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QA Started

This is a QA started guide for using automated tests to test all the examples in nemoguardrails/examples folder. This guide will cover:

  1. Software installation prerequisites;
  2. Download models required by NLTK;
  3. Running automated tests;
  4. Analyzing logs if there are any failure(s).


  1. Install NLTK for validating bot response.
> sudo apt update
> sudo apt install python3-nltk
  1. Download models required by NLTK.
> python3
> import nltk
> exit()

Running automated tests to test all the examples in nemoguardrails/examples folder.

Please refer to the installation guide for instructions on how to install the NeMo Guardrails toolkit.

  1. Make sure that you have the OPENAI_API_KEY and WOLFRAM_ALPHA_APP_ID environment variables set.
> export OPENAI_API_KEY=...
  1. Change the directory to nemoguardrails/qa folder, and then run all the automated tests
> QA=True python -m pytest test_*.py

NOTE: The QA tests are skipped by default as they are expensive (i.e., they make live call to OpenAI and other services). To enable them, you have to set the QA environment variable.

Alternatively, you can also run the tests from the root of the project:

> QA=True pytest qa
  1. If there are any failure(s), analyze the corresponding example test log.
> ls -l *.log
> moderation_rail.log
> execution_rails.log
> grounding_rail.log
> jailbreak_check.log
> topical_rail.log