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A step by step learning path for learning Data Science with zero knowledge and learn skills required to become a Data Scientist.


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VyuWing Learning

VyuWing Learning

Data Science Roadmap

Roadmap to becoming an Industry Leading Data Scientist.

After multiple hours of research with a number of industry professionals currently working as Data Scientists in Fortune 500 tech companies, we've aggregated all the best, free and open source learning material that they used to become a Data Scientist.

The roadmap has been carefully and accurately broken down into a step by step action plan of theory and practice resources to make sure you never miss any aspect in your Data Science learning.

Data Science Roadmap

Things to keep in mind while going through

  • The courses that we describe are available for free to audit and need not be bought. This document is in no way any paid promotion of the described courses, we recommend them based on community feedback and experience. Similar applies to the links/exercises we follow.

  • The Week Structure we illustrate may not be in complete balance with the candidate's timeline. Therefore, in the cases like these, we advise considering the stipulated time frame 1 week/topic to be more than 1 (maybe 2 weeks/topic) as we strongly advise to not break the structure of course action.

SQL for Reference (MySQL)

Suggested Course Link

Topic Topic/Tutorial Exercises
SQL Tutorial (ER Diagrams towards the end of the video are optional) Exercise 1 Exercise 2
Week 3: Databases and SQL for Data Science with Python String Pattern, Ranges and Operations on Sets Video Sorting & Grouping Problem
Functions, Multiple Tables and Sub-Queries Video Course Lab 1 Course Lab 2 Course Lab 3
Week 4: Database and SQL for Data Science with Python Methods and Tools to access Database with Python Quiz Course Lab 1 Course Lab2
Week 5: Database and SQL for Data Science with Python Hands-on SQL Experience with Real-world Data Assignment
SQL Project View Take a Look at the Project Level Implementation of SQL College-ERP

Excel for Reference

Topic Course/Tutorial Exercises
Excel Tutorial 1
Tutorial 2
Excel Interview Questions
Excel Advanced(Preferred if your Job Description requires sound knowledge of Excel) Tutorial 1
Tutorial 2
Excel VBA for Creative problem solving

Project to follow after completing Excel:

Python Programming

Week 1

Python Environment Setup


Linux 1

Linux 2

Tutorial to follow

Coding Questions

Topic Practice Resource Coding Question
Variables Quiz 1 Quiz 2 Quiz 3 Quiz 4 Practice from Hackerrank given above
Conditional Statements Quiz 1 Quiz 2 (Solve Conditional Statements Questions only) Practice from Hackerrank given above
Functions Quiz 1 Quiz 2 Quiz 3 Quiz 4 Quiz 5 Quiz 6 Quiz 7 Practice from Hackerrank given above
Control Flow Quiz 1 Quiz 2 Quiz 3 Quiz 4 Quiz 5 Quiz 6 Quiz 7 Practice from Hackerrank given above
Bitwise Operators Quiz 1 Quiz 2 Quiz 3 Practice from Hackerrank given above
Strings Quiz 1 Quiz 2 Quiz 3 Quiz 4 Quiz 5 Quiz 6 Quiz 7 Quiz 8 Quiz 9 Quiz 10 Quiz 11 Quiz 12 Quiz 13 Quiz 14 Practice from Hackerrank given above
List, Tuples Quiz 1 Quiz 2 Quiz 3 Quiz 4 Quiz 5 Quiz 6 Quiz 7 Quiz 8 Quiz 9 Quiz 10 Quiz 11 Quiz 12 Practice from Hackerrank given above
Dictionary Quiz 1 Quiz 2 Quiz 3 Quiz 4 Quiz 5 Practice from Hackerrank given above
Sets Quiz 1 Quiz 2 Quiz 3 Quiz 3 Quiz 4 Quiz 5 Practice from Hackerrank given above

Week 2

Tutorial to Follow

Topic Practice Resource Coding Question
Classes and Objects Quiz 1 Quiz 2 Python Classes and Objects
Attributes & Constructors Quiz Python Class Attributes
Class Instance Attributes
Constructors in Python
Inheritance Quiz 1 Quiz 2 Quiz 3 Inheritance example
Python Inheritance
Questions & Answers
Overloading Quiz 1 Quiz 2 Method Overloading
Overloading in Python
Overriding Quiz 1 Method Overriding in Python
Polymorphism Quiz 1 Theory 1 Theory 2
Data hiding Quiz 1 Quiz 2 Data hiding and object printing
Regular Expression Quiz 1 Quiz 2 Quiz 3 Regex Coding Problems

