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NLTK REST Java Example Client

This is an example client for NLTK REST using the Apache CXF library.

To test it, start up the NLTK REST server:

Installation for NLTK REST

If you need to install NTK REST:

  1. pip install nltkrest

Then, start the server:

  1. nltk-server -p 8881 -v

Then, try the client by first building it:

  1. mvn install (requires Maven)

Then, run:

  1. java -jar target/nltkrest-examples-1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar "This is Chris Mattmann. I live in Los Angeles, California."

Which should return:

Performing NLTK analysis on text: This is Chris Mattmann. I live in Los Angeles, California. 
Connecting to NLTKRest at: [http:https://localhost:8881/nltk]
    "names": [
        "Chris Mattmann",
        "Los Angeles",
    "result": "success"

Generating JSON for comparing NLTK and CoreNLP

NLTKandCoreNLP compares the results of Named Entities recognized by Stanford CoreNLP against those extracted by Tika trunk containing ability to use NLTKNeRecignizer Parser.

  1. java -cp target/nltkrest-examples-1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar "url/to/solr/dev" "username" "password" "path/to/destination/folder"

Which should return:

Json ready for Visualization: path/to/destination/folder/nltk_vs_corenlp.json

You can then follow the procedure to see a beautiful visualization using instructions from Tika-NLTKvsCoreNLP

Questions, comments?

Send them to Manali Shah or Chris A. Mattmann.


  • Manali Shah, USC
  • Chris A. Mattmann, USC & JPL


Apache License, version 2