MODULE input ! Fortran90 input parsing module ! ! Copyright (C) 2005 Anthony J. Stone ! ! This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or ! modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License ! as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 ! of the License, or (at your option) any later version. ! ! This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, ! but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of ! MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the ! GNU General Public License for more details. ! ! You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License ! along with this program; if not, write to ! the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, ! Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA, or see ! !#ifdef NAGF95 !USE f90_unix_env, ONLY: getarg !#endif IMPLICIT NONE CHARACTER(LEN=800), SAVE :: char="" LOGICAL, SAVE :: skipbl=.false., clear=.true., echo=.false., & debug=.false., more INTEGER, SAVE :: item=0, nitems=0, loc(0:80)=0, end(80)=0, & line(0:10)=0, level=0, nerror=0, ir=5, last=0, unit(0:10) CHARACTER(LEN=26), PARAMETER :: & upper_case="ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ", & lower_case="abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz" CHARACTER, PARAMETER :: space = " ", bra = "(", ket = ")", & comma = ",", squote = "'", dquote = '"', tab=achar(9), & plus="+", minus="-", dot="." CHARACTER(LEN=8), SAVE :: concat = "+++" CHARACTER(LEN=40) :: file(10)="" INTEGER, SAVE :: lc=3 INTEGER, PARAMETER :: dp=kind(1d0)!, qp=selected_real_kind(30) INTERFACE readf MODULE PROCEDURE read_single, read_double!, read_quad END INTERFACE PRIVATE PUBLIC :: item, nitems, read_line, stream, reada, readu, readl, & readf, readi, getf, geta, geti, reread, input_options, & upcase, locase, report, die, assert, find_io, read_colour, & getargs, parse, char ! Free-format input routines ! CALL READ_LINE(eof[,inunit]) ! Read next input record from unit IR into buffer, and analyse for data ! items, null items (enclosed by commas), and comment (enclosed in ! parentheses, which may be nested, and occurring where a new item may ! occur). Data items are terminated by space or comma, unless enclosed ! in single or double quotes. ! If the optional argument inunit is provided, the record is read from ! there instead. ! If a line ends with the concatenation sequence (default "+++") ! possibly followed by spaces, the sequence and any following spaces ! are removed and the next line concatenated in its place. ! This is repeated if necessary until a line is read that does not end ! with the concatenation sequence. ! The logical variable eof is set TRUE if end of file is encountered, ! otherwise FALSE. ! The public module variable ITEM is set to zero and NITEMS to the number ! of items in the record. ! CALL PARSE(string) ! Parse the string provided in the same way as the read_line routine ! (which uses this routine itself) and leave the details in the buffer ! as for a line read from the input. Input directives are not ! interpreted. ! CALL READx(V) ! Read an item of type x from the buffer into variable V: ! CALL READF single or double precision, depending on the type of V ! CALL READI integer ! CALL READA character string ! CALL READU character string, uppercased ! CALL READL character string, lowercased ! All of these return null or zero if there are no more items on the ! current line. Otherwise ITEM is incremented so that it gives the ! number of the item that has just been read. ! CALL READF(V,factor) ! If the optional second argument is supplied to READF, the variable V ! is divided by it after it has been read. This is convenient for converting ! from external to internal units. ! CALL REREAD(K) ! K>0 Prepare to read item K ! K<0 Go back |K| items ! K=0 Same as K=-1, i.e. reread last item. ! CALL GETx ! Same as the corresponding READx, but a new record is read if there are ! no more items in the current one. ! CALL READ_COLOUR(fmt,col,clamp) ! Read a colour definition, in a form specified