Data Structures and Algorithms

Week 3

Tutorial to Follow Link

Coding Questions

Topic Practice Resource Coding Question
Time Complexity Quiz 1 Quiz 2 Quiz 3 Theory
Recursion Quiz 1 Quiz 2 Theory
Linked List Practice Problems Practice from Hackerrank given above Additional Problems
Stacks and Queues Quiz 1 Practice from Hackerrank given above Additional Problems
Hashing Quiz Practice from Hackerrank given above
Searching Algorithms Quiz Practice from Hackerrank given above Additional Problems
Sorting Algorithms Quiz


Week 4

Introduction to Database

Topic Course/Tutorial Exercises
NumPy Tutorial Exercise 1 Exercise 2 Quiz
Pandas Tutorial Exercise 1 Exercise 2 Quiz Problems
Matplotlib Tutorial Quiz


Week 5

Topic Practice Resource Coding Question
Statistics Course Statistics Interview Questions
Probability Advanced Theory 40 Probability questions

Week 6

Topic Learning Resource Coding Question
Probability Miscellaneous Theory
Linear Algebra Theory Question
Multivariate Calculus(Skip Simple Neural Network and Simple Artificial Neural Network from Week 3) Theory
PCA Theory

Machine Learning

Week 7

Course to follow

Andrew NG Stanford Machine Learning Coursera Link

For this Course, all Exercises in Python: Link

Course Section Topic Practice Codes Additional Resource
Week 1: Andrew NG Stanford Machine Learning What is Machine Learning
Supervised Learning
Unsupervised Learning
Linear Regression with One Variable
Cost Function
Gradient Descent
Linear Regression without Library in Python
One variable Linear Regression
One variable Linear Regressions (Advanced)
Learn EDA before coding
EDA 1(EDA Methods Code)
EDA 2(EDA Project)
Data Analysis
Linear Algebra Review
Vector Arithmetic Operations
Do a quick review as you have done a detailed one initially
Week 2: Andrew NG Stanford Machine Learning Linear Regression with multiple variables
Multiple Features
Gradient Descent for Multiple Variables
Polynomial Regression
Normal Equation
ML without libraries
ML using libraries

Week 8

Course Section Topic Practice Codes
Week 3: Andrew NG Stanford Machine Learning Logistic Regression:
Hypothesis Representation
Decision Boundary
Cost Function
Logistic Regression Practice from scratch
Logistic Regression using Library
Logistic Practice examples
Regularised Linear Regression
Regularised Logistic Regression
Regularization without library

Summary Exercise:

Based on what you have Learned, conduct the following project: Link

Note: Use the links below for a structured approach to a project.

Course Section Topic Practice Codes
Week 7: Andrew NG Stanford Machine Learning Support Vector Machines
Large Margin Intuition
Underlying Mathematics
SVM using Library 1
SVM using Library 2
SVM without Library

Week 9

Applied Data Science Course Link

Course Section Topic Practice Codes
Week 1: Applied Data Science Course Intro to SciKit Learn Environment Setup
Code Tutorial Project
Week 1: Applied Data Science Course K Nearest Neighbors KNN from scratch
KNN using SKLearn
UCI Glass detection
Week 2: Applied Data Science Course Introduction to Supervised Learning
Overfitting and Underfitting
Supervised Learning: Datasets
K Nearest Neighbours
Week 2: Applied Data Science Course Linear Regression: Least Squares Boston Housing Problem - Linear Regression
Simple Linear Regression
Week 2: Applied Data Science Course Linear Regression: Lasso Lasso Regression without library
Lasso Regression with library
Week 2: Applied Data Science Course Linear Regression: Polynomial Polynomial Regression without Library

Week 10

Course Section Topic Practice Codes
Week 2: Applied Data Science Course Logistic Regression Since it's already covered, do a quick review here.
Week 2: Applied Data Science Course Support Vector Machines SVM using Library
SVM with Python
SVM without library
Week 2: Applied Data Science Course Decision Trees Naive Bayes without library
Decision tree without library
CS229 Stanford Ensemble Methods Theory
Week 4: Applied Data Science Course Naive Bayes Naive Bayes
Sklearn Classifiers

