# Change Log ## [v1.27.3](https://github.com/vscodevim/vim/tree/v1.27.3) (2024-05-20) ### Added - Custom digraphs can be added via `:dig[raphs]` ([@J-Fields](https://github.com/J-Fields)). - `:Ex[plore]` is mapped to `workbench.view.explorer` ([@JaiminBrahmbhatt](https://github.com/JaiminBrahmbhatt)). ### Changed - When used with a count, `` and `` set the `scroll` option to the count ([@ontanj](https://github.com/ontanj)). ### Fixed - Fix `:s[ubstitute]` with the `n` flag moving cursor ([@J-Fields](https://github.com/J-Fields)). - Fix special marks displaying in gutter ([@shinohara-rin](https://github.com/shinohara-rin)). - Fix several edge cases of `` ([@harunou](https://github.com/harunou)). - Fix incorrect digraph mappings ([@mlbykn](https://github.com/mlbykn)). - Fix `gv` after visual selection with mouse or command ([@zyd2001](https://github.com/zyd2001)). - Fix `gv` being unaffected by `m<` and `m>` ([@J-Fields](https://github.com/J-Fields)). ## [v1.27.2](https://github.com/vscodevim/vim/tree/v1.27.2) (2023-12-22) ### Added - Map `:ls` to `workbench.action.quickOpenLeastRecentlyUsedEditorInGroup` ([@riyuejiuzhao](https://github.com/riyuejiuzhao)). ### Fixed - Fix scrolling when `editor.smoothScrolling` is enabled ([@zhuowei](https://github.com/zhuowei)). - Fix cursor movement when `vim.foldfix` is enabled ([@HenryTSZ](https://github.com/HenryTSZ)). - Fix `editor.action.smartSelection.expand` command in VisualLine mode ([@rogeryk](https://github.com/rogeryk)). ## [v1.27.1](https://github.com/vscodevim/vim/tree/v1.27.1) (2023-11-22) ### Fixed - Fix `:sp[lit]` and `:vs[plit]` with no file name ([@bcho](https://github.com/bcho)). ## [v1.27.0](https://github.com/vscodevim/vim/tree/v1.27.0) (2023-11-17) ### Added - Allow `:sp[lit]` and `:vs[plit]` to open non-existing files ([@JLMSC](https://github.com/JLMSC)). - Support changing case via `:s[ubstitute]` with `\L`, `\U`, `\E`, `\u`, and `\l` ([@J-Fields](https://github.com/J-Fields)). - Add border to search and `:s[ubstitute]` decorations, based on the `editor.findMatchBorder` and `editor.findMatchHighlightBorder` ThemeColors ([@bryclee](https://github.com/bryclee)). ### Fixed - Make `gf` interpret non-absolute paths as relative to project root ([@Foo-x](https://github.com/Foo-x)). - Fix `gf` with a line number after the path ([@Foo-x](https://github.com/Foo-x)). - Fix status bar color in VisualLine mode ([@chandradeepdey](https://github.com/chandradeepdey)). ## [v1.26.2](https://github.com/vscodevim/vim/tree/v1.26.2) (2023-10-21) ### Fixed - Fixed illegible text with certain color schemes when `vim.statusBarColorControl` is enabled ([@chandradeepdey](https://github.com/chandradeepdey)). ### Changed - Changed extension's `activationEvents` to include `onStartupFinished` rather than `*`, which may improve startup performance ([@whitphx](https://github.com/whitphx)). ## [v1.26.1](https://github.com/vscodevim/vim/tree/v1.26.1) (2023-10-09) ### Fixed - Fixed several Insert mode bugs caused by a regression in `v1.26.0` ([@nullbus](https://github.com/nullbus)). - Fixed dot repeat (`.`) after `:reg[isters]` ([@dannoe](https://github.com/dannoe)). - Fixed overlapping text in Quick Pick caused by `:reg[isters]` ([@dannoe](https://github.com/dannoe)). - Fixed some uses of `vim.remap` ([@jdanbrown](https://github.com/jdanbrown)). ## [v1.26.0](https://github.com/vscodevim/vim/tree/v1.26.0) (2023-09-09) ### Added - Implemented `:m[ove]` ([@zhanyi22333](https://github.com/zhanyi22333)). - Implemented `:red[o]` ([@hamza-tam](https://github.com/hamza-tam)). - Implemented `:pu[t] =` ([@elazarcoh](https://github.com/elazarcoh)). ### Fixed - Fixed misbehavior when selecting from bottom to top with shift+click ([@lqqyt2423](https://github.com/lqqyt2423)). - Fixed `@@` when used in a different editor ([@J-Fields](https://github.com/J-Fields)). - Fixed race condition in the `c` operator and a few other actions when `vim.autoSwitchInputMethod` is enabled ([@listenerri](https://github.com/listenerri)). - Fixed `when` clause for provided `` key bind to enable it being remapped ([@grosssoftware](https://github.com/grosssoftware)). - Fixed `:sp[lit] [file]` ([@fernando-gap](https://github.com/fernando-gap)). - Fixed `` key bind which was blocking menu navigation in VS Code's find dialog ([@devrelm](https://github.com/devrelm)). - Fixed VSCode's auto-surround functionality in Insert mode ([@Elliot-Roberts](https://github.com/Elliot-Roberts)). - Fixed `` and `` not respecting `[count]` ([@rpuhalovich](https://github.com/rpuhalovich)). ## [v1.25.2](https://github.com/vscodevim/vim/tree/v1.25.2) (2023-03-01) ### Added - Support for `:w ` ([@JLMSC](https://github.com/JLMSC)). ### Changed - Reduced extension bundle size by removing source maps ([@kidonng](https://github.com/kidonng)). - Replaced "Report bug" popup on exceptions with an error log message ([@J-Fields](https://github.com/J-Fields)). ### Fixed - Fixed remaps which pass multiple positional arguments to a command ([@elmar-peise](https://github.com/elmar-peise)). - Fixed cursor position after certain surround actions ([@J-Fields](https://github.com/J-Fields)). ## [v1.25.0](https://github.com/vscodevim/vim/tree/v1.25.0) (2023-02-28) ### Added - Support for `:cw[indow]`, `:lw[indow]`, and related commands ([@mogelbrod](https://github.com/mogelbrod)). ### Changed - Logging is now done to a `LogOutputChannel`. It can be accessed in the `Output` panel and configured using `workbench.action.setLogLevel` ([@J-Fields](https://github.com/J-Fields)). - Scope for settings under `vim.autoSwitchInputMethod.*` is now `machine` ([@Quanuanc](https://github.com/Quanuanc)). ### Fixed - Fixed undo/redo after recent VS Code update ([@J-Fields](https://github.com/J-Fields)). - Fixed `.` after exiting Visual mode or command line with `` ([@wgr45097](https://github.com/wgr45097)). - Fixed ex command line ranges with no explicit start, such as `,5` ([@lazygyu](https://github.com/lazygyu)). ## [v1.24.3](https://github.com/vscodevim/vim/tree/v1.24.3) (2022-11-06) ### Added - Text registers can now be executed as macros with `@` ([@elazarcoh](https://github.com/elazarcoh)). ### Fixed - Fixed some ex commands when repeated with `@:` ([@J-Fields](https://github.com/J-Fields)). - Fixed cursor position after `gp` or `gP` in VisualBlock mode ([@burnsdy](https://github.com/burnsdy)). - Fixed edge case of `i{` and `a{` ([@elazarcoh](https://github.com/elazarcoh)). ## [v1.24.2](https://github.com/vscodevim/vim/tree/v1.24.2) (2022-10-29) ### Added - Support for the `'scrolloff'` option, which is mapped to VS Code's `editor.cursorSurroundingLines` setting ([@LinHeLurking](https://github.com/LinHeLurking)). ### Fixed - Fixed indent (`>`) and outdent (`<`) in VisualBlock mode ([@burnsdy](https://github.com/burnsdy)). - Fixed `cW` when the cursor is on the last character of a word ([@wgr45097](https://github.com/wgr45097)). - Fixed indent textobjects (`ii`, `ai`, and `aI`) in VisualLine mode ([@mogelbrod](https://github.com/mogelbrod)). ## [v1.24.1](https://github.com/vscodevim/vim/tree/v1.24.1) (2022-09-26) ### Fixed - Fixed `gt` and `gT` ([@J-Fields](https://github.com/J-Fields)). ## [v1.24.0](https://github.com/vscodevim/vim/tree/v1.24.0) (2022-09-26) ### Added - Support for `zf`/`zd` commands, which fold/unfold arbitrary ranges ([@elazarcoh](https://github.com/elazarcoh)). - Support for surrounding with function call ([@riccardofano](https://github.com/riccardofano)). - Support for `:sor[t] n`, which sorts lines numerically, rather than lexicographically ([@jan25](https://github.com/jan25)). ### Changed - `P` in Visual modes no longer overwrites the default