by FMT: ! FMT="GREY": read a single number between 0 and 1 ! FMT="RGB": read 3 numbers, which are RGB colour values between 0 and 1 ! FMT="RGB255": read 3 numbers, which are RGB colour values between 0 and 255 ! FMT="RGBX": read a single 6-character string giving the RGB colour ! values in hexadecimal. ! In the last two cases the colour values are scaled to the range from 0 to 1. ! CLAMP is an optional logical argument. If present and true, the colour ! values are clamped (after scaling, if appropriate) to the range 0 to 1. ! ITEM is the number of the last item read from the buffer ! NITEMS is the number of items in the buffer ! char(I:I) is the Ith character in the buffer ! LOC(I) is the starting position of the Ith item ! END(I) is the position of the last character of the Ith item ! LINE is the number of lines (records) read ! If SKIPBL is set to TRUE, lines containing no items other than ! comment are skipped automatically, so that INPUT will always return ! a line with at least one item (possibly null). If SKIPBL is FALSE ! (default) no skipping occurs and the next data line is returned ! regardless of what it contains. ! If CLEAR is set to TRUE (default) then null items will be returned ! as zero or blank. If an attempt is made to read more than ! NITEMS items from a line, the items are treated as null. If ! CLEAR is FALSE, a variable into which a null item is read is ! left unaltered. ! NERROR specifies the treatment of errors found while reading numbers: ! 0 Hard error - print message and stop (default). ! 1 Soft error - print message and return zero. ! 2 Soft error - no message, return zero, set NERROR to -1. ! If NERROR is set to 2 it is important to test and reset it after reading ! a number. ! IR is the input stream from which the data are to be read (default 5). ! If ECHO is TRUE, the input line will be reflected to standard output. ! LAST gives the position of the last non-blank character in the line. ! CALL REPORT(message[,REFLECT]) ! Error-message routine. Prints the error message, followed by the ! current input buffer if REFLECT is present and TRUE, and stops. CONTAINS SUBROUTINE read_line(eof,inunit) ! Read next input record from unit IR into buffer, and analyse for data ! items, null items (enclosed by commas), and comment (enclosed in ! parentheses, which may be nested, and occurring where spaces may ! occur). ! If the optional argument inunit is specified, read a line from that ! unit instead of IR. ! Stream-switching commands may occur in the data: ! #include file-name ! switches input to be from the file specified; ! #revert ! (or end-of-file) reverts to the previous file. ! However it does not make sense for stream-switching commands to ! be used when the input unit is specified explicitly. If they are given ! in this case, they apply to the default input stream. ! Also ! #concat "string" ! sets the concatenation string; e.g. ! #concat "\" ! #width ! Input line width limited to n characters. Default is 128; may ! need to be reduced to 80 for some IBM computers. Maximum is 255. ! CONCAT is the line concatenation string: if it is found as the last ! non-blank character string on a line, the following line is read and ! appended to the current line, overwriting the concatenation string. ! This procedure is repeated if necessary until a line is found that does ! not end with the concatenation string. ! The concatenation string may be modified by changing its declaration ! above. If it is null, no concatentation occurs. The concatenation string ! may also be changed by the #concat directive in the data file. LOGICAL, INTENT(OUT) :: eof INTEGER, INTENT(IN), OPTIONAL :: inunit CHARACTER(LEN=255) :: w, f CHARACTER :: term INTEGER, SAVE :: lrecl = 128 INTEGER :: in, fail, i, k, l, m eof=.false. if (present(inunit)) then in=inunit else in=ir end if char="" lines: do more=.true. m=1 do while (more) last=m+lrecl-1 line(level)=line(level)+1 read (in,"(a)",end=900) char(m:last) go to 10 ! End of file 900 if (more .and. m .gt. 1) then print "(a)", "Apparently