Week 11

Course Section Topic Practice Codes
Week 4: Applied Data Science Course Random Forests Random forest without library
Random forest Classifier
Week 4: Applied Data Science Course Dimensionality Reduction and Manifold Learning Good Read
Dimensionality reduction and classification on Hyperspectral images

Week 12

Quick Review

IBM's Machine Learning with python

For this Course, all Exercises in Python:

Machine Learning exercise with Python (IBM)

Course Section Topic Practice Codes
Week 1: Machine Learning With Python Python for Machine Learning Intro Course Practice Problems
Supervised vs Unsupervised Course Practice Problems
Week 2: Machine Learning With Python Linear Regression
Model Evaluation
Evaluation Metrics
Course Practice Problems
Non-Linear Regression Course Practice Problems
Week 3: Machine Learning With Python K-Nearest Neighbours
Intro to Classification
Evaluation Metrics
Course Practice Problems
Decision Trees
Building Decision Trees
Course Practice Problems
Logistic Regression
Logistic vs Linear Regression
Logistic Regression training
Course Practice Problems
Support Vector Machine Course Practice Problems
Week 4: Machine Learning With Python k-Means Clustering Course Practice Problems
Hierarchical Clustering Course Practice Problems
Density-Based Clustering Course Practice Problems
Week 5: Machine Learning With Python Content based Recommendation Engines
Recommender Systems
Collaborative Filtering
Course Practice Problems
Week 6: Machine Learning With Python Course Project

Week 13

Continuing the course Andrew NG Stanford Machine Learning Coursera Link

Course Section Topic Practice Codes
Week 4: Andrew NG Stanford Machine Learning Neural Networks: Representation
Non-Linear Hypothesis
Model Representation
Getting used to Neural nets
Week 5: Andrew NG Stanford Machine Learning Neural Networks: Learning
Cost Function
Gradient Checking
Random Initialization
Autonomous Driving
Deep Learning for Beginners
Week 6: Andrew NG Stanford Machine Learning Machine Learning System Design
Evaluating Hypothesis
Model Selection
Bias vs. Variance
Learning Curves
Machine Learning Systems design

Week 14

Andrew NG Stanford Machine Learning Coursera Link

Course Section Topic Practice Codes
Week 8: Andrew NG Stanford Machine Learning Unsupervised Learning
Optimization Objective
Picking Clusters
Handson unsupervised learning
Unsupervised Learning
Unsupervised learning without libraries
Dimensionality Reduction
Data Compression
Dataset Dimensionality reduction in Python
Complete Project
Week 9: Andrew NG Stanford Machine Learning Anomaly Detection
Gaussian Distribution
Anomaly Detection vs Supervised Learning- Choosing Features- Multivariate Gaussian
Anomaly Detection
Recommender Systems
Content Based Recommendations
Collaborative Filtering
Amazon Product Recommender System
Week 10: Andrew NG Stanford Machine Learning Refer to course Videos
Week 11: Andrew NG Stanford Machine Learning Refer to course Videos

Deep Learning

Week 15

Continue with specialization

Course Section Topic Practice Codes
Week 1: Neural Networks and Deep Learning What are neural networks and deep learning?
Supervised Learning with Neural Networks
Course Practice Problem
Week 2: Neural Networks and Deep Learning Binary Classification
Logistic Regression
Cost Function
Gradient Descent
Computation Graph
Course Practice Problem
Week 2: Neural Networks and Deep Learning Vectorization
Broadcasting in Python
Getting Started with Jupyter Notebook
Course Practice Problem
Week 3: Neural Networks and Deep Learning Neural network representation
Activation Functions
Non Linear Activation Functions
Derivation of Activation Functions
Gradient Descent for Neural Networks
Random Initialization
Course Practice Problem
Week 4: Neural Networks and Deep Learning Forward Propagation
Deep PresentationsParameters vs Hyperparameters
Course Practice Problem

