{ "name": "PasswordPusher", "description": "An application to communicate passwords over the web. Passwords expire after a certain number of views and/or time has passed.", "repository": "https://github.com/pglombardo/PasswordPusher", "logo": "https://s3-eu-west-1.amazonaws.com/pwpush/pwpush_logo.png", "keywords": ["password", "security", "expire"], "addons": [ "heroku-postgresql" ], "scripts": { "postdeploy": "bundle exec rake db:migrate" }, "env": { "BUNDLE_WITHOUT": "development:test", "PWPUSH_MASTER_KEY": { "description": "Application Encryption Key", "generator": "secret" }, "WEB_CONCURRENCY": { "description": "The number of processes to run.", "value": "3" }, "PWP__EXPIRE_AFTER_DAYS_DEFAULT": { "description": "Default value for expire after days", "value": "7" }, "PWP__EXPIRE_AFTER_DAYS_MIN": { "description": "Expire after days minimum value", "value": "1" }, "PWP__EXPIRE_AFTER_DAYS_MAX": { "description": "Expire after days maximum value", "value": "90" }, "PWP__EXPIRE_AFTER_VIEWS_DEFAULT": { "description": "Expire after views default value", "value": "5" }, "PWP__EXPIRE_AFTER_VIEWS_MIN": { "description": "Expire after views minimum value", "value": "1" }, "PWP__EXPIRE_AFTER_VIEWS_MAX": { "description": "Expire after views maximum value", "value": "100" }, "PWP__ENABLE_DELETABLE_PUSHES": { "description": "When true, passwords will have a link to optionally delete the password being viewed. When pushing a new password, this option will also add a checkbox to conditionally enable/disable this feature on a per-password basis.", "value": "true" }, "PWP__DELETABLE_PUSHES_DEFAULT": { "description": "When the option DELETABLE_PASSWORDS_ENABLED is set to true, this option does two things: 1. Sets the default check state for the \"Allow viewers to optionally delete password before expiration\" checkbox. 2. Sets the default value for newly pushed passwords if unspecified (such as with a json request)", "value": "true" }, "PWP__ENABLE_RETRIEVAL_STEP": { "description": "An option to require an extra click through to get to the actual password?", "value": "true" }, "PWP__RETRIEVAL_STEP_DEFAULT": { "description": "The default value for the 1-click retrieval step option.", "value": "true" } } }