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Vim.js : JavaScript port of Vim

A Tool/Toy for Non-Beginners

by Lu Wang

The old version

Recommended browsers: Firefox, Chrome, IE

Vim.js Features

  • ASM.js enabled
  • Persistent ~/.vimrc
  • Execute JavaScript from Vim.js
  • Read local files
  • Read files from Dropbox

Run :e $VIM/vimrc for more detail.

Vim Features

The online demo is built with the small feature set (--with-features=small), with also a few from the normal set. Run :version to check details. (--with-features=normal is too large and too slow for online usage.)

Some features can be requested via pull requests, some are not intended to be included. Please discuss with me first before you work on a PR.

Tips for hackers

  • Need emscripten with async transformation (the async branch in my fork of emscripten)
  • Need GCC & cproto (maybe) — Sometimes you need to run make proto when you see errors about 'undeclared variables/functions/structs'
  • Read
  • The building process might take more than 3GB memory.


Lu Wang coolwanglu(a) — please do not expect a prompt response.
