) This script can also process multiple VCFs at once and merge them. WARNING: this script will automatically skip duplicated positions in any VCF.

python -i input1.vcf.gz -i input2.vcf.gz \
--skipIndels --minQual 30 --gtf flag=DP min=5 max=100 --threads 10 |
bgzip > output.geno.gz


  • You can filter on any flag associated with the genotype, such as read depth (DP) and genotype likelihood (PL). Check the FORMAT column of your vcf file to see which flags are present. To add a genotype filter, add the argument --gtf followed by the flag title, minimum and/or maximum value, as in the example above.

  • By default the script outputs the genotype for each sample at each site. You can also output a different field, such as DP, as long as it is present in the FORMAT column of the vcf. e.g. --field DP

  • minQual refers to the QUAL column in the vcf, and not individual genotype qualities, for which you should use the --gtf argument.

  • For parallel processing using tabix, the wrapper uses the contig lengths provided in the header of the VCF file. If you prefer to skip these, or if there is no header, you can provide a fasta index file using the --fai option.

Transfer VCF to a new coordinate system

The script takes as input VCF and agp file and outputs a VCF with chromosome names and positions transferred to the new coordinate system.

Example command:


python -v input.vcf.gz -a transfers.agp | bgzip > output.vcf.gz


  • You will need to have tabix installed and the input file must be indexed. You can do that with the command tabix -p vcf input.vcf.gz

  • You can specify to only output one or a few chromosomes listed in the transfers file with the --chroms option.

  • If you don't have an agp. An alternative is to provide a text transfers file (-t option) with the columns: 1: New chromosome name 2: Start position on new chromosome 3: Snd position on new chromosome 4: Chromosome name in input file 5: Start position in input file 6: End position in input file 7: Strand of new chromosome relative to input file (+/-)