Frontdesk ========= Community driven list of useful things for front end developers. [How to contribute?]( ## Browsers bug trackers - [Opera]( - [Mozilla]( - [Chromium]( - [WebKit]( ## Mobile simulators - [Opera Mini](, [Opera Mobile 12](, [Opera TV Emulator]( - [iOS Simulator in XCode]( ## Browsers Dev Builds - [Chrome Canary]( - [Internet Explorer 10]( - [Opera Next Desktop](, [Opera Beta Mobile]( - [WebKit Nightly]( - [Firefox Nightly](, [Firefox Aurora]( ## Where to download version X of browser Y? - Firefox: - [Official archive]( - [Bash script]( - [All Firefox Releases]( - Opera: - [Official archive]( - [Version history]( - [Safari]( - Chromium: - [All builds]( - Internet Explorer: - [IE 10]( - [IE 9]( ## Browsers plugins - [Chrome Dev HTTP Client]( - [Firebug]( - [Web Developer for Firefox]( - [Chrome DevTools Casts for beginners]( ## Code snippets - [Dabblet]( — interactive playground for quickly testing snippets of CSS and HTML - [JSBin]( — JavaScript, HTML and CSS playground - [gist.github]( — code snippets - [JSFiddle]( — JavaScript, HTML and CSS playground - [CodePen]( — Another JS, HTML, CSS sandbox - [RegExr]( — regular expression playground ## Img - [PNG compressor]( - [Tiny png]( — can make IE6 friendly PNGs - [IMGO]( — image optimization tool - [SVGO]( — SVG optimization tool - [JPEG compressor]( — your photos on a diet - []( — online image optimization tool - []( — a quick and simple image placeholder service. By the way [placekitten]( & [placeboobs]( - [lorempixel]( — placehold random images with dummy text - [SpritePad]( — Sprite generator - [Favicon generator]( — draw your favicon - [Grumpicon]( — tool processes a set of SVG files, generates PNG fallback images for legacy browsers ## JS - [XML to JSON]( - [MicroJS]( — helps you discover the most compact-but-powerful microframeworks - [JavaScript Beautifier]( - []( — pro version of - [JavaScript Patterns Collection]( - [Learning JavaScript Design Patterns]( ## JS frameworks - [TodoMVC]( — helping you select an MV* framework. - [Backbone.js]( — give your JS App some Backbone with Models, Views, Collections, and Events. - [Knockout]( — is a JavaScript MVVM library that makes it easier to create rich, desktop-like user interfaces with JavaScript and HTML. - [Knockback.js]( — provides Knockout.js magic for Backbone.js Models and Collections. - [AngularJS]( - [Ember.js]( - [CanJS]( - [Spine]( — lightweight MVC library for building JavaScript applications. - [Batman.js]( — is a framework for building rich single-page browser applications with CoffeeScript or JavaScript. - [Dojo]( - [Agility.js]( — is an MVC library for client-side Javascript that lets you write maintainable code without compromising on development speed. It's write less, do more with maintainability. - [Closure Library]( is a broad, well-tested, modular, and cross-browser JavaScript library. - [Metro JS]( - plugin for jQuery which enables the Modern UI interface on the web. - [toastr]( - simple JavaScript toast notifications. ## Testing frameworks - [Jasmine]( - [Mocha]( - [QUnit]( - [Buster.js]( - [YUI Test]( - [D.O.H.]( - [wru]( ## HTML - [HTML5 Rocks]( - [html5please]( - [mobilehtml5]( - [DirtyMarkup]( - Quick/easy HTML auto formatting ## Template engines - [Template-Engine-Chooser!]( - [Handlebars]( - [ICanHaz.js]( - [Hogan.js]( — JavaScript templating from Twitter. - [Jade]( - [EJS]( - [JUST]( - [Closure Templates]( - [ECT]( — JavaScript template engine with CoffeeScript syntax - [Dust]( — Asynchronous templates for the browser and node.js - [TwigJS]( — A port of PHP template engine to JavaScript - [yate]( — Yet Another Template Engine ## CSS - [Data URL Toolkit](, [online service]( - [css3please]( — The Cross-Browser CSS3 Rule Generator - [The CSS3 Test]( — check your browser! - [CSScomb]( — tool for sorting CSS properties in specific order - [Procssor]( — CSS Beautifier - [Eric Meyer's reset]( - [normalize.css]( - [CSS Gradient finder]( - [CSS Gradient generator]( - [Sprite