{"payload":{"feedbackUrl":"https://github.com/orgs/community/discussions/53140","repo":{"id":134841020,"defaultBranch":"master","name":"apollo","ownerLogin":"XpAPsEcT","currentUserCanPush":false,"isFork":true,"isEmpty":false,"createdAt":"2018-05-25T10:22:55.000Z","ownerAvatar":"https://avatars.githubusercontent.com/u/32979377?v=4","public":true,"private":false,"isOrgOwned":false},"refInfo":{"name":"","listCacheKey":"v0:1614386313.079602","currentOid":""},"activityList":{"items":[{"before":"e99ba9b46c45cac7d58b00573e2b194a5640c6fa","after":"bc55ba65451ab5aabf8a050a0c0e4287b84954f2","ref":"refs/heads/master","pushedAt":"2023-11-09T13:03:46.000Z","pushType":"push","commitsCount":1122,"pusher":{"login":"XpAPsEcT","name":"uuu","path":"/XpAPsEcT","primaryAvatarUrl":"https://avatars.githubusercontent.com/u/32979377?s=80&v=4"},"commit":{"message":"feat: Add apollo audit log common solution backend (#4985)\n\n* 7.3\r\n\r\n* plc success except jpa part\r\n\r\n* successfully run by EntityScan annotation(not a good way)\r\n\r\n* successfully run by add packages to bean registrar\r\n\r\n* 'app create' audit log and query poc success\r\n\r\n* App create/update/delete poc success.\r\n\r\n* add License\r\n\r\n* add License\r\n\r\n* try to pass tests\r\n\r\n* try to pass tests\r\n\r\n* fix ${revision} to ${project.version}\r\n\r\n* add no-op implement and no-op autoconfiguration.\r\nadd ApolloAuditLogApi for manually logging needs.\r\nadd ApolloAuditLogDataInfluenceTableId (maybe multi-primary-key in the future).\r\nadd ApolloAuditController by @Bean registered\r\n\r\n* rebase and add license\r\n\r\n* add audit controller\r\n\r\n* - change controller\r\n- add @DomainEvents to BaseEntity.java\r\n- change the way that data influences append\r\n- add annotations and codes to make app audited\r\n- change some classes' name\r\n- make api to query and record api\r\n- add event and listener to catch data influences\r\n\r\n* - make ApolloAuditHttpInterceptor uses Api while not tracer\r\n- try to reduce the affection of audit module on other modules\r\n\r\n* - retry workflows\r\n\r\n* - change for code review\r\n\r\n* - basically finish front-end part.\r\n\r\n* - fix for hound\r\n\r\n* - update\r\n\r\n* - update\r\n\r\n* - add ApolloAuditLogApiNoOpImpl.class to @ContextConfiguration at AppServiceTest.class\r\n\r\n* - add license and fix for hound\r\n\r\n* - fix front-end bug\r\n- add index for 2 new table\r\n\r\n* - fix front-end bug\r\n\r\n* - remove query for auditing AppNamespace\r\n\r\n* fix for changed requested\r\n\r\n* - change: always record if the method have no annotation\r\n- fix: little few bugs\r\n\r\n* - add test cover manually add dataInfluence when delete app\r\n- delete filter which is no longer needed\r\n\r\n* - try to write part of tests in impl\r\n- add Exception\r\n\r\n* - finish ApolloAuditLogApiJpaImplTest\r\n- add license\r\n\r\n* - finish most part of context's unit-tests\r\n\r\n* - finish some unit-tests\r\n\r\n* - fix database design bug\r\n\r\n- remove exception which would cause unexpected transaction-rollback\r\n\r\n* - add prompt sheet for disabling audit log feature\r\n\r\n- add API for get isEnabled of audit log feature\r\n\r\n- fix sql problem and add it to delta\r\n\r\n- remove 2 classes\r\n\r\n* - fix test bugs\r\n\r\n* - change the way of getting op-type for data influences\r\n\r\n* - enhance front-end design\r\n\r\n* - enhance front-end design\r\n\r\n* - add AuditLog Search dropdown\r\n\r\n* - add any-match data influences for batch-delete operation auditing\r\n\r\n* - fix bugs\r\n\r\n* - fix front-end bugs\r\n- add javadoc\r\n- Update ApolloAuditController to return ApolloAuditProperties directly\r\n\r\n* - fix test failure\r\n\r\n* - fix test failure\r\n\r\n* - update javadoc\r\n- add README.md\r\n\r\n* - update README\r\n\r\n* - update README","shortMessageHtmlLink":"feat: Add apollo audit log common solution backend (apolloconfig#4985)"}}],"hasNextPage":false,"hasPreviousPage":false,"activityType":"all","actor":null,"timePeriod":"all","sort":"DESC","perPage":30,"cursor":"djE6ks8AAAADq0uycQA","startCursor":null,"endCursor":null}},"title":"Activity ยท XpAPsEcT/apollo"}