concatenating at end-of-file" call report("Unexpected end of data file",.true.) endif if (level .gt. 0) then ! Revert to previous input close(in) level=level-1 ir=unit(level) in=ir cycle lines else ! End of input char(1:last)="" item=0 nitems=-1 eof=.true. return endif ! Find last non-blank character 10 last=verify(char,space//tab,back=.true.) if (echo) print "(a)", char(m:last) ! Look for concatenation string if (lc .gt. 0 .and. last .ge. lc) then more=(char(last-lc+1:last) .eq. concat) if (more) then m=last-lc+1 endif else more=.false. endif end do ! while (more) ! Replace tab by single space do while (index(char,tab) .gt. 0) L=index(char,tab) char(L:L)=space end do ! Logical line assembled. First look for input directives L=1 do while (char(L:L) .eq. space .and. L .lt. last) L=L+1 end do if (char(L:L) .eq. "#") then ! M=index(char(L:),space)+L-1 M=L do while(char(M:M) .ne. space .and. M .le. last) M=M+1 end do w=char(L:M-1) call upcase(w) if (M .gt. last) then f=" " else do while (char(M:M) .eq. space) M=M+1 end do if (char(M:M) .eq. squote .or. char(M:M) .eq. dquote) then term=char(M:M) M=M+1 else term=space endif ! L=index(char(M:),term)+M-1 L=M do while(char(M:M) .ne. term .and. M .le. last) M=M+1 end do f=char(L:M-1) endif select case(w) case("#") ! Comment -- ignore case("#INCLUDE") ! Take input from specified file if (f .eq. " ") call report & ("No filename given in #include directive",.true.) if (level .eq. 0) unit(0)=ir level=level+1 line(level)=0 ir=find_io(91) unit(level)=ir open(unit=ir,file=f,status="old",iostat=fail) if (fail .ne. 0) then call report(trim(f)//" could not be opened",.true.) end if in=ir file(level)=f case("#CONCAT") concat=f lc=len(trim(concat)) case("#REVERT") close(in) file(level)="" level=level-1 ir=unit(level) in=ir case("#WIDTH") read (unit=f,fmt="(i6)") lrecl case("#ECHO") echo=.true. if (f .eq. "OFF") echo=.false. case("#DEBUG") debug=.true. if (f .eq. "OFF") debug=.false. case default call report("Unrecognized directive "//trim(w)//"in input",.true.) end select cycle lines endif call parse ! Blank except for comment? if (nitems .eq. 0 .and. skipbl) then cycle lines ! Read another line else exit lines ! Finished end if end do lines if (debug) then ! print "(8(I6,I4))", (loc(i), end(i), i=1,nitems) if (echo .and. nitems .gt. 0) then print "(100a1)", (" ", i=1,loc(1)-1), & (("+", i=loc(k), end(k)), (" ", i=end(k)+1, loc(k+1)-1), k=1,nitems-1), & ("+", i=loc(nitems), end(nitems)) endif print "(I2,A)", nitems, " items" endif END SUBROUTINE read_line !----------------------------------------------------------------------- SUBROUTINE parse(string) CHARACTER(LEN=*), OPTIONAL :: string INTEGER :: L, state, nest LOGICAL :: tcomma CHARACTER :: term, c if (present(string)) then char=string last=len_trim(string) end if ! Analyse input ! State numbers: ! 0 Looking for item ! 1 Reading quoted string ! 2 Reading unquoted item ! 3 Reading comment ! 4 Expecting space or comma after quoted string state=0 item=0 nitems=0 L=0 ! Position in input buffer tcomma=.true. ! True if last item was terminated by comma ! and also at start of buffer chars: do ! Read next character L=L+1 if (L .gt. last) then ! End of line if (nitems .gt. 0) then select case(state) case(1) call report("Closing quote missing",.true.) case(2) end(nitems)=L-1 end select endif return endif c=char(L:L) ! if (debug) print "(A,I3,A,A,A,I1)", & ! "L = ", L, " Character ", c, " state ", state select case (state) case(0) ! Looking for next item select case(c) case(space,tab) ! Keep on looking ! cycle chars case(bra) ! Start of comment nest=1 state=3 ! cycle chars case(squote,dquote) ! Start of quoted string nitems=nitems+1 loc(nitems)=L term=c state=1 case(comma) if (tcomma) then ! Null item between commas nitems=nitems+1 loc(nitems)=0 endif tcomma=.true. case default ! Start of unquoted item nitems=nitems+1 loc(nitems)=L state=2 end select case(1) ! Reading through quoted string if (c .eq. term) then ! Closing quote found end(nitems)=L state=4 ! else ! cycle chars endif case(2) ! Reading