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<title>WebGL Sync Server Notes</title>
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<h1>The WebGL Samples Sync Server</h1>
<p>This is a very simple server written entirely in JavaScript using <a href="http:">node.js</a>. It serves the resources to the browser like a normal webserver as well as provides a WebSocket based server to keep various settings in sync across machines. The WebSocket parts of the server are implemented using <a href="">WebSocket-Node</a>.
<h2>Starting the server</h2>
The server is meant to be run from the root folder of the samples. Assuming the samples were installed with:</p>
hg clone webglsamples
<p>You would run the server with:</p>
cd ~/webglsamples
node server/server.js --port 8080
<p>or any open port. At that point you can run any of the samples by going to http:https://address_of_server:8080/path_to_sample. For example if you are running a browser on the same machine you should be able to go to http:https://localhost:8080/aquarium/aquarium.html.</p>
<p>Usage for syncing settings is fairly straight forward. Using tdl.sync, create a SyncManager</p>
&lt;script src="../tdl/base.js"&gt;&lt;/script&gt;

var objectToKeepInSync = {};
g_syncManager = new tdl.sync.SyncManager(objectToKeepInSync);
g_syncManager.init(serverURL, slave);
<p>where <i>objectToKeepInSync</i> is a JavaScript object that will contain the various settings you want to keep in sync. <i>slave</i> is a true if this browser instance is a slave or false if it is the master.</p>
<p>After that you can send settings with SyncManager.setSettings(settings). Example:</p>
    foo: { a: 123, b: "hello" },
    bar: { d: 4.5 },
    baf: 789
<p>Those settings will automatically propogate to all browsers so inspecting objectsToKeepInSync will show that for example == "hello"</p>
<p>Note that if you do not call SyncManager.init then settings will be set locally only which means you don't have to change any code for a synced vs local version.
<h2>Working Example</h2>
<p><a href="../aquarium/README.html">The Aquarium uses this syncing method for a working example</a>.</p>
<h2>Running the Aquarium on Liquid Galaxy</h2>
<p>If you have <a href="http:">a Liquid Galaxy setup</a>, assuming the files in <a href="http:">trunk/gnu_linux/home/lg/bin</a> are in your path, and assuming you have <a href="http:">Chrome unzipped</a> in ~/chrome/chrome-linux, you can run the aquarium with</p>
You can kill the aquarium with
<p><a href="http:"></a> just passes the URL of the page to <a href="http:"></a>
 which first launches node.js on the main machine and then launches chrome across the 8 LG machines. <a href="http:"></a> kills node.js and chrome across machines.</p>