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Hyperspectral Image Denoising - A Comprehensive Benchmark

An unified interface for benchmarking HSI denoising algorithms on various datasets under different noise settings.

Quick Start

  • Download the library of HSI denoising algorithms from OneDrive and put the lib directory in the matlab folder.

  • Type addpath(genpath('lib')); in matlab command line; now you can use any algorithms with an unified interface defined in demo_fun.m. For instance, you can use BM4D to denoise a hyperspectral image via demo_fun(noisy_hsi, sigma_ratio, 'BM4D')

  • Benchmark your selected algorithm on the whole dataset by Main_Gauss/Complex/Real.m; Get the quantitative results via Result_Gauss/Complex.m


The bibtex of the collected algorithms can be found in benchmarks.bib


  • The code of different HSI denoising algorithms is collected online.
  • Special thanks to these authors for making their source code publicly available.


Adding your own algorithms is very easy: Simply put your source code in lib directory, then write your algorithm interface in demo_fun.m.