# RANSAC-Flow Pytorch implementation of paper "RANSAC-Flow: generic two-stage image alignment" (ECCV 2020) [[PDF]](https://arxiv.org/abs/2004.01526) [[Project page]](http://imagine.enpc.fr/~shenx/RANSAC-Flow/) [[Demo]](http://imagine.enpc.fr/~shenx/RANSAC-Flow/img/demo_ransac_flow.mp4) [[Youtube demo]](https://youtu.be/ltZpqRtuA6A)


If our project is helpful for your research, please consider citing : ``` @inproceedings{shen2020ransac, title={RANSAC-Flow: generic two-stage image alignment}, author={Shen, Xi and Darmon, Fran{\c{c}}ois and Efros, Alexei A and Aubry, Mathieu}, booktitle={16th European Conference on Computer Vision} year={2020} } ``` Since some functions have different behaviors in different Pytorch version, we recommand to install **EXACT** version indicated in the [Dependencies](https://github.com/XiSHEN0220/RANSAC-Flow#21-dependencies) if you want to reproduce our results in the paper. For more details, please refer to [this issue](https://github.com/XiSHEN0220/RANSAC-Flow/issues/2). ## Table of Content * [1. Visual Results](#1-visual-results) * [2. Installation](#2-installation) * [3. Quick Start](#3-quick-start) * [Notebook of demo](https://github.com/XiSHEN0220/RANSAC-Flow/blob/master/quick_start/demo.ipynb) * [4. Train](#4-train) * [Notebook to generate training pairs](https://github.com/XiSHEN0220/RANSAC-Flow/blob/master/train/generate_coarse_aligned_pair.ipynb) * [5. Evaluation](#5-evaluation) * [6. Acknowledgement](#6-acknowledgement) * [7. Changelog](#7-changelog) ## 1. Visual Results ### 1.1. Aligning Artworks (More results can be found in our [project page](http://imagine.enpc.fr/~shenx/RANSAC-Flow/))

Input Our Fine Alignment
Animation Avg Animation Avg
gif gif gif gif
gif gif gif gif

### 1.2. 3D recontruction (More results can be found in our [project page](http://imagine.enpc.fr/~shenx/RANSAC-Flow/))

Source Target 3D Reconstruction
gif gif gif

### 1.3. Texture transfer

Source Target Texture Transfer
gif gif gif

**Other results (such as: aligning duplicated artworks, optical flow, localization etc.) can be seen in [our paper](https://arxiv.org/abs/2004.01526).** ## 2. Installation ### a. Docker #### 2.a.1. set environment variable If you have old nvidia GPU which has the compute capability < 8.0, set an environment variable as; ```bash export CUDA_VERSION=10 ``` Otherwise, you don't need to do anything. #### 2.a.2 run docker Install Nvidia driver and run below: ```Bash ./script/install_configure_nvidia_container_toolkit.sh docker compose build docker compose run --rm app bash ``` #### 2.a.3 run ransac flow run "3. Quick Start" part by running below command inside the docker. ```Bash cd quick_start ./runjupyter_fromdocker.sh ``` Then open "localhost:8888" in your host browser. You can also run on your own image by 3.2 way. ### b. without docker ### 2.1. Dependencies Our model can be learnt in a **single GPU GeForce GTX 1080Ti** (12G). Install Pytorch adapted to your CUDA version : * [Pytorch 1.2.0](https://pytorch.org/get-started/previous-versions/#linux-and-windows-1) * [Torchvision 0.4.0](https://pytorch.org/get-started/previous-versions/#linux-and-windows-1) Other dependencies (tqdm, visdom, pandas, kornia, opencv-python) : ``` Bash pip install -r requirements_cuda10.txt ``` ### 2.2. Pre-trained models Quick download : ``` Bash ./model/pretrained/download_model.sh ``` For more details of the pre-trained models, see [here](https://github.com/XiSHEN0220/RANSAC-Flow/blob/master/model/pretrained) ### 2.3. Datasets Download the results of [ArtMiner](http://imagine.enpc.fr/~shenx/ArtMiner/) : ``` Bash ./data/Brueghel_detail.sh # Brueghel detail dataset (208M) : visual results, aligning groups of details ``` Download our training data [here (~9G)](https://drive.google.com/file/d/1SikcOvCJ-zznOyCRJCTGtpKtTp01Jx5g/view?usp=sharing). It includes the validation and test data as well. ## 3. Quick Start ### 3.1 ipython notebook A quick start guide of how to use our code is available in [demo.ipynb](https://github.com/XiSHEN0220/RANSAC-Flow/blob/master/quick_start/demo.ipynb)