through unquoted item select case(c) case(space,tab) ! Terminator end(nitems)=L-1 state=0 tcomma=.false. ! case(bra) ! Start of comment -- treat as space ! end(nitems)=L-1 ! This code allows for parenthesised comments ! tcomma=.false. ! to be embedded in unquoted strings. This is ! state=3 ! not a good idea. Such comments now have to occur ! nest=1 ! only where a new item might begin. case(comma) ! Comma-terminated end(nitems)=L-1 state=0 tcomma=.true. ! case default ! cycle chars end select case(3) ! Reading through comment select case(c) case(bra) ! Nested parenthesis nest=nest+1 case(ket) nest=nest-1 if (nest .eq. 0) then ! End of comment state=0 ! Space or comma not required after comment endif ! case default ! cycle chars end select case(4) ! Expecting space or comma select case(c) case(space,tab) tcomma=.false. state=0 case(comma) tcomma=.true. state=0 case(bra) ! Start of comment -- treat as space tcomma=.false. state=3 nest=1 case default call report("Space or comma needed after quoted string",.true.) end select end select end do chars END SUBROUTINE parse !----------------------------------------------------------------------- SUBROUTINE getargs CHARACTER(LEN=80) :: word nitems=0 last=-1 do nitems=nitems+1 !!!!!!!! call getarg(nitems,word) word="" if (word .eq. "") then nitems=nitems-1 exit else loc(nitems)=last+2 char(last+2:)=word last=len_trim(char) end(nitems)=last endif end do END SUBROUTINE getargs !----------------------------------------------------------------------- SUBROUTINE input_options(default,clear_if_null,skip_blank_lines, & echo_lines, error_flag, concat_string) IMPLICIT NONE LOGICAL, OPTIONAL :: default, clear_if_null, skip_blank_lines, & echo_lines INTEGER, OPTIONAL :: error_flag CHARACTER(LEN=*), optional :: concat_string if (present(default)) then if (default) then clear=.true. skipbl=.false. echo=.false. nerror=0 concat="+++" endif endif if (present(clear_if_null)) then clear=clear_if_null endif if (present(skip_blank_lines)) then skipbl=skip_blank_lines endif if (present(echo_lines)) then echo=echo_lines endif if (present(error_flag)) then nerror=error_flag endif if (present(concat_string)) then if (len(trim(concat_string)) .gt. 8) call report & ("Concatenation string must be 8 characters or fewer",.false.) concat=concat_string lc=len(trim(concat_string)) endif END SUBROUTINE input_options !----------------------------------------------------------------------- SUBROUTINE stream(n) INTEGER, INTENT(IN) :: n ! Set the input stream for subsequent data to be N. ir=n END SUBROUTINE stream !----------------------------------------------------------------------- SUBROUTINE reada(m) ! Copy characters from the next item into the character variable M. ! If the first character is a single or double quote, the string is ! terminated by a matching quote and the quotes are removed. CHARACTER(LEN=*), INTENT(INOUT) :: m INTEGER :: l if (clear) m="" ! If there are no more items on the line, M is unchanged if (item .ge. nitems) return item=item+1 ! Null item? if (loc(item) .eq. 0) return l=loc(item) if (char(l:l) .eq. squote .or. char(l:l) .eq. dquote) then m=char(l+1:end(item)-1) else m=char(l:end(item)) endif END SUBROUTINE reada !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! SUBROUTINE read_quad(A,factor) ! ! ! Read the next item from the buffer as a real (quadruple precision) number. ! ! If the optional argument factor is present, the value read should be ! ! divided by it. (External value = factor*internal value) ! ! REAL(KIND=qp), INTENT(INOUT) :: a ! REAL(KIND=qp), INTENT(IN), OPTIONAL :: factor ! ! CHARACTER(LEN=50) :: string ! ! if (clear) a=0.0_qp ! ! ! If there are no more items on the line, I is unchanged ! if (item .ge. nitems) return ! ! string="" ! call reada(string) ! ! If the item is null, I is unchanged ! if (string == "") return ! read (unit=string,fmt=*,err=99) a ! if (present(factor)) then ! a=a/factor ! endif ! return ! ! 