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HomeWork 1

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 *  **********************************************************************
 *  _____________________
 *   Copyright 2019 Vlad-Stefan Dieaconu
 *   Zero Rights Reserved.
 *  NOTICE:  All information contained herein is, and remains
 *  the property of Vlad-Stefan Dieaconu. You can use it however you want,
 *  it's OPEN-SOURCE, just don't say it was written by you. Give credits!
 *  Dissemination of this information or reproduction of this material
 *  is strictly approved unless prior written permission is denied by me.
 *  #SharingIsCaring #LongLiveOpenSource #FreeInternet
 *  Original Publisher
 *  Date: October 2019
 *  **********************************************************************

 This is my implementation for the first homework for the Parallel and
 Distributed Algorithms homework. You can find the official homework paper that
 contains all the To-Dos and requirements of the homework in this repository.
 All the files written by me are marked with the same header signature as this
 readme file.

 Enjoy the open source!