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Compiling From Source


What is compiling from source? It is one of many different ways of installing software. The other main alternative, which is often used more often is to download a binary (or .exe file in Windows) that you can simply run.

In linux this is often done using the package manager, e.g. apt-get in Ubuntu, yum for CentOS, etc.

Compiling from source in contrast is basically downloading the source code of a program (often in C/C++ or Fortran) and running the compilation step locally (e.g. gcc main.cpp -o main, but just many more files)


Why would you do such a thing? Isn't it just more work?

There are a few reasons for this:

  1. If you are not a super user and you just have a user account, but you want to install software. You cannot then run apt-get install ... because of insufficient permissions!
  2. Usually binaries that are prebuilt that you can just download are super generic, and don't contain any hardware specific instructions (because it then won't work on any machines that don't support those instructions). While this is general, it is not optimal for performance. If you want the maximal performance, then you would prefer to make use of the special instructions that your hardware provides.
  3. In a similar vein, if you want to use different libraries or if you want to make small changes to the source code, then compiling from source is often the only option.


How do we do this?

Often it is done using a combination of the following:

  1. Get the code (often git clone && cd code)
  2. Run ./configure (to set up and find the libraries)
  3. Run make to actually run the compilation, which is usually the time consuming step. make -j runs it in parallel and speeds it up somewhat.
  4. Run make install to install the binaries in the correct location.

Often, you'll want to install the software in some other directory than the default one (usually /bin, /usr/bin). To do this, you can usually use the --prefix flag with the configure step.

The usage here is something like

mkdir -p /home/myname/software/gromacs/5/

Then, replace configure with ./configure --prefix=/home/myname/software/gromacs/5/ and run make as normal

It is also very useful to save the output of the configure and make commands for later perusal, specifically to debug any issues, or to verify that the correct libraries were used.

Another thing that is useful is to have a build script that is reproducible.

  • For example, here is a shortened version of one of the build scripts we used to build ChaNGa

    # ucx stuff
    export CPATH=/apps/shared/hpcx/2.4.0/ucx/include:$CPATH
    export INCLUDE=/apps/shared/hpcx/2.4.0/ucx/include:$INCLUDE
    export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/apps/shared/hpcx/2.4.0/ucx/lib/:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH
    export LIBRARY_PATH=/apps/shared/hpcx/2.4.0/ucx/lib/:$LIBRARY_PATH
    source /apps/shared/hpcx/2.4.0/
    # cuda stuff
    export CUDA_HOME=/usr/local/cuda/
    export CUDA_DIR=$CUDA_HOME
    export PATH=$PATH:/usr/local/cuda/bin/
    export PATH=$PATH:/home/mbeukman/utils/git/bin/
    export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$LD_LIBRARY_PATH:/usr/local/cuda/lib
    export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$LD_LIBRARY_PATH:/usr/local/cuda/lib64
    export INCLUDE=$INCLUDE:/usr/local/cuda/include/
    export CC=icc
    export CXX=icpc
    export MPICC=mpiicc
    export MPICXX=mpiicpc
    export MPIRUN=mpirun
    echo "========================="
    echo "        Copying          "
    echo "========================="
    cp -r  ~/downloads/changa/ .
    echo "========================="
    echo "       Making Changa     "
    echo "========================="
    cd ../changa
    # configure with cuda
    ./configure --enable-gpu-local-tree-walk \
    --with-cuda=$CUDATOOLKIT_HOME --with-cuda-level=70 2>&1 | tee config.log
    make -j 28 2>&1 | tee make.log
  • A simple build script template could be the following (which logs the output to files using tee)

    ./configure --prefix=/home/name/software/abc 2>&1 | tee myconfigure.log
    make -j 2>&1 | tee make.log
    make install 2>&1 | tee makeinstall.log

Paths and Environment Variables

Paths are important. What are they?

These are environment variables that affect where linux searches for programs when you type in only their name, or where programs look for libraries.

The main ones that are important are:

  • PATH: Influences mainly which compilers are used
  • LD_LIBRARY_PATH: This affects where library files are found and looked for.
  • CC, CXX, FC, F90, F77: All of these (usually) affect which compiler is used. They correspond to the C Compiler, the C++ Compiler, and a few different versions of the Fortran Compiler.

You can set the path variables as follows:

export PATH=/home/myname/path/to/software/bin:$PATH

If you run echo $PATH, you will see a list of : separated paths, and they are searched from first to last. So if you want to be sure your program is found first instead of an identically named one elsewhere, be sure to add your path at the beginning, as above.

Usually, the value in PATH should be the parent directory of the program you want to find. For example, which gcc returns /usr/bin/gcc, so the thing in the PATH should be /usr/bin/


Libraries are usually compiled pieces of code that provide some functionality. These are mostly classified into static libraries or dynamic libraries. They perform the same function, but the method is slightly different.

  • Static libraries (usually libsomething.a) are basically copied and pasted into the output binary during compilation, so you don't need the .a file when running it.
  • Dynamic Libraries (usually, in contrast, are only linked, and they are then also needed when running.

For the above reasons, it is often very useful to have a build and run script, that set the same environment variables, to be sure that you use the same libraries during building and running. Otherwise bad things can happen.


Optimising applications is a central part of HPC, and it has many facets. Many techniques are quite software specific, but there are a few general categories of stuff to investigate.

