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File metadata and controls

80 lines (56 loc) · 6.7 KB

Summarization module


UnitTestBot minimizes the number of tests so that they are necessary and sufficient, but sometimes there are still a lot of them. Tests may look very similar to each other, and it may be hard for a user to distinguish between them. To ease test case comprehension, UnitTestBot generates summaries, or human-readable test descriptions. Summaries also facilitate navigation: they structure the whole collection of generated tests by clustering them into groups.

Summarization module generates detailed meta-information:

  • test method names
  • testing framework annotations (including @DisplayName)
  • Javadoc comments for tests
  • cluster comments for groups of tests (regions)

Javadoc comments can be rendered in two styles: as plain text or in a special format enriched with the custom Javadoc tags.

If the summarization process fails due to an error or insufficient information, then the test method receives a unique name and no meta-information.

The whole summarization subsystem is located in the utbot-summary module.


At the last stage of test generation process, the UtMethodTestSet.summarize method is called. As input, this method receives the set of UtExecution models with empty testMethodName, displayName, and summary fields. It fills these fields with the corresponding meta-information, groups the received UtExecution models into clusters and generates cluster names.

Currently, there are three main UtExecution implementations:

  • UtSymbolicExecution,
  • UtFailedExecution,
  • UtFuzzedExecution.

To construct meta-information for the UtFuzzedExecution models, the summarization module uses method parameters with their values and types as well as the return value type. To generate summaries for each UtSymbolicExecution, it uses the symbolic code analysis results.

Let's describe this process in detail for UtSymbolicExecution and UtFuzzedExecution.

Constructing meta-information for UtSymbolicExecution

  1. Producing Jimple statements. For each method under test (or MUT), the symbolic execution engine generates UtMethodTestSet consisting of UtExecution models, i.e. a test suite consisting of unit tests. A unit test (or UtExecution) in this suite is a set of execution steps that traverses a particular path in the MUT. An execution Step contains info on a statement, the depth of execution step and an execution decision.
  • A statement (stmt) is a Jimple statement, provided with the Soot framework. A Jimple statement is a simplified representation of the Java program that is based on the three-address code. The symbolic engine accepts Java bytecode and transforms it to the Jimple statements for the analytical traversal of execution paths.
  • The depth of execution step (depth) depicts an execution depth of the statement in a call graph where the MUT is a root.
  • An execution decision (decision) is a number indicating the execution direction inside the control flow graph. If there are two edges coming out of the execution statement in the control flow graph, a decision number shows what edge is chosen to be executed next.
  1. Tagging. For each pair of UtMethodTestSet and its source code file, the summarization module identifies unique execution steps, recursions, iteration cycles, skipped iterations, etc. These code constructs are marked with tags or meta-tags, which represent the execution paths in a structural view. The summarization module uses these tags directly to create meta-information, or summaries.

At this moment, the summarization module is able to assign the following tags:

  • Uniqueness of a statement:
    • Unique: no other execution path in the cluster contains this step, so only one execution triggers this statement in its cluster.
    • Common: all the paths execute these statements.
    • Partly Common: only some executions in a cluster contain this step.
  • The decision in the CFG (branching): Right, Left, Return
  • The number of statement executions in a given test
  • Dealing with loops: starting/ending an iteration, invoking the recursion, etc.

We use our own implementation of the DBSCAN clustering algorithm with the non-euclidean distance measure based on the Minimum Edit Distance to identify unique, common and partly common execution steps. Firstly, we manually divided execution paths into groups:

  • successfully executed paths (only this group is clustered into different regions with DBSCAN)
  • paths with expected exceptions
  • paths with unexpected exceptions
  • other groups with errors and exceptions based on the given UtResult
  1. Building sentences. Sentences are the blocks for the resulting summaries. To build the sentence, the summarization module
  • parses the source file (containing the MUT) using JavaParser to get AST representations;
  • maps the AST representations to Jimple statements (so each statement is mapped to AST node);
  • builds the sentence blocks (to provide custom Javadoc tags or plain-text mode);
  • builds the final sentence (valid for plain-text mode only);
  • generates the @DisplayName annotation and test method names using the following rule: find the last unique statement in each path (preferably, the condition statement) that has been executed once (being satisfied or unsatisfied); then the AST node of this statement is used for naming the execution;
  • builds the cluster names based on the common execution paths.

Constructing meta-information for UtFuzzedExecution

For UtFuzzedExecution, meta-information is also available as test method names, @DisplayName annotations, Javadoc comments, and cluster comments.

The difference is that clustering tests for UtFuzzedExecution is based on UtResult. No subgroups are generated for the successfully completed tests.

The algorithm for generating meta-information is described in the ModelBasedNameSuggester class, which is the registration point for SingleModelNameSuggester interface. This interface is implemented in PrimitiveModelNameSuggester and ArrayModelNameSuggester.

Depending on the received UtExecutionResult type, ModelBasedNameSuggester produces the basic part of the method name or the @DisplayName annotation. UtFuzzedExecution provides FuzzedMethodDescription and FuzzedValue that supplement the generated basic part for test name with information about the types, names and values of the MUT parameters.

Note: test method names and @DisplayName annotations are generated if only the number of MUT parameters is no more than three, otherwise they are not generated.