# This document is released as CC-0. By contributing, you dedicate your work to # the public domain by waiving all of your rights to the work worldwide under # copyright law, including all related and neighboring rights, to the extent # allowed by law # fields (identical for gtfsFeeds and netexFeeds): # countryIso (required) - ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 country code, e.g. "fr", "de", … # license (optional) - license abbreviation, e.g. "CC0", "CC-BY 4.0", … # attribution (required) - name of the data provider (should be used as attribution for licenses that require it, e.g. CC-BY) # feedUrl (required) - gtfs file url # infoUrl (required) - url that provides additional information about the feed, usually the website "feedUrl" was taken from # comments (optional) - additional comments, e.g. regarding the coverage of a feed ("only covers ~95% of all transport") [[gtfsFeeds]] countryIso = "ch" attribution = "opentransportdata.swiss" feedUrl = "https://gtfs.geops.ch/dl/gtfs_complete.zip" infoUrl = "https://gtfs.geops.ch/#feeds" comments = """ The official feed doesn't have a stable URL, this alternative is provided by GEOPS and derived from the latest official dataset. """ [[gtfsFeeds]] countryIso = "de" license = "CC-BY 4.0" attribution = "DELFI/opendata-oepnv.de" feedUrl = "https://scraped.data.public-transport.earth/de/gtfs.zip" infoUrl = "https://www.opendata-oepnv.de/ht/de/organisation/delfi/startseite?tx_vrrkit_view%5Bdataset_name%5D=deutschlandweite-sollfahrplandaten-gtfs&tx_vrrkit_view%5Baction%5D=details&tx_vrrkit_view%5Bcontroller%5D=View" comments = """ Unfortunately, this feed only covers ~75% of all public transportation (as of 4/2020), mainly because some regional providers are still not included. If this is insufficient for you, consider using the german NETEX feed, which has a higher coverage, or manually combine available regional feeds. Furthermore, the official feed is hidden behind a login form, so the download URL points to a community mirror, which doesn't have any official SLAs. """ [[gtfsFeeds]] countryIso = "dk" attribution = "Rejseplanen Labs" feedUrl = "https://www.rejseplanen.info/labs/GTFS.zip" infoUrl = "https://help.rejseplanen.dk/hc/en-us/categories/201728005-Labs" [[gtfsFeeds]] countryIso = "ee" attribution = "Transpordiamet" feedUrl = "https://peatus.ee/gtfs/gtfs.zip" infoUrl = "https://www.mnt.ee/eng/public-transportation/public-transport-information-system" [[gtfsFeeds]] countryIso = "fi" license = "CC-BY 4.0" attribution = "Traficom" feedUrl = "" infoUrl = "https://developer.matka.fi/pages/en/home.php" [[gtfsFeeds]] countryIso = "ie" license = "CC-BY 4.0" attribution = "Transport for Ireland" feedUrl = "https://www.transportforireland.ie/transitData/google_transit_combined.zip" infoUrl = "https://www.transportforireland.ie/transitData/PT_Data.html" [[gtfsFeeds]] countryIso = "il" attribution = "National Authority for Public Transport" feedUrl = "https://scraped.data.public-transport.earth/il/gtfs.zip" infoUrl = "https://www.gov.il/BlobFolder/generalpage/gtfs_general_transit_feed_specifications/he/GTFS_Developer_Information_2021.08.03.pdf" comments = """ The official feed is only available via FTP, so the download URL points to a community mirror, which doesn't have any official SLAs. Also note that Israel is included in this list despite being located in Asia, because there isn't any similar document for Asian countries just yet. """ [[gtfsFeeds]] countryIso = "lt" attribution = "visimarsrutai.lt" feedUrl = "https://www.visimarsrutai.lt/gtfs/gtfs_all.zip" infoUrl = "https://www.visimarsrutai.lt/gtfs/" [[gtfsFeeds]] countryIso = "lu" attribution = "Administration des transports publics" feedUrl = "https://scraped.data.public-transport.earth/lu/gtfs.zip" infoUrl = "https://data.public.lu/en/datasets/horaires-et-arrets-des-transport-publics-gtfs/" comments = """ The official feed doesn't have a stable URL, so the download URL points to a community mirror, which doesn't have any official SLAs. """ [[gtfsFeeds]] countryIso = "nl" license = "CC0" attribution = "Nationaal Toegangspunt ITS" feedUrl = "http://gtfs.openov.nl/gtfs-rt/gtfs-openov-nl.zip" infoUrl = "https://nt.ndw.nu/#/settings/multimodaal-reisinformatie-overview/1" [[gtfsFeeds]] countryIso = "no" license = "NLOD" attribution = "Entur" feedUrl = "https://storage.googleapis.com/marduk-production/outbound/gtfs/rb_norway-aggregated-gtfs.zip" infoUrl = "https://developer.entur.org/stops-and-timetable-data" [[gtfsFeeds]] countryIso = "se" license = "CC0 1.0" attribution = "Trafiklab" feedUrl = "https://scraped.data.public-transport.earth/se/gtfs.zip" infoUrl = "https://www.trafiklab.se/api/trafiklab-apis/gtfs-sverige-2/" comments = """ The official feed requires an API key, so the download URL points to a community mirror, which doesn't have any official SLAs. """ [[netexFeeds]] countryIso = "de" license = "CC-BY 4.0" attribution = "DELFI/opendata-oepnv.de" feedUrl = "https://scraped.data.public-transport.earth/de/netex.zip" infoUrl = "https://www.opendata-oepnv.de/ht/de/organisation/delfi/startseite?tx_vrrkit_view%5Bdataset_name%5D=deutschlandweite-sollfahrplandaten&tx_vrrkit_view%5Bdataset_formats%5D%5B0%5D=ZIP&tx_vrrkit_view%5Baction%5D=details&tx_vrrkit_view%5Bcontroller%5D=View" comments = """ The official feed is hidden behind a login form, so the download URL points to a community mirror, which doesn't have any official SLAs. """ [[netexFeeds]] countryIso = "no" license = "NLOD" attribution = "Entur" feedUrl = "https://storage.googleapis.com/marduk-production/outbound/netex/rb_norway-aggregated-netex.zip" infoUrl = "https://developer.entur.org/stops-and-timetable-data"