register with the selection's contents ([@J-Fields](https://github.com/J-Fields)). - Yanking block-wise now pads shorter lines with spaces ([@burnsdy](https://github.com/burnsdy)). - `` now goes to definition, not declaration ([@J-Fields](https://github.com/J-Fields)). - `:tabn[ext] {N}` now goes to the Nth tab, not N tabs forward [@elazarcoh](https://github.com/elazarcoh). ### Fixed - Fixed insertion of surrogate pairs, like emoji 🙂 ([@garzj](https://github.com/garzj)). - Fixed `` and `` when cursor is at start of command line ([@J-Fields](https://github.com/J-Fields)). ## [v1.23.2](https://github.com/vscodevim/vim/tree/v1.23.2) (2022-08-01) ### Fixed - Fix the jump list ([@pitkali](https://github.com/pitkali)). - Make increment/decrement (`` and ``) preserve case of hex numbers ([@smallkirby](https://github.com/smallkirby)). - Fix search highlights on inactive but visible editors ([@J-Fields](https://github.com/J-Fields)). ## [v1.23.1](https://github.com/vscodevim/vim/tree/v1.23.1) (2022-06-28) ### Fixed - Fold commands such as `zo` and `zc` no longer throw error ([@J-Fields](https://github.com/J-Fields)). - Fix regression in VisualBlock `c` ([@J-Fields](https://github.com/J-Fields)). ## [v1.23.0](https://github.com/vscodevim/vim/tree/v1.23.0) (2022-06-27) ### Added - Partial implementation of the [targets.vim](https://github.com/wellle/targets.vim#quote-text-objects) plugin ([@elazarcoh](https://github.com/elazarcoh)). - See the configuration available under `vim.targets`. - Support for `:breaka[dd]`, `:breakd[el]`, and `:breakl[ist]` ([@elazarcoh](https://github.com/elazarcoh)). - Support for `:ret[ab]` ([@ivanmaeder](https://github.com/ivanmaeder)). - Support for `:<` and `:>` ([@J-Fields](https://github.com/J-Fields)). - In the replacement string of `:s[ubstitute]`, `~` stands for previous replace string ([@J-Fields](https://github.com/J-Fields)). ### Changed - Searches now abort after ~1 second, rather than after finding 1000 matches ([@elazarcoh](https://github.com/elazarcoh)). - In the replacement string of `:s[ubstitute]`, `&` (rather than `\&`) stands for entire matched text ([@J-Fields](https://github.com/J-Fields)). - The `vim.textwidth` configuration option can now be set per-language ([@BlakeWilliams](https://github.com/BlakeWilliams)). ### Fixed - Allow space in ex command file names if preceded by a backslash ([@J-Fields](https://github.com/J-Fields)). - Fix Replace mode with multiple cursors ([@J-Fields](https://github.com/J-Fields)). - Fix `` and `` (scroll view) with multiple cursors ([@J-Fields](https://github.com/J-Fields)). - Fix `` (go to alternate file) ([@J-Fields](https://github.com/J-Fields)). - Fix the `CamelCaseMotion` plugin ([@rcywongaa](https://github.com/rcywongaa)) - Fix behavior around surrogate pairs ([@smallkirby](https://github.com/smallkirby)). - Fix `:delm[arks]` ([@chewcw](https://github.com/chewcw)). - Fix `` in Insert mode when tabs are used ([@J-Fields](https://github.com/J-Fields)). - Fix `c` in VisualBlock mode when block extends over short lines ([@J-Fields](https://github.com/J-Fields)). - Make `c`, `s`, and `D` in VisualBlock mode copy to register ([@monjara](https://github.com/monjara)). - Fix several edge cases of `gv` ([@J-Fields](https://github.com/J-Fields)). - Fix `p` in Visual modes with multiple cursors ([@joel1st](https://github.com/joel1st)). - Improve search performance ([@J-Fields](https://github.com/J-Fields)). ### Removed - Remove the following deprecated and unused configuration ([@J-Fields](https://github.com/J-Fields)): - `vim.easymotionMarkerForegroundColorTwoChar` - `vim.easymotionMarkerWidthPerChar` - `vim.easymotionMarkerFontFamily` - `vim.easymotionMarkerFontSize` - `vim.easymotionMarkerMargin` ## **_For versions older than 1.23.0, please see [CHANGELOG.OLD.md](CHANGELOG.OLD.md)_**