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About smed79_blacklist_nsfw

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# [INFO] --------------------------------------------------------------------- #
# smed79 NSFW HOSTS list
# HOSTS file list, designed to block NSFW Adult domains
# Homepage:
# Licence: (CC BY-NC-SA) http:
# In order to use this list, please use the following address:

About Ultimate-Hosts-Blacklist

Ultimate-Hosts-Blacklist serve a place to test and keep a track on each input sources that are present into Ultimate Hosts Blacklist.

As Ultimate Hosts Blacklist grew up it became impossible to test the whole repository, as it takes weeks to finish. That's why we use the GitHub organization system in order to create different repository for each list that are present into Ultimate Hosts Blacklist.

About PyFunceble

PyFunceble is the tool we use to check the availability of subjects listed into our input sources.

Please find more information about it there: