// ==UserScript== // @name TangerineUI 🍊 for Mastodon // @namespace TangerineUI for Mastodon by @nileane // @match https://mamot.fr/* // @match https://mastodon.social/* // @match https://piaille.fr/* // @match https://eldritch.cafe/* // @match https://AddYourInstanceUrlHere.tld/* // @downloadURL https://github.com/Write/TangerineUI-Userscript/raw/main/TangerineUI.user.js // @updateURL https://github.com/Write/TangerineUI-Userscript/raw/main/TangerineUI.user.js // @homepageURL https://github.com/Write/TangerineUI-Userscript // @grant none // @version 2.1.2 // @author @Write on Github for the UserScript // @author @nileane for TangerineUI's CSS // @icon  // @run-at document-start // ==/UserScript== (function() { 'use strict'; /* ---------------- * SETTINGS * ---------------- */ /* colorScheme used for older (< 4.3) instances */ /* Either 'tangerine' or 'purple' */ const legacyColorScheme = 'tangerine'; /* colorScheme used for new (>= 4.3) instances */ /* Either 'tangerine', 'purple' or 'cherry' */ const newColorScheme = 'tangerine'; /* Github tag to use for mastodon instance < 4.3 and >= 4.3 /* To find tags name, go here : https://github.com/nileane/TangerineUI-for-Mastodon/releases /* and look at the tag name in the left sidebar of the release * */ const tag_below_4_3_0 = "v1.9.5" const tag_above_or_equals_4_3_0 = "v2.0.0-pre5" /* ---------------- * HELPERS * ---------------- * */ const currentPagepath = window.location.pathname; const placeholder = 'TangerineUI 🍊'; const log = (str) => console.log("* " + placeholder + " : " + str + " *"); const theme = window.matchMedia?.("(prefers-color-scheme: dark)").matches ? "dark" : "light"; const timeout = 1000; const tangerine_below_4_3_0 = '//cdn.jsdelivr.net/gh/nileane/TangerineUI-for-Mastodon@' + tag_below_4_3_0 + '/TangerineUI' const tangerine_above_or_equals_4_3_0 = '//cdn.jsdelivr.net/gh/nileane/TangerineUI-for-Mastodon@' + tag_above_or_equals_4_3_0 + '/TangerineUI' /* * As long as no version is detected, styleUrl is set for version < 4.3.0 * */ let styleUrl = tangerine_below_4_3_0 if (legacyColorScheme == 'purple') { styleUrl = tangerine_below_4_3_0 + "-purple.min.css" } else { styleUrl = tangerine_below_4_3_0 + ".min.css" } const isPurpleLegacy = legacyColorScheme.includes('purple') ? true : false; const isPurple = newColorScheme.includes('purple') ? true : false; const isCherry = newColorScheme.includes('cherry') ? true : false; const onElemAvailable = async selector => { while (document.querySelector(selector) === null) { await new Promise(resolve => requestAnimationFrame(resolve)); } return document.querySelector(selector); }; function createStyleNode(nonce) { var node = document.createElement('link'); log("Injected theme URI is : " + styleUrl) node.href = styleUrl; node.nonce = nonce; node.rel = 'stylesheet'; node.media = 'all', node.type = 'text/css'; return node; } /* ---------------- * CODE * ---------------- * */ var isInjected = false; let backColor; let nChanges = 0; let timeoutExist = false; let mutationStatus = true; let nonce; /* Version detection */ onElemAvailable('script[id^=initial-state]').then((selector) => { const mastodonVersion = JSON.parse(selector.innerText).meta.version log("Mastodon Version Detected is : " + mastodonVersion); if (mastodonVersion.includes('4.3.') || mastodonVersion.includes('4.4.') || mastodonVersion.includes('4.5.')) { log("Version above or equal 4.3.0 found.") if (isPurple) styleUrl = tangerine_above_or_equals_4_3_0 + "-purple.min.css" else if (isCherry) styleUrl = tangerine_above_or_equals_4_3_0 + "-cherry.min.css" else styleUrl = tangerine_above_or_equals_4_3_0 + ".min.css" } else { log("Version below 4.3.0 found.") } }); if (theme == 'light') backColor = "#ffffff"; else backColor = "#030303"; /* Prevent