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CAMELEON is a free system that helps Internet users or administrators to blocks web-adverts.
There are a few reasons for which someone would like to do that :
  - kill those annoying ads
  - save bandwidth
  - increase productivity
  - other uses (static pages fast webserver)

It uses two technics to achieve this :
  - a HTTP proxy server (squid) is used to divert all the traffic aimed at advertising companies
  - a web server (the CAMELEON HTTPd) provides the user's browser a blank/transparent document

The CAMELEON HTTPd is a very optimised webserver which analyses the query sent by the HTTP client and returns a blank/transparent page or a blank/transparent image. It can sustain a very important number of simultaneous HTTP requests making it the best HTTP server for any kind of blacklist usage. 

About Ultimate-Hosts-Blacklist

Ultimate-Hosts-Blacklist serve a place to test and keep a track on each input sources that are present into Ultimate Hosts Blacklist.

As Ultimate Hosts Blacklist grew up it became impossible to test the whole repository, as it takes weeks to finish. That's why we use the GitHub organization system in order to create different repository for each list that are present into Ultimate Hosts Blacklist.

About PyFunceble

PyFunceble like Funceble is A tool to check domains or IP availability by returning 3 possible status: ACTIVE, INACTIVE or INVALID.

It also has been described by one of its most active user as:

[An] excellent script for checking ACTIVE, INACTIVE and EXPIRED domain names.

If you need further informations about PyFunceble or Funceble please report to our Wiki page and/or if you don't find any answer feel free to create an issue into one of the Dead Hosts's or Py-Funceble's repositories.

About the status returned by PyFunceble

For an up to date version of this part please report to the Status section of our Wiki.


This status is returned when one of the following cases is met:

  • We can extract the expiration date from Lookup().whois().

    • Please note that we don't check if the date is in the past.
  • Lookup().nslookup() don't return server can't find NXDOMAIN.

  • HTTOCode().get() return one the following code [100, 101, 200, 201, 202, 203, 204, 205, 206].


This status is returned when all the following cases are met:

  • We can't extract the expiration date from Lookup().whois().
  • Lookup().nslookup() return server can't find NXDOMAIN.


This status is returned when the following case is met:

  • Domain extension has an invalid format or is unregistered in IANA Root Zone Database.

    • Understand by this that the extension is not present into the iana-domains-db.json file.