import discord from youtube_search import YoutubeSearch from disc_conf import TOKEN, PREFIX client = discord.Client() # event gets fired when the bot is ready @client.event async def on_ready(): print(f'We have logged in as {client.user}') # gets fired on each msg @client.event async def on_message(message): # if the msg was sent by a bot ignore if return # if the msg doesnt start with our defined command prefix ignore it if not message.content.startswith(PREFIX): return # Seperate the command and the args command = message.content[1:].split(' ')[0] args = message.content[1:].split(' ')[1:] if command == 'search': what_to_search = ' '.join(args) results = YoutubeSearch(what_to_search, max_results=10).to_dict() link = f'{results[0]["link"]}' first_result = {'title': results[0]['title'], 'link': link} # sends the msg back ot the channel with the result await'The First YT Search Result For `{what_to_search}` is: `{first_result["title"]}` and it can be found at {first_result["link"]}')