script from running on pages that are not styled by TangerineUI anyway. * */ if (currentPagepath.startsWith("/auth") || currentPagepath.startsWith("/settings") || currentPagepath.startsWith("/relationships") || currentPagepath.startsWith("/filters") || currentPagepath.startsWith("/oauth")) { return; } /* Temporarily set background's color to match that match the host system color-scheme. * This is to avoid flashing issues where main's theme background * is shown first, before TangerineUI had time to load. * */ document.querySelector('html').style.setProperty("background", backColor, "important"); setTimeout(function() { document.querySelector('html').style.background = ''; }, timeout); /* Observe and detect changes in the DOM * Usually only works on Firefox, and it's faster than requestAnimationFrame * in this case, hence why I keep this piece of code that kinda look like powerhouse but hey... * */ new MutationObserver((mutations, observer) => { mutations.forEach(function(mutation) { var node, nodeType, href; if (mutation.addedNodes.length > 0) { node = mutation.addedNodes[0]; nodeType = node.nodeName.toLowerCase(); if (nodeType == 'meta') { if (node.name.includes('style-nonce')) { nonce = node.content; } } else if (nodeType == 'link') { if (node.href !== undefined) { href = node.href; const rChunk = /\/packs\/css\/mastodon.*\.chunk\.css/ const rCustom = /custom\.css/ /* Inject after custom.css or mastodon.*.chunk.css, whichever is detected first * On my system mastodon.*.chunk.css wasn't detected on Chrome * */ if ((href.match(rCustom) || href.match(rChunk)) && !isInjected) { if (nonce) { nChanges++; isInjected = true; document.head.appendChild(createStyleNode(nonce)); log('Nonce found is ' + nonce); log('(MutationObserver) custom.css or mastodon.*.chunk.css detected, injected TangerineUI\'s css asap.'); } } } } else if (nodeType == 'body') { nChanges++; node.style.setProperty("background", backColor, "important"); node.style.setProperty("background-color", backColor, "important"); setTimeout(function() { node.style.background = ''; node.style.backgroundColor = ''; }, timeout); } } /* All mutations wanted are done (two changes) * > disconnect the observer * */ if (nChanges >= 2 && mutationStatus) { mutationStatus = false; observer.disconnect(); } /* In some cases, mutation never disconnect ; for example in Safari : * when it doesn't detect .css file, and use it requestAnimationFrame's API instead, * This timeout helps to be sure the MutationObserver is disconnected to avoid performance issues * */ if (!timeoutExist) { timeoutExist = true; setTimeout(function() { if (mutationStatus) { observer.disconnect(); } }, 3000); } }); }).observe(document.documentElement, { childList: true, subtree: true }); /* Workaround if MutationObserver couldn't detect the item * Usually in Safari and Chrome (for Chrome, the first load seems to use MutationObserver, but anyway) * */ onElemAvailable('link[rel^=stylesheet][href*=custom\\.css]').then(() => { if (!isInjected) { if (nonce) { document.head.appendChild(createStyleNode(nonce)); isInjected = true; log("(requestAnimationFrame) custom.css detected, injected TangerineUI's css asap"); } else { isInjected = true; onElemAvailable('meta[name^=style\\-nonce]').then((selector) => { let nonce_fallback = selector.content; document.head.appendChild(createStyleNode(nonce_fallback)); log("Nonce was lookedup with requestAnimationFrame as MutationObserver didn't catch it."); log('Nonce found is ' + nonce_fallback); log("(requestAnimationFrame) custom.css detected, injected TangerineUI's css asap"); }); } } }); onElemAvailable('meta[name^=style\\-nonce]').then((selector) => { nonce = selector.content; log("Nounce found (requestAnimationFrame) " + nonce) }); })();