假定有一个进程A,其工作流程如图1所示。如果系统中进程只有三种状态(就绪、运行、阻塞),并且进程被调度程序选中后就可以投入运行,且时间片为 200 ms,请顺序列出该进程从开始到结束所经历的状态转换过程,并说明原因。
dateFormat SSS
axisFormat %L ms
就绪: milestone, 000, 0
运行: 000, 200
就绪: milestone, 200, 0
运行: 200, 250
阻塞(盘I/O请求): crit, milestone, 250, 0
就绪: milestone, 250, 0
运行: 250, 300
阻塞(带I/O请求): crit, milestone, 300, 0
就绪: milestone, 300, 0
运行: 300, 480
阻塞(打印请求): crit, milestone, 480, 0
就绪: milestone, 480, 0
运行: 480, 630
- 就绪:创建进程后即就绪。
- 就绪→运行:等到 CPU 空闲时开始计算。
- 运行→就绪→运行:达到时间片 200 ms 时被剥夺。之后 CPU 空闲时继续计算。
- 运行→阻塞→就绪:第一段(200 ms + 50 ms)计算结束,发起“盘I/O请求”,阻塞。请求完成后就绪。
- 就绪→运行:CPU 空闲时开始第二段计算(50 ms)。
- 运行→阻塞→就绪:未用完时间片第二段就计算结束,发起“带I/O请求”,阻塞。请求完成后就绪。
- 就绪→运行:CPU 空闲时开始第三段计算(180 ms)。
- 运行→阻塞→就绪:未用完时间片第三段就计算结束,发起“打印请求”,阻塞。请求完成后就绪。
- 就绪→运行:CPU 空闲时开始第四段计算(150 ms)。
- 运行→(结束):未用完时间片第四段就计算结束,结束进程。
$x \in (0,3)$ 顺序:
$x,3,5,6,9$ 。时间:
$\frac15 \qty(5\times x + 4\times 3 + 3\times 5 + 2\times6 + 1\times 9) = 9.6 + x$ 。 -
$x \in [3,5)$ 顺序:
$3,x,5,6,9$ 。时间:
$\frac15 \qty(5\times 3 + 4\times x + 3\times 5 + 2\times6 + 1\times 9) = 10.2 + 0.8x$ 。 -
$x \in [5,6)$ 顺序:
$3,5,x,6,9$ 。时间:
$\frac15 \qty(5\times 3 + 4\times 5 + 3\times x + 2\times6 + 1\times 9) = 11.2 + 0.6x$ 。 -
$x \in [6,9)$ 顺序:
$3,5,6,x,9$ 。时间:
$\frac15 \qty(5\times 3 + 4\times 5 + 3\times 6 + 2\times x + 1\times 9) = 12.4 + 0.4x$ 。 -
$x \in [9,+\infty)$ 顺序:
$3,5,6,9,x$ 。时间:
$\frac15 \qty(5\times 3 + 4\times 5 + 3\times 6 + 2\times 9 + 1\times x) = 14.2 + 0.2x$ 。
进程 区间时间 优先级 P1 10 3 P2 1 1 P3 2 3 P4 1 4 P5 5 2 假设在0时刻进程以P1、P2、P3、P4、P5的顺序到达。
dateFormat SSS
axisFormat %L ms
P1: 000, 010
P2: 010, 011
P3: 011, 013
P4: 013, 014
P5: 014, 019
进程 | 区间时间 | 等待时间 | 周转时间 |
P1 | 10 | 0 | 10 |
P2 | 1 | 10 | 11 |
P3 | 2 | 11 | 13 |
P4 | 1 | 13 | 14 |
P5 | 5 | 14 | 19 |
平均等待时间:9.6 ms。
dateFormat SSS
axisFormat %L ms
P2: 000, 001
P4: 001, 002
P3: 002, 004
P5: 004, 009
P1: 009, 019
进程 | 区间时间 | 等待时间 | 周转时间 |
P1 | 10 | 9 | 19 |
P2 | 1 | 0 | 1 |
P3 | 2 | 2 | 4 |
P4 | 1 | 1 | 2 |
P5 | 5 | 4 | 9 |
平均等待时间:3.2 ms。
dateFormat SSS
axisFormat %L ms
P2: 000, 001
P5: 001, 006
P1: 006, 016
P3: 016, 018
P4: 018, 019
进程 | 区间时间 | 优先级 | 等待时间 | 周转时间 |
P1 | 10 | 3 | 6 | 16 |
P2 | 1 | 1 | 0 | 1 |
P3 | 2 | 3 | 16 | 18 |
P4 | 1 | 4 | 18 | 19 |
P5 | 5 | 2 | 1 | 6 |
平均等待时间:8.2 ms。
dateFormat SSS
axisFormat %L ms
section P1
P1: 000, 001
P1: 005, 006
P1: 008, 009
P1: 010, 011
P1: 012, 013
P1: 014, 015
P1: 015, 016
P1: 016, 017
P1: 017, 018
P1: 018, 019
完成: milestone, 019, 0
section P2
P2: 001, 002
完成: milestone, 002, 0
section P3
P3: 002, 003
P3: 006, 007
完成: milestone, 007, 0
section P4
P4: 003, 004
完成: milestone, 004, 0
section P5
P5: 004, 005
P5: 007, 008
P5: 009, 010
P5: 011, 012
P5: 013, 014
完成: milestone, 014, 0
进程 | 区间时间 | 等待时间 | 周转时间 |
P1 | 10 | 9 | 19 |
P2 | 1 | 1 | 2 |
P3 | 2 | 5 | 7 |
P4 | 1 | 3 | 4 |
P5 | 5 | 9 | 14 |
平均等待时间:5.4 ms。
SJF 的平均等待时间最小。
dateFormat SSS
axisFormat %L ms
section 时间片2队
运行: 000, 002
中断: crit, milestone, after 运行
section 时间片7队
运行: 002, 009
中断: crit, milestone, after 运行
