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This <a href="index.html">sprite engine prototype</a> is modeled after
Facebook's <a href="">JSGameBench</a>
benchmark, in particular
its <a href="http:">WebGL
rendering backend</a>. Small portions of the code, and the art assets,
are copyright 2011 Facebook; see
the <a href="jsgamebench-license.txt">JSGameBench license</a> for


Analysis of the WebGL backend of JSGameBench identified some
inefficiencies: for each sprite, it performs one draw call, sets three
uniform variables, and (at least on average) performs one texture


The primary goal of this prototype is to draw the entire sprite field
with one draw call. This might seem impossible, because the sprites
require alpha blending, so they must be drawn in a particular
order. It is a little known fact (I wasn't sure of it when starting to
write the code) that OpenGL actually guarantees that triangles will be
drawn in order, from first to last, when drawArrays and drawElements
are called. Apparently GPUs contain quite a bit of silicon (the Render
Output unit, or ROP) to provide this guarantee.  The only major
remaining problem is how to avoid the per-sprite texture bind. The
basic idea is to send all of the sprite sheets for the entire sprite
field to the fragment shader, and have it somehow choose which one to
display for any given sprite. More on this later.


The vertex shader does three major operations: it selects the
animation frame for the sprite from the sprite sheet, computes texture
coordinates for the corner of the sprite, and transforms the corner of
the sprite according to its position and rotation. (In JSGameBench the
rotation is constant, so it is in this prototype as well.) The
majority of the information needed to do these computations is
constant per sprite, so it is computed and uploaded to the graphics
card once, when the sprite is created. The constant information is
transmitted to the vertex shader in several vertex attributes:

<li> Rotation </li>
<li> Per-sprite frame offset; allows each sprite instance to start its
     animation at a different time </li>
<li> Sprite size in pixels (assumes square sprites; could easily be
<li> Offset of the current vertex's corner from the center of the
     sprite, in normalized coordinates for the sprite. In other words:
  <li> (-0.5, -0.5) => Upper left corner </li>
  <li> ( 0.5, -0.5) => Upper right corner </li>
  <li> (-0.5,  0.5) => Lower left corner </li>
  <li> ( 0.5,  0.5) => Lower right corner </li>
<li> The 2D size of each sprite image within its sprite sheet,
     specified in normalized coordinates (0.0..1.0) </li>
<li> The number of sprites per row in the sprite sheet </li>
<li> The total number of frames in the sprite's animation </li>
<li> A vector of coefficients used to select the texture to display,
     currently represented as a vec4 where one component will be 1.0
     and the rest will be 0.0 </li>

The position of each sprite is computed in JavaScript and uploaded to
the graphics card each frame as another vertex attribute. It's
technically possible to do this work in the vertex shader as well, but
doing it on the CPU more closely matches the structure of the
JSGameBench code, and makes it simpler to handle wrapping at the edges
of the screen.


A "global" frame offset is computed on the CPU each frame and sent to
the shader program in a uniform variable. The vertex shader does
simple modulo arithmetic with this frame offset plus the per-sprite
frame offset to choose the right frame of the sprite's animation, and
uses the corner offset to compute the texture coordinates of that
image within the sprite sheet. The corner offset is also used to
compute the overall position and rotation of the sprite.


The fragment shader is extremely simple; it just samples the sprite
sheet at the given texture coordinates. Recall that in order to batch
all the sprites into a single draw call, we actually have to feed in
multiple sprite sheets (textures), because some of the sprites'
animations are so large that they take up an entire texture. The
question is then how to choose which sprite sheet to sample.


Conceptually, we would like to send down a uniform array of samplers,
e.g., <code>uniform sampler2D textures[4]</code>, and compute an index
into this array. Unfortunately, the WebGL shading language, which is
essentially the same as the OpenGL ES shading language, doesn't allow
this kind of indexing expression in a fragment shader. The only kind
of indexing expression allowed is one involving constants and loop


The first attempt at the texture selection fragment shader looked like this:

  gl_FragColor =
    (texture2D(u_texture0, v_texCoord) * v_textureWeights.x +
     texture2D(u_texture1, v_texCoord) * v_textureWeights.y +
     texture2D(u_texture2, v_texCoord) * v_textureWeights.z +
     texture2D(u_texture3, v_texCoord) * v_textureWeights.w);

This worked, but unfortunately, the resulting demo was slower than the
current WebGL backend of JSGameBench -- about 66% of the performance.
I experimented with taking out the "explosion" sprite, which is the
largest of all the sprites (256x256, filling a 2048x2048 texture), and
selecting the sprites from the remaining three sheets. This yielded a
significant speedup, which strongly indicated saturation of texture
bandwidth on the card.


Nat Duca from the Chrome GPU team and I discussed the problem, and he
suggested to use a series of if-tests in the fragment shader to sample
the desired texture. My previous experience had been to avoid if-tests
in shaders at all costs; in earlier work, every time I had been able
to replace an if with a non-branching operation like a clamp or step,
performance had improved. Nat indicated that on modern cards, if the
branch will go the same way over large regions (which it will in this
case; it's constant across the entire surface of the sprite), it will
work well. The fragment shader was rewritten as follows:

  vec4 color;
  if (v_textureWeights.x > 0.0)
    color = texture2D(u_texture0, v_texCoord);
  else if (v_textureWeights.y > 0.0)
    color = texture2D(u_texture1, v_texCoord);
  else if (v_textureWeights.z > 0.0)
    color = texture2D(u_texture2, v_texCoord);
  else // v_textureWeights.w > 0.0
    color = texture2D(u_texture3, v_texCoord);
  gl_FragColor = color;


Compare the <a href="index.html">fast fragment shader</a> to
the <a href="index.html?slow=true">slow fragment shader</a> to see the
large performance difference.


Measurements on the notebook where this prototype was developed (Mac
OS X 10.6, NVIDIA GeForce 8600M GT) indicate that it can draw 250% or
more sprites at 30 FPS than the current WebGL backend of JSGameBench.


Comments and suggestions welcome.

<i>Kenneth Russell &ndash; kbr at chromium dot org</i>