--- title: "Quickstart: Setup" --- * This will be replaced by the TOC {:toc} Get Flink up and running in a few simple steps. ## Requirements Flink runs on __Linux, Mac OS X, and Windows__. To be able to run Flink, the only requirement is to have a working __Java 6.x__ (or higher) installation. Windows users, please take a look at the [Flink on Windows](local_setup.html#flink-on-windows) guide which describes how to run Flink on Windows for local setups. ## Download Download the ready to run binary package. Choose the Flink distribution that __matches your Hadoop version__. If you are unsure which version to choose or you just want to run locally, pick the package for Hadoop 1.2.

Download Flink for Hadoop 1.2
Download Flink for Hadoop 2

## Start 1. Go to the download directory. 2. Unpack the downloaded archive. 3. Start Flink. ~~~bash $ cd ~/Downloads # Go to download directory $ tar xzf flink-*.tgz # Unpack the downloaded archive $ cd flink-{{site.FLINK_VERSION_SHORT}} $ bin/start-local.sh # Start Flink ~~~ Check the __JobManager's web frontend__ at [http://localhost:8081](http://localhost:8081) and make sure everything is up and running. ## Run Example Run the __Word Count example__ to see Flink at work. * __Download test data__: ~~~bash $ wget -O hamlet.txt http://www.gutenberg.org/cache/epub/1787/pg1787.txt ~~~ * You now have a text file called _hamlet.txt_ in your working directory. * __Start the example program__: ~~~bash $ bin/flink run ./examples/flink-java-examples-{{site.FLINK_VERSION_SHORT}}-WordCount.jar file://`pwd`/hamlet.txt file://`pwd`/wordcount-result.txt ~~~ * You will find a file called __wordcount-result.txt__ in your current directory. ## Cluster Setup __Running Flink on a cluster__ is as easy as running it locally. Having __passwordless SSH__ and __the same directory structure__ on all your cluster nodes lets you use our scripts to control everything. 1. Copy the unpacked __flink__ directory from the downloaded archive to the same file system path on each node of your setup. 2. Choose a __master node__ (JobManager) and set the `jobmanager.rpc.address` key in `conf/flink-conf.yaml` to its IP or hostname. Make sure that all nodes in your cluster have the same `jobmanager.rpc.address` configured. 3. Add the IPs or hostnames (one per line) of all __worker nodes__ (TaskManager) to the slaves files in `conf/slaves`. You can now __start the cluster__ at your master node with `bin/start-cluster.sh`. The following __example__ illustrates the setup with three nodes (with IP addresses from _10.0.0.1_ to _10.0.0.3_ and hostnames _master_, _worker1_, _worker2_) and shows the contents of the configuration files, which need to be accessible at the same path on all machines:




Have a look at the [Configuration](config.html) section of the documentation to see other available configuration options. For Flink to run efficiently, a few configuration values need to be set. In particular, * the amount of available memory per TaskManager (`taskmanager.heap.mb`), * the number of available CPUs per machine (`taskmanager.numberOfTaskSlots`), * the total number of CPUs in the cluster (`parallelization.degree.default`) and * the temporary directories (`taskmanager.tmp.dirs`) are very important configuration values. ## Flink on YARN You can easily deploy Flink on your existing __YARN cluster__. 1. Download the __Flink YARN package__ with the YARN client: [Flink for YARN]({{site.FLINK_DOWNLOAD_URL_YARN_STABLE}}) 2. Make sure your __HADOOP_HOME__ (or _YARN_CONF_DIR_ or _HADOOP_CONF_DIR_) __environment variable__ is set to read your YARN and HDFS configuration. 3. Run the __YARN client__ with: `./bin/yarn-session.sh`. You can run the client with options `-n 10 -tm 8192` to allocate 10 TaskManagers with 8GB of memory each. For __more detailed instructions__, check out the programming Guides and examples.