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Wikimedia Deutschland x The Data Mine

This repository contains the program materials and student work for Wikimedia Deutschland's project in the 2024 Purdue Data Mine. Students will focus on comparing data from Wikidata with external data sources and then derive and report mismatches for the Wikidata Mismatch Finder. The corrections of these mismatches by the Wikidata community will then serve to improve Wikidata's data and all downstream projects including Wikipedia.


  • MismatchGeneration
    • Student work to derive mismatches between Wikidata and external sources
  • Notebooks
    • Program materials to introduce Python, Jupyter, Wikidata data access and more


Below is a flowchart describing the process used to generate mismatches.

graph TD
subgraph Verify
    direction TB
        D("For example, if our chosen database is MusicBrainz,
        we would search for “P:MusicBrainz and find properties
        like “MusicBrainz release group ID (P436)” that links
        a Wikidata album to a MusicBrainz album")
        C("We can search for an external ID
        property by typing P:
        in the Search on the Wikidata website")
        B("Verify that external identifiers
        properties that link Wikidata items
        with the database exist in Wikidata")
subgraph Items
    direction TB
        F("Run a query on
        counting how many items have the
        external ID property found")
        E("Verify that a lot of Wikidata items
        are linked to that database as we want
        our code to be useful for a lot of entries")
subgraph 1
    direction LR
        A("Choose a database that has
        links to Wikidata to compare
        information against")
subgraph Research
    direction TB
        search("Search 'DatabaseName API' in a search engine")
        research1("Research if it has an API endpoint
        (a URL we can use to access data)")
        public("Make sure the API is publicly
        accessible (not paid)")
        unofficial("The API may be an “unofficial API”
        where somebody has scrapped the data
        or used an alternative method to get
        data from a website
        Verify this API is up-to-date in
        information, still works, and something
        that can be queried at scale")
subgraph 2
    direction LR
        find("Find a way to access the
        database's data so we can
        compare it with Wikidata's")
        ifAPI("Research if there is a dump
        that will allow us to download
        the entire database at once and not
        make so many REST requests")
        ifNoAPI("Look into using a Python library
        that can do web scraping
        like Beautiful Soup")
subgraph Decide
    direction TB
        mb("Ex: MusicBrainz stores artist data,
        so we could decide to compare
        artist data in Wikidata with artist
        data in MusicBrainz")
        decide1("Decide which data type to compare
        and find mismatches for")
subgraph Attribute
    direction TB
        ex("Ex: MusicBrainz stores the founding
        date of an artist and Wikidata does
        as well using “debut date” (P10673)")
        att("Find which attribute of
        the data type to compare")
subgraph 3
    direction LR
subgraph Test
    direction TB
        write("Write python code to get that
        data using the requests library
        for URLs or another method")
        find2("Find the ID of an entity
        in that database and then plug
        it into a URL for the API
        or query for it in a dump")
        test1("Test out getting one item from
        the database first to
        know how to get many")
subgraph Compare
    direction TB
        comp1("The returned object from the API
        might be in a Python dict or
        list so use dict[“key”] to get to it")
        comp("Write the code to get the data
        from the decided attribute to
        compare with Wikidata")
subgraph 4
    direction LR
        method("Get the data from the
        database using the method
        chosen above")
subgraph QIDs
    direction TB
        mb2("With the MusicBrainz example,
        we would be filtering for items that
        have “MusicBrainz artist ID (P434)”
        and “debut date” (P10673)”")
        dir("In other words, find which items have the:
        1. External identifier property researched earlier
        that link the Wikidata item to the database
        2. The attribute property decided on
        Execute a SPARQL query on the
        Wikidata Query Service or QLever to do this")
        list("Get the list of item QIDs
        from Wikidata that are linked to
        the database and have the property
        for the attribute we are looking
        to generate mismatches for")
subgraph 5
    direction LR
        get("Get the Wikidata items that
        are linked to the database
        and their data to compare
        with the database's data")
        filter("Filter the Wikidata dump
        for these items with these
        IDs using Python")
subgraph Iterate
    direction TB
        iterate2("In each iteration:
        1. Get the ID of entity in the external database from the Wikidata item
        2. Use the ID and the code from before to make a query to the API or
        dump to get the entity's data in that database
        3. Use the code from before to get the attribute from that database and
        compare it with the value in Wikidata
        4. If they the values are not equivalent add the relevant information
        about the mismatch to a mismatch dataframe with the needed format")
        iterate("Write Python code to iterate through
        each of the filtered Wikidata items
        and find if the Wikidata item attribute
        matches with that from the other database")
subgraph 6
    direction LR
        compare2("Get and compare the data
        in the external database
        with that from Wikidata")
        mis("Use the Mismatch Finder validator from in this repo to validate that
        your mismatch dataframe is correct")
subgraph 7
    direction LR
        convert("Convert the the mismatch dataframe to a CSV
        Make sure to export it without an index column
        in pandas and upload it to the Mismatch Finder")
        upload("Upload the mismatches")
B --> C
C --> D
E --> F
A --> Verify
Verify ---> Items
research1 --> search
search --> public & unofficial
find --> Research
Research -- API --> ifAPI
Research -- no API --> ifNoAPI
decide1 --> mb
att --> ex
Decide --> Attribute
test1 --> find2
find2 --> write
comp --> comp1
method --> Test
Test --> Compare
list --> dir
dir --> mb2
get --> QIDs
QIDs --> filter
iterate --> iterate2
compare2 --> Iterate
Iterate --> mis
upload --> convert
1 --> 2
2 --> 3
3 --> 4
4 --> 5
5 --> 6
6 --> 7