import * as pulumi from "@pulumi/pulumi"; import * as gcp from "@pulumi/gcp"; import * as gpubsub from "@google-cloud/pubsub"; import * as gfirestore from "@google-cloud/firestore"; import * as bodyParser from "body-parser"; import * as express from "express"; import * as qs from "qs"; import * as superagent from "superagent"; // A simple slack bot that, when requested, will monitor for @mentions of your name and post them to // the channel you contacted the bot from. const firestoreMentionUsersCollectionName = "mentionUsers"; const config = new pulumi.Config("mentionbot"); const slackToken = config.get("slackToken"); const verificationToken = config.get("verificationToken"); // Slack has strict requirements on how fast you must be when responding to their messages. In order // to ensure we don't respond too slowly, all we do is enqueue messages to this topic, and then // return immediately. const messageTopic = new gcp.pubsub.Topic("messages"); // Shapes of the slack messages we receive. interface SlackRequest { type: "url_verification" | "event_callback"; token: string; } interface UrlVerificationRequest extends SlackRequest { type: "url_verification", challenge: string; } interface EventCallbackRequest extends SlackRequest { type: "event_callback"; team_id: string; api_app_id: string; event: Event; event_id: string; event_time: number; authed_users: string[]; } interface Event { client_msg_id: string; type: "message" | "app_mention"; text: string; user: string; ts: string; channel: string; event_ts: string; channel_type: string; } type AsyncRequestHandler = (req: express.Request, res: express.Response, next: express.NextFunction) => Promise; const asyncMiddleware = (fn: AsyncRequestHandler) => (req: express.Request, res: express.Response, next: express.NextFunction) => { Promise.resolve(fn(req, res, next)).catch(next); }; // Create an API endpoint that slack will use to push events to us with. const endpoint = new gcp.cloudfunctions.HttpCallbackFunction("mentionbot", { callbackFactory: () => { const app = express(); app.use(bodyParser.json());"/events", asyncMiddleware(handleIncomingHttpRequest)); return app; } }); async function handleIncomingHttpRequest(req: express.Request, res: express.Response) { try { switch (req.body.type) { case "url_verification": // url_verification is the simple message slack sends to our endpoint to // just make sure we're setup properly. All we have to do is get the // challenge data they send us and return it untouched. const verificationRequest = req.body; const challenge = verificationRequest.challenge; res.status(200).json({ challenge }); return; case "event_callback": const eventRequest = req.body; if (!slackToken) { throw new Error("mentionbot:slackToken was not provided"); } if (!verificationToken) { throw new Error("mentionbot:verificationToken was not provided") } if (eventRequest.token !== verificationToken) { console.log("Error: Invalid verification token"); res.status(401).json({ status: "Invalid verification token" }); } await onEventCallback(eventRequest); break; default: console.log("Unknown event type: " + req.body.type); break; } } catch (err) { console.log("Error: " + err.message); // Fall through. Even in the event of an error, we want to return '200' so that slack // doesn't just repeat the message, causing the same error. } // Always return success so that Slack doesn't just immediately resend this message to us. res.status(200).end(); } async function onEventCallback(request: EventCallbackRequest) { const event = request.event; if (!event) { // No event in request, not processing any further. return; } // Just enqueue the request to our topic and return immediately. We have a strict time limit from // slack and they will resend messages if we don't get back to them ASAP. const pubSub: gpubsub.PubSub = new gpubsub.PubSub(); const topic = pubSub.topic(; await topic.publish(Buffer.from(JSON.stringify(request))); } // Hook up a cloud-function that will then process the topic when possible. messageTopic.onMessagePublished("processTopicMessage", async (data) => { try { const request = JSON.parse(Buffer.from(, "base64").toString()); switch (request.event.type) { case "message": return await onMessageEventCallback(request); case "app_mention": return await onAppMentionEventCallback(request); default: console.log("Unknown event type: " + request.event.type); } } catch (err) { console.log("Error: " + (err.stack || err.message)); } }); // Called when we hear about a message posted to slack. async function onMessageEventCallback(request: EventCallbackRequest) { const event = request.event; if (!event.text) { // No text for the message, so nothing to do. return; } // Look to see if there are any @mentions. const matches = event.text.match(/<@[A-Z0-9]+>/gi); if (!matches || matches.length === 0) { // No @mentions in the message, so nothing to do. return; } const firestore = new gfirestore.Firestore(); // There might be multiple @mentions to the same person in the same message. // So make into a set to make things unique. for (const match of new Set(matches)) { // Now, notify each unique user they got a message. await processMatch(match); } return; async function processMatch(match: string) { const id = match.substring("@<".length, match.length - ">".length); const doc = await firestore.collection(firestoreMentionUsersCollectionName).doc(id); if (!doc) { // No subscription found for this user. return; } const snapshot = await doc.get(); if (!snapshot) { return; } const snapshotData =; if (!snapshotData) { return; } const permaLink = await getPermalink(, event.event_ts); const text = `New mention at: ${permaLink}` await sendChannelMessage(, text); } } async function sendChannelMessage(channel: string, text: string) { const message = { token: slackToken, channel, text }; await superagent.get(`${qs.stringify(message)}`) } async function getPermalink(channel: string, message_ts: string) { const message = { token: slackToken, channel, message_ts }; const result = await superagent.get(`${qs.stringify(message)}`) return JSON.parse(result.text).permalink; } async function onAppMentionEventCallback(request: EventCallbackRequest) { // Got an app_mention to @mentionbot. const event = request.event; var promise = event.text.toLowerCase().indexOf("unsubscribe") >= 0 ? unsubscribeFromMentions(event) : subscribeToMentions(event); return await promise; } async function unsubscribeFromMentions(event: Event) { const firestore = new gfirestore.Firestore(); // User is unsubscribing. Remove them from subscription table. const doc = firestore.collection(firestoreMentionUsersCollectionName).doc(event.user); if (doc) { await doc.delete(); } const text = `Hi <@${event.user}>. You've been unsubscribed from @ mentions. Mention me again to resubscribe.`; await sendChannelMessage(, text); } async function subscribeToMentions(event: Event) { const firestore = new gfirestore.Firestore(); // User is subscribing. Add them from subscription table. await firestore.collection(firestoreMentionUsersCollectionName).doc(event.user).set({ channel: }); const text = `Hi <@${event.user}>. You've been subscribed to @ mentions. Send me an message containing 'unsubscribe' to stop receiving these notifications.`; await sendChannelMessage(, text); } export const url = endpoint.httpsTriggerUrl;