99 a=0.0_qp ! select case(nerror) ! case(-1,0) ! call report("Error while reading real number",.true.) ! case(1) ! print "(2a)", "Error while reading real number. Input is ", trim(string) ! case(2) ! nerror=-1 ! end select ! ! END SUBROUTINE read_quad !----------------------------------------------------------------------- SUBROUTINE read_double(A,factor) ! Read the next item from the buffer as a real (double precision) number. ! If the optional argument factor is present, the value read should be ! divided by it. (External value = factor*internal value) DOUBLE PRECISION, INTENT(INOUT) :: a DOUBLE PRECISION, INTENT(IN), OPTIONAL :: factor CHARACTER(LEN=50) :: string if (clear) a=0d0 ! If there are no more items on the line, I is unchanged if (item .ge. nitems) return string="" call reada(string) ! If the item is null, I is unchanged if (string == "") return read (unit=string,fmt=*,err=99) a if (present(factor)) then a=a/factor endif return 99 a=0d0 select case(nerror) case(-1,0) call report("Error while reading real number",.true.) case(1) print "(2a)", "Error while reading real number. Input is ", trim(string) case(2) nerror=-1 end select END SUBROUTINE read_double !----------------------------------------------------------------------- SUBROUTINE read_single(A,factor) ! Read the next item from the buffer as a real (double precision) number. ! If the optional argument factor is present, the value read should be ! divided by it. (External value = factor*internal value) REAL, INTENT(INOUT) :: a REAL, INTENT(IN), OPTIONAL :: factor DOUBLE PRECISION :: aa if (present(factor)) then call read_double(aa,real(factor,dp)) else call read_double(aa) endif a=aa END SUBROUTINE read_single !----------------------------------------------------------------------- SUBROUTINE readi(I) ! Read an integer from the current record INTEGER, INTENT(INOUT) :: i DOUBLE PRECISION :: itmp CHARACTER(LEN=50) :: string if (clear) i=0 ! If there are no more items on the line, I is unchanged if (item .ge. nitems) return string="" call reada(string) ! If the item is null, I is unchanged if (string == "") return !read (unit=string,fmt=*,err=99) i ! read in as a doubleprecision and then round read (unit=string,fmt=*,err=99) itmp i = nint(itmp) if( abs( dble(i)-itmp) >= 1d-6) then print "(2a)", "Error: expecting an integer but found a floating-point. Input is ", trim(string) call report("Error while reading integer",.true.) endif return 99 i=0 select case(nerror) case(-1,0) call report("Error while reading integer",.true.) case(1) print "(2a)", "Error while reading integer. Input is ", trim(string) case(2) nerror=-1 end select END SUBROUTINE readi !----------------------------------------------------------------------- SUBROUTINE readu(m) CHARACTER(LEN=*) m call reada(m) call upcase(m) END SUBROUTINE readu !----------------------------------------------------------------------- SUBROUTINE readl(m) CHARACTER(LEN=*) m call reada(m) call locase(m) END SUBROUTINE readl !----------------------------------------------------------------------- SUBROUTINE getf(A,factor) ! Read the next item as a double-precision number, reading new data ! records if necessary. ! If the optional argument factor is present, the value read should be ! divided by it. (External value = factor*internal value) DOUBLE PRECISION, INTENT(INOUT) :: A DOUBLE PRECISION, INTENT(IN), OPTIONAL :: factor LOGICAL :: eof do if (item .lt. nitems) then call readf(a,factor) exit else call read_line(eof) if (eof) then print "(A)", "End of file while attempting to read a number" stop endif endif end do END SUBROUTINE getf !----------------------------------------------------------------------- SUBROUTINE geti(I) ! Get an integer, reading new data records if necessary. INTEGER, INTENT(INOUT) :: i LOGICAL :: eof do if (item .lt. nitems) then call readi(i) exit else call read_line(eof) if (eof) then print "(A)", "End of file while attempting to read a number" stop endif endif end do END SUBROUTINE geti !