Compiler Flags

  • Compiler flags can often massively increase the speed and performance of an application. There are many options (and they differ slightly from compiler to compiler). A few common ones are:
    • -O2 or -O3 → Turns on the most compiler optimisations. -O3 might be somewhat unstable and may produce inaccurate results, so just validate that the results are correct before committing to this.
    • -march=native → Uses the best instructions that are specific to the hardware that you are compiling on. Very useful for high powered HPC hardware that have more advanced instruction sets.
    • Be sure to compile on the same machine (or processor type) you will be running on


  • Most programs use libraries in some form or another. These libraries must often be provided by the user, and if you aren't careful, the default system ones (which are probably out of date and slow) will be used.
  • Usually you need to compile the libraries themselves from source (and what if they depend on even more libraries? → Fun times 🙃) and then link to them in your build script.
    • This linking could be using the PATH or LD_LIBRARY_PATH variables (e.g. export PATH=/home/myname/fftw/bin:$PATH and export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/home/myname/fftw/lib:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH)
    • Or sometimes configure scripts provide flags for this, e.g. ./configure --with-fftw=/home/myname/fftw/
    • Or sometimes you need to do something odd and manually edit the makefile and add in a flag like -L/home/myname/fftw/lib -lfftw (the -L says where to look for libraries (if LD_LIBRARY_PATH doesn't work) and -l says which library to link (it looks for something of the form or libfftw.a


  • What compiler you use can often times impact how fast the code runs. GCC is often the standard, but the Intel Compilers (you can download them using a free student license) are oftentimes much faster.
  • There is also other things to consider, like which version (e.g. gcc-5 vs gcc-10 or icc-2018 vs icc-2021). It is usually a good idea to experiment with a bunch of different compilers, and see which one works the best for your specific software.

Summary and Tips

So in summary, use build and run scripts, where the structure is something like:


    export PATH=/path/to/compilers/:$PATH
    export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/path/to/lib1:/path/to/lib2:$PATH
    export CC=gcc
    export CXX=g++
    export FC=gfortran
    export F77=$FC
    export F90=$FC

    git clone ...
    cd code
    ./configure --prefix=/home/name/software/abc 2>&1 | tee myconfig.log
    make 2>&1 | tee mymake.log
    make install 2>&1 | tee mymakeinstall.log

    cd /home/name/software/abc/
    ./bin/software 2>&1 | tee run_today.log

Also, no two softwares have exactly the same structure or build process, so definitely read the INSTALL file, or README or the installation instructions on their website / documentation before doing anything. ./configure --help is also very useful.

For optimisation, compile something first in its most basic form, and then use that as a baseline to compare performance against when making any changes.

Problems and Issues

You will have problems compiling something, and it's useful to know how to go about solving them.

First of all, document what you are doing! This saves you and anyone that works with you loads of time and sanity. The build scripts above are quite useful, as they act as a record of what you have done.

Read the logs. When something fails, read the error messages. They will usually be found in either the myconfigure.log or mymake.log files (or wherever you redirected the error output to). You can try searching for the word 'error' (e.g. grep -i error myconfigure.log) to see where something went wrong.

Many times this error is somewhat self explanatory, like

  • "file not found" (then add its parent directory to the -L flag or add it to LD_LIBRARY_PATH)

Other times it is not so much. You can google the error, and forums / mailing lists often have useful answers.

Other common issues are not using the correct compiler / version (e.g. something is only supported in gcc-5, but you are using gcc-7 or vice versa), or language standard (e.g. the code was make for -std=c++14 and you try and compile it with -std=c++11)

Always cleanup when building again! Whenever something fails, it can somewhat corrupt the state of the code, and it could affect your subsequent compiles. Usually make clean, followed by running ./configure again solves this, but the most reliable way is to download a copy of the code again (or copy it from some archive on disk)

If you are stuck, search around a bit first for information / ideas: Chances are that whoever you ask for help won't exactly know how to solve your problem.

Their first step will be to read the error message, google the error, and do research, which you can do too! You learn the most from searching for information on how to solve a problem, so only ask after you have made an effort, otherwise you won't learn anything!

Worked Example

Let's compile nload

How do we go about this?

  1. Get the code
  1. Extract it
tar -xzf v0.7.4.tar.gz
  1. cd to the code
cd nload-0.7.4
  1. Run ./run_autools
  1. Run configure (change the prefix)
export PREFIX=/home/myname/compile_from_source/nload
./configure --prefix=$PREFIX
  1. make
  1. make install
make install
  1. Add it to your path
export PATH=$PREFIX/bin:$PATH
  1. And try it out:


Practice definitely helps here, and the second round of the HPC competition is basically all about this.

Some things to try:

Then, some actual programs that are used in HPC

FFMPEG → Image/Video processing library

FFTW → Fourier Transforms

This software is used in many programs to compute the Fourier Transform, and it's useful to have some experience in compiling it.

Proper HPC Applications

Here are some actual HPC applications that you can try and compile. I'd recommend the HPC advisory council site for these ones specifically, as they also show you how to run a benchmark and measure performance.

  • Gromacs
  • ChaNGa

And there are many others.


Victor Eijkhout: Chapter on Compilers


The HPC Advisory Council usually have nice tutorials on how to get started with a program

Otherwise, the documentation on the software's webpage / Github repo is also often times useful, as it (hopefully) details some factors / flags that affect performance, and give some general tips.