from http.server import HTTPServer, BaseHTTPRequestHandler from socketserver import ThreadingMixIn from threading import Event, Lock import SimplePeriphDev import logging import json import Controller import copy import time from collections import deque class CustomHTTPServer(ThreadingMixIn, HTTPServer): """ updates_buffer 's purpose is to store the most recent updates for the case when the client has missed some die to e.g. connection problems. If this happened, on the next update request all the missed updates will be packed into one packet and tranfsered to the client. """ def __init__(self, server_address, main_page_file_name_template, favicon_file_name, controller: Controller): super(CustomHTTPServer, self).__init__(server_address, CustomHTTPRequestHandler) with open(favicon_file_name, 'rb') as favicon_file: self.favicon_data = self.main_page_file_name_template = main_page_file_name_template self.encoding = 'UTF-8' self.controller = controller self.device_parameter_updated_event = Event() self.updates_buffer_lock = Lock() self.updates_buffer = deque(maxlen=10) self.last_update_time = 0.0 self.user_command_callback = self.default_user_command_callback def parameter_update_handler(self, update_data): self.last_update_time = time.time() update_data['time'] = self.last_update_time with self.updates_buffer_lock: self.updates_buffer.append(update_data) # Do not worry about instant clear, all the waiting threads will be awaken self.device_parameter_updated_event.set() self.device_parameter_updated_event.clear() def default_user_command_callback(self, command_text): logging.warning('Default user command callback handler called') class CustomHTTPRequestHandler(BaseHTTPRequestHandler): def __init__(self, request, client_address, server: CustomHTTPServer): super(CustomHTTPRequestHandler, self).__init__(request, client_address, server) # As the client is subscribed to events for the whole session, the handler should never terminate it by itself self.close_connection = False self.server = server def do_GET(self): if self.path == '/initial_data': """ Initial server data request. All the devices, their controls, current states, also controller controls (e.g. "Turn on automatic pump control") Response format example: { "time": 12345454.545323 "devices": [ { "name": "well_and_tank", "parameters": { 'well_water_presence": 'not_present', 'pump': 'off', 'tank': 'not_full' }, "online": true }, { "name": "greenhouse", "parameters": { 'temperature": 21.1, 'pump': 'off', 'tank': 'not_full' } "online": false }, ... ], "controller_config": { "pump_auto_control_turn_off_when_tank_full": true } } """ self.send_response(200) self.end_headers() # Forming full state data structure. It will be then stringified and sent to the client. state_copy = { 'time': self.server.last_update_time, 'devices': [] } # Reading controller config # Not forgetting to use locks with self.server.controller.config_lock: state_copy['controller_config'] = copy.deepcopy(self.server.controller.config) # Reading devices' information for curr_dev_name, curr_dev in self.server.controller.periph_devices.items(): state_copy['devices'].append({ 'name': curr_dev_name, 'online':, 'parameters': copy.deepcopy(curr_dev.parameters) }) # Stingifying gathered data and sending it to the client self.wfile.write(bytes(json.dumps(state_copy, indent='\t'), self.server.encoding)) elif self.path == '/favicon.ico': # Favicon request self.send_response(200) self.end_headers() self.wfile.write(self.server.favicon_data) else: # Main page request. self.path = '/' self.send_response(200) self.end_headers() # Get requested locale or set to 'en' as default locale = self.headers.get('Accept-Language', 'en')[0:2] # Try opening the corresponding file try: main_page_data = open('{}_{}.html'.format(self.server.main_page_file_name_template, locale)).read() except IOError: # Could not open the localized page file. using default main_page_data = open('{}_{}.html'.format(self.server.main_page_file_name_template, 'en')).read() self.wfile.write(bytes(main_page_data, self.server.encoding)) def do_POST(self): if self.path == '/updates': # Update long-poll request # Read last update time try: client_last_update_time = float(['Content-Length']))) except ValueError: # Incorrect format self.send_error(400) return # If the client did not receive the latest update yet self.server.updates_buffer_lock.acquire() # noinspection PyUnboundLocalVariable if self.server.last_update_time > client_last_update_time: self.send_response(200) self.end_headers() # Forming update data. # Find the earliest unreceived update. Starting from the end. More likely to find it at the end for curr_update in reversed(self.server.updates_buffer): if curr_update['time'] > client_last_update_time: # Found one. update_to_send = curr_update break self.server.updates_buffer_lock.release() else: # Client's up to date. Waiting for new updates self.server.updates_buffer_lock.release() self.server.device_parameter_updated_event.wait() # A brand new update's at the end of update deque self.send_response(200) self.end_headers() with self.server.updates_buffer_lock: update_to_send = self.server.updates_buffer[-1] self.wfile.write(bytes(json.dumps(update_to_send), self.server.encoding)) elif self.path == '/command': self.server.user_command_callback(str(['Content-Length'])), self.server.encoding)) self.send_response(200) self.end_headers() self.wfile.write(bytes('Command transferred', self.server.encoding)) else: self.send_error(400) def version_string(self): # Why unused? return 'Top' + 'Sickrekt'