----------------------------------------------------------------------- SUBROUTINE geta(m) ! Get a character string CHARACTER(LEN=*) m LOGICAL eof do if (item .lt. nitems) then call reada(m) exit else call read_line(eof) if (eof) then print "(A)", "End of file while attempting to read a character string" stop endif endif end do END SUBROUTINE geta !----------------------------------------------------------------------- SUBROUTINE reread(k) INTEGER, INTENT(IN) :: k ! k>0 Reread from item k ! k<0 Go back |k| items ! k=0 Same as k=-1, i.e. reread last item. if (k .lt. 0) then item=item+k else if (k .eq. 0) then item=item-1 else item=k-1 endif if (item .lt. 0) item=0 END SUBROUTINE reread !----------------------------------------------------------------------- SUBROUTINE upcase(word) CHARACTER(LEN=*), INTENT(INOUT) :: word INTEGER :: i,k do i=1,len(word) k=index(lower_case,word(i:i)) if (k .ne. 0) word(i:i)=upper_case(k:k) end do END SUBROUTINE upcase !----------------------------------------------------------------------- SUBROUTINE locase(word) CHARACTER(LEN=*), INTENT(INOUT) :: word INTEGER :: i,k do i=1,len(word) k=index(upper_case,word(i:i)) if (k .ne. 0) word(i:i)=lower_case(k:k) end do END SUBROUTINE locase !----------------------------------------------------------------------- SUBROUTINE die(c,reflect) CHARACTER(LEN=*), INTENT(IN) :: c LOGICAL, INTENT(IN), OPTIONAL :: reflect call report(c,reflect) END SUBROUTINE die !----------------------------------------------------------------------- SUBROUTINE report(c,reflect) CHARACTER(LEN=*), INTENT(IN) :: c LOGICAL, INTENT(IN), OPTIONAL :: reflect INTEGER :: i, i1, i2, l CHARACTER(LEN=3) s1, s2 print "(a)", c if (present(reflect)) then if (reflect) then l=loc(item) i2=min(last,l+20) i1=max(1,i2-70) s1=" " if (i1 .gt. 1) s1="..." s2=" " if (i2 .lt. last) s2="..." if (level .gt. 0) then print "(a, I5, a,a)", "Input line ", line(level), & " in file ", trim(file(level)) else print "(a, I5)", "Input line ", line(level) endif print "(a3,1x,a,1x,a3)", s1, char(i1:i2), s2 print "(3x,80a1)", (" ", i=i1,l), "*" end if end if stop END SUBROUTINE report !---------------------------------------------------------------- SUBROUTINE assert(test,string,reflect) LOGICAL, INTENT(IN) :: test CHARACTER(LEN=*), INTENT(IN) :: string LOGICAL, INTENT(IN), OPTIONAL :: reflect if (.not. test) call report(string,reflect) END SUBROUTINE assert !---------------------------------------------------------------- INTEGER FUNCTION find_io(start) ! Find an unused unit number for input or output. Unit n=start is used ! if available; otherwise n is incremented until an unused unit is found. ! Unit numbers are limited to the range 1-100; if n reaches 100 the ! search starts again at 1. IMPLICIT NONE INTEGER, INTENT(IN) :: start LOGICAL :: in_use, exists CHARACTER(LEN=40) :: string INTEGER :: n, n0 INTEGER, PARAMETER :: max_unit=99 n0=start if (n0 .le. 1 .or. n0 .gt. max_unit) n0=1 n=n0 in_use=.true. do while (in_use) inquire(n,opened=in_use,exist=exists) if (exists) then if (.not. in_use) exit else write (unit=string,fmt="(a,i3,a)") "Unit number", n, " out of range" call report (string) endif n=n+1 if (n > max_unit) n=1 if (n == n0) then call report ("No i/o unit available") end if end do find_io=n END FUNCTION find_io !---------------------------------------------------------------- SUBROUTINE read_colour(fmt, colour, clamp) CHARACTER(LEN=*), INTENT(IN) :: fmt REAL, INTENT(OUT) :: colour(3) LOGICAL, INTENT(IN), OPTIONAL :: clamp CHARACTER(LEN=6) :: x INTEGER :: i, r, g, b DOUBLE PRECISION :: c select case(fmt) case("GREY","GRAY") call readf(c) colour(:)=c case("RGB") call readf(colour(1)) call readf(colour(2)) call readf(colour(3)) case("RGB255") call readf(colour(1),255.0) call readf(colour(2),255.0) call readf(colour(3),255.0) case("RGBX") call readu(x) read (x(1:2),"(z2)") r colour(1)=r/255d0 read (x(3:4),"(z2)") g colour(2)=g/255d0 read (x(5:6),"(z2)") b colour(3)=b/255d0 case default call die('COLOUR keyword not recognised',.true.) end select if (present(clamp)) then if (clamp) then do i=1,3 if (colour(i)>1d0) colour(i)=1d0 if (colour(i)<0d0) colour(i)=0d0 end do end if end if END SUBROUTINE read_colour END MODULE input