section 时间片12队
运行: 009, 021
中断: crit, milestone, after 运行
section 时间片17队
运行: 021, 038
中断: crit, milestone, after 运行
section 时间片22队
运行: 038, 040
中断 4 次。
priority = nice * cpuTime / (waitTime + cpuTime)
- 开始时
waitTime = 0
,priority =nice
,保持静态优先数。 - 若一直等待,
越来越大,priority 越来越小,并且可以任意接近零,从而小于任何nice
动态调整 priority,避免了饥饿。
另法:priority =
nice + 5 * cpuTime - 3 * waitTime
(2) Provide two programming examples in which multithreading does not provide better performance than a single-threaded solution.
Printing a file with many pages.
The printer can only print one page simultaneously. It always prints the pages one by one, no matter how many threads you use. Note that multithreading involves context switching but the single-threaded solution doesn’t. So the latter wins.
A shell program.
It monitors its own working space such as opening files.
(3) Under what circumstances does a multithreaded solution using multiple kernel threads provide better performance than a single-threaded solution on a single-processor system?
Tasks that might fail frequently.
When a kernel thread fails, another thread can be switched into. (Single-threaded solutions will get stuck.)
Tasks using independent resources.
For instance, a web browser. A multithreaded browser can download media/scripts/… and render the page at the same time, while a single-threaded browser has to wait the web request before rendering.
(4) Can a multithreaded solution using multiple user-level threads achieve better performance on a multiprocessor system than on a single-processor system? Explain.
Multiple user-level threads maps to the same process in kernel mode, running on a single CPU. Therefore user-level multithreaded solutions spend more time switching context without benefiting from parallelism.
However, multiple user-level threads on a multiprocessor system is better if you compare it to multiple processes on a single-processor system.
(5) Consider a multicore system and a multithreaded program written using the many-to-many threading model. Let the number of user-level threads in the program be greater than the number of processing cores in the system. Discuss the performance implications of the following scenarios.
The number of kernel threads allocated to the program is less than the number of processing cores.
Some cores are idle. The system is not fully utilized.
The number of kernel threads allocated to the program is equal to the number of processing cores.
If all of the threads are running, then all cores are utilized simultaneously. Even so, threads can block from time to time. Therefore this situation does not fully utilized either, although it is better then the above.
The number of kernel threads allocated to the program is greater than the number of processing cores but less than the number of user-level threads.
When a thread blocks, another thread swaps in, thereby increasing the utilization of the multiprocessor system.