### 3.2 Run on your own 2 images You can run RANSAC-FLOW as below ```bash cd quick_start python align2images.py --img1='../img/ArtMiner_Detail_Res13_10.png' --img2='../img/ArtMiner_Detail_Res13_11.png' ``` Then, you can find the output images in output/ directory. ## 4. Train ### 4.1. Generating training pairs To run the training, we need pairs that are coarsely aligned. We provide a [notebook](https://github.com/XiSHEN0220/RANSAC-Flow/blob/master/train/generate_coarse_aligned_pair.ipynb) to show how to generate the training pairs. Note that, we also provide our training pairs in [here](https://drive.google.com/file/d/1SikcOvCJ-zznOyCRJCTGtpKtTp01Jx5g/view?usp=sharing). ### 4.2. Reproducing the training on MegaDepth The training data need to be downloaded from [here](https://drive.google.com/file/d/1SikcOvCJ-zznOyCRJCTGtpKtTp01Jx5g/view?usp=sharing) and saved into `./data`. The file structure is : ``` ./RANSAC-Flow/data/MegaDepth ├── MegaDepth_Train/ ├── MegaDepth_Train_Org/ ├── Val/ └── Test/ ``` As mentioned in the paper, the model trained on MegaDepth contains the following 3 different stages of training: * Stage 1 : we only trained the **reconstruction loss**. You can find the hyper-parameters in [train/stage1.sh](https://github.com/XiSHEN0220/RANSAC-Flow/blob/master/train/stage1.sh). You can run the training of this stage by : ``` Bash cd train/ bash stage1.sh ``` * Stage 2 : in this stage, we train jointly: **reconstruction loss + cycle consistency of the flow**. We started from the model trained in the stage 1. The hyper-parameters are in [train/stage2.sh](https://github.com/XiSHEN0220/RANSAC-Flow/blob/master/train/stage2.sh). You need to change the argument _--resumePth_ to your model path. Once it is done, run: ``` Bash cd train/ bash stage2.sh ``` * Stage 3 : finally, we trained all the three losses together: **reconstruction loss + cycle consistency of the flow + matchability loss**. We started from the model trained in the stage 2. The hyper-parameters are in [train/stage3.sh](https://github.com/XiSHEN0220/RANSAC-Flow/blob/master/train/stage3.sh). You need to change the argument _--resumePth_ to your model path. Once it is done, run: ``` Bash cd train/ bash stage3.sh ``` ### 4.3. Fine-tuning on your own dataset If you want to conduct fine-tuning on your own dataset. It is recommended to start from our MegaDepth trained model. You can see all the arguments of training by : ``` Bash cd train/ python train.py --help ``` If you don't need to predict the matchability, you can set the weight of the matchability loss to 0 (_--eta 0_ in the [train.py](https://github.com/XiSHEN0220/RANSAC-Flow/blob/master/train/train.py)), and set your path of images (_--trainImgDir_). Please refer to [train/stage2.sh](https://github.com/XiSHEN0220/RANSAC-Flow/blob/master/train/stage2.sh) for other arguments. In case of predicting matchability, you need to tune the weight of the matchability loss (argument _--eta_ in the [train.py](https://github.com/XiSHEN0220/RANSAC-Flow/blob/master/train/train.py)) depending on the dataset. ## 5. Evaluation The evaluation of different tasks can be seen in the following files: * [Hpatches (Dense Alignment)](evaluation/evalHpatch/) * [KITTI (Optical Flow)](evaluation/evalKITTI/) * [MegaDepth and RobotCar (Sparse Correspondences)](evaluation/evalCorr/) * [YFCC (Two-View Geometry Estimation) ](evaluation/evalYFCC/) ### 6. Acknowledgement We appreciate helps from : * [Jiahui Zhang](https://github.com/zjhthu) pointed a bug for YFCC evaluation, see [here](evaluation/evalYFCC/) for the udpate * Public code like [Kornia](https://github.com/kornia/kornia), [OAnet](https://github.com/zjhthu/OANet), [NcNet](https://github.com/ignacio-rocco/ncnet), [DGC-Net](https://github.com/AaltoVision/DGC-Net), [MAGSAC](https://github.com/ducha-aiki/pymagsac) etc. * Part of code is borrowed from our previous projects: [ArtMiner](https://github.com/XiSHEN0220/ArtMiner) and [Watermark](https://github.com/XiSHEN0220/WatermarkReco) ### 7. Changelog #### 2024.04.18 * add Nvidia GPU compute capability >= 8 support. * add inference script to run on your own image. #### 2020.07.20 * Remove useless parts + rename some functions / parameters to make it compatible with papers + more comments * Fix bug in YFCC evaluation, see [here](evaluation/evalYFCC/). results in the [paper](https://arxiv.org/abs/2004.01526) have been updated as well. * Make a comparison to recent work [GLU-Net](https://arxiv.org/abs/1912.05524), results are updated in the [paper](https://arxiv.org/abs/2004.01526). * Add csv file containing annotated coorespondences for RobotCar, see [here](https://github.com/XiSHEN0220/RANSAC-Flow/tree/master/evaluation/evalCorr) for more details. #### 2020.11.03 * Update results on Aachan day-night dataset, see [here](evaluation/evalAachan)