# rosbot_ekf The default package for the new ROSbot firmware. ## Installation First, you need to install robot localization pkg to use the `rosbot_ekf` package: ``` $ sudo apt-get install ros-kinetic-robot-localization ``` After that, clone the `rosbot_ekf` repo to your `ros_ws/src` directory and compile with `catkin_make`. ## Using `rosbot_ekf` package To start the rosserial communication and EKF run: ```bash $ roslaunch rosbot_ekf all.launch ``` For PRO version add parameter: ```bash $ roslaunch rosbot_ekf all.launch rosbot_pro:=true ``` You can also include this launch in your custom launch files using: ```xml ``` For PRO version it will look like that: ```xml ``` ## Authors * **Adam Krawczyk** - *Initial work* - [adamkrawczyk](https://github.com/adamkrawczyk) * **Szymon Szantula** - [byq77](https://github.com/byq77) ## License This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the [LICENSE.md](LICENSE.md) file for details