Week 16

Continue with specialization

Course Section Topic Practice Codes
Week 1: Improving Deep Neural Networks: Hyperparameter tuning, Regularization and Optimization Train/Dev/Test
Course Practice Problem 1
Course Practice Problem 2
Week 1: Improving Deep Neural Networks: Hyperparameter tuning, Regularization and Optimization Regularization
Importance of Regularization
Normalizing Input
Vanishing/Exploding Gradients
Weight Initialization
Gradient Checking
Course Practice Problem
Week 2: Improving Deep Neural Networks: Hyperparameter tuning, Regularization and Optimization Mini Batch Gradient Descent
Bias Correction
Course Practice Problem
Week 2: Improving Deep Neural Networks: Hyperparameter tuning, Regularization and Optimization Adam optimization
Learning Rate Decay
Local Optima
Course Practice Problem
Week 3: Improving Deep Neural Networks: Hyperparameter tuning, Regularization and Optimization Hyperparameter tuning Course Practice Problem 1
Course Practice Problem 2
Week 3: Improving Deep Neural Networks: Hyperparameter Tuning, Regularization and Optimization Tuning
Picking Hyperparammeters
Normalising Activators
Fitting Batch Norm- Softmax
Course Practice Problem

Week 17

Continue with specialization

Course Section Topic Practice Codes
Week 1: Structuring Machine Learning Projects Orthogonalisation
Satisficing & Optimising Metric
Varying Dev/Test sets & Metrics
Avoidable Bias
Course Practice Problem
Week 2: Structuring Machine Learning Projects Error Analysis Course Practice Problem
Week 2: Structuring Machine Learning Projects Mismatched training and dev/test set Course Practice Problem
Week 2: Structuring Machine Learning Projects Learning from Multiple Tasks Course Practice Problem
Week 2: Structuring Machine Learning Projects End to end deep learning Course Practice Problem


Week 18

Topic Tutorial
Getting Started with Keras Modules Video
Keras Implementation Example (Classification Boilerplate Code) Video Code
Step By Step Making model in Keras First Neural Network in Keras
Binary Classification In Keras Code using NN
Logistic Regression in Keras Code
End to end deep learning Video
Neural Networks Code Tutorial
Regularization Keras: L1/L2 Theory
Regularization Keras: DropOut Theory
Weight Init Theory
Optimizer Keras Theory
Learning Rate Decay Theory
Convolutional Network Theory

Neural Networks and Deep Learning with Keras:

The concepts shown below are covered in the previous sections of

  • Neural Networks and Deep Learning
  • Improving Deep Neural Networks
  • Hyperparameter Tuning
  • Regularization and Optimization

Week 19

Continue with specialization Link

Course Section Topic Practice Codes
Week 1: Convolutional Neural Networks Convolutional Neural Networks Foundation
Edge Detection
Convolution over volume
Course Practice Problem 1
Course Practice Problem 2
Week 2: Convolutional Neural Networks Case Studies using ConvNets
Mobile Net
Efficient Net
Transfer Learning
Data Augmentation
Course Practice Problem
Week 3: Convolutional Neural Networks Object Localization
Landmark Detection
Object Detection
Sliding Windows
Bounding Box
Non max suppression
Anchor Box
Region Proposal
Semantic Segmentation
Transpose Convolution
Course Practice Problem
Week 4: Convolutional Neural Networks Face recognition & Neural style transfer
Face Recognition
One Shot Learning
Siameses Net
Triplet Loss
Face Verification & Binary Classification
Neural Style Transfer
Deep ConvNets Learning
Cost Function
Content Cost Function
Style Cost Function
1D & 3D Generalisations
Course Practice Problem 1
Course Practice Problem 2

Week 20

Continue with specialization Link

Course Section Topic Practice Codes
Week 1:Sequence Models Recurrent Neural Networks
Backpropagation through time
Types of RNN
Language Model & Sequence Generation
Novel Sequences
Vanishing Gradients with RNN, GRU, LSTM, Bidirectional RNN, Deep RNN
Course Practice Problem
Week 2:Sequence Models Word Representation
Word Embeddings
Embedding Matrix
Negative Sampling
Sentiment Classification
Debiasing word embeddings
Course Practice Problem
Week 3:Sequence Models Various sequence to sequence architectures
Basic Models
Picking Most Likely Sentence
Beam search
Error Analysis in Beam Search
Bleu Score
Attention Model
Course Practice Problem
Week 3:Sequence Models Speech Recognition
Trigger Word Detection
Course Practice Problem

Revise the progress till now from

Then progress to Stanford CS231 Link

Helpful Projects to follow after learning

Additional Topic Wise Helpful Resources

Helpful Books for Reference

Kaggle Resources



Once you have made till here, you can jump on to solving Kaggle and taking up a bundle of Data Science projects!


A step by step learning path for learning Data Science with zero knowledge and learn skills required to become a Data Scientist.







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