Starred repositories
zip archive processing for Cocoa - iPhone and OS X
dg-i / webhook
Forked from adnanh/webhookwebhook is a lightweight configurable tool written in Go, that allows you to easily create HTTP endpoints (hooks) on your server, which you can use to execute configured commands.
Node Version Manager - POSIX-compliant bash script to manage multiple active node.js versions
Using Fine Uploader to solve real problems
PHP-based server-side example for handling S3-related requests (such as GET signature) from Fine Uploader
📮 A fully featured open source mail delivery platform for incoming & outgoing e-mail
Implements a basic authentication flow for signing up/signing in users as well as protected client side routing using AWS Amplify.
appium sample code (dotnet, java, node, perl, php, python, ruby, etc.)
Contains command line scripts for package creation and image creation process and samples for iot products
Unity editor extension for the App Center SDK.
Try .NET provides developers and content authors with tools to create interactive experiences.
Wyte3z / vscode-database
Forked from Bajdzis/vscode-databaseExtension for Visual Studio Code
Development repository for the App Center SDK for iOS, macOS and tvOS.
Visual Studio Code SQL Server extension.
iOS framework to get automatic update for adhoc/enterprises apps uploaded via AppBox-iOSAppsWirelessInstallation.
Bitrise runner CLI - run your automations on your Mac or Linux machine -
Wyte3z / lighthouse
Forked from GoogleChrome/lighthouseAutomated auditing, performance metrics, and best practices for the web.
Accessibility engine for automated Web UI testing
Firebase Quickstart Samples for iOS
A free, fast, and reliable Open Source CDN for npm, GitHub, Javascript, and ESM
The HTML5 Creation Engine: Create beautiful digital content with the fastest, most flexible 2D WebGL renderer.