Cow]( — CSS Sprites - [CSS3 Transitions, Transforms and Animation Tutorial]( - [Easing animation tool]( - [Cubic-Bezier]( - [Easings function]( - []( — Popular CSS Libraries - [Helium]( — JavaScript tool to scan your site and show unused CSS - [Media Query Builder]( - [The Responsinator]( — helps to see responsive site will look on the most popular devices - [Stylie]( — A fun CSS animation tool - [autoprefixer]( — Parse CSS and add prefixed properties and values by actual Can I Use database - [Patternify]( — Draw your own Pattern then just copypaste CSS code - []( - Table of characteristics of popular devices. - [DPI Love]( - Calculation DPI of devices. ## CSS Preprocessors - [Less]( - [CSS to Less]( - [LESS Elements]( – a set of useful mixins for the LESS - []( – smart LESS mixins - [SASS and SCSS]( - [CSS to SASS]( - [Compass]( - [Compass Ceaser CSS Easing Transitions]( - [Compass Reference Browser]( - [sassmeister]( — playground for Sass - [Bourbon]( — A simple and lightweight mixin library for Sass. Also, [neat]( - [Stylus]( - [nib]( — library for the Stylus, providing robust cross-browser CSS3 mixins - [xCSS]( — PHP based CSS preprocessor - [Roole]( — a language that compiles to CSS - [Rework]( — arbitrary CSS preprocessing library for node.js and the browser ## CSS frameworks - [Twitter bootstrap]( - [Zurb Foundation]( - [YUI]( - [Blueprint CSS]( - [HTML5 boilerplate]( — The web’s most popular front-end template - [HTML5 mobile boilerplate]( — A best practice baseline for your mobile web app - [HTML5 Reset]( – One more boilerplate - [HTML Email boilerplate]( - [Initializr]( — Choose your boilerplate - [960gs]( — CSS grids system framework - [The Semantic Grid System]( - [1140 CSS Grid]( - [Fluid 960 Grid System]( - [Less Framework]( - [Skeleton]( - [inuit.css]( - [baseline]( - [Frameless grid]( - [Kube]( ## Style guides and methodologies - [Github style guide]( - [Google style guide]( - [Harry Roberts' CSS Guidelines]( - [SMACSS]( — Scalable and Modular Architecture for CSS - [OOCSS]( — Object oriented CSS - [BEM]( — Block Element Modificator - [Pragmatic jQuery Style]( - Principles of writing consistent, idiomatic [CSS]( and [HTML]( ## Misc - [caniuse]( - []( - A collection of jQuery plugins organized according to their category. - [The Toolbox]( — a collection of the best time-saving apps, tools, and widgets from around the web - [humans.txt]( - [robots.txt]( - [Adobe Edge Inspect]( - [Unicode Emoticons]( - [Special Characters Easy to Paste]( - [Entity Conversion Calculator]( - []( - []( — Most modern microformat documentation supported by Google, Bing, Yandex and Yahoo - []( — hcard, hcalendar and etc. - [base64 converter]( (from computer) - []( — image sharing web app - [Color Scheme Designer]( - find resonate colors for a great design. - [Windows-8-like animations with CSS3 and jQuery]( - a demo made by Sara Soueidan about creating a Modern UI design like in Windows 8. - [CSS-Tricks snippets]( — useful code snippets - [TypeScript]( ## Stats - [StatCounter]( - [LiveInternet]( - [OpenStat]( ## Performance - [YUI JS, CSS compressor]( - [CSSO]( — Cleaver CSS optimizer - [YSlow]( — Cross-browser plugin for page speed and performance testing - [Google page speed]( — Page speed measurement tools collection from Google - [Web page test]( — Check page speed from multiple locations around the globe using real browsers - [jsPerf — JavaScript performance playground]( ## CDN - [Google CDN]( - [Yandex CDN]( - [Microsoft CDN]( - [cdnjs]( — We host it all - JavaScript, CSS, SWF, images, etc ## Manuals - [jQuery Docs]( - [Try jQuery]( - [MDN]( - []( — CSS, HTML, JavaScript, DOM, jQuery, PHP, Python - []( — HTML, CSS, DOM, DOM Events, JavaScript, jQuery - []( — Collecting All Cheat Sheets ## Validators & Quality Tools - [W3C HTML Validator]( - [W3C CSS Validator]( - [CSSLint]( — static analysis tool for CSS code - [RECSS]( — A simple and attractive code quality tool for CSS built on top of LESS - [JSLint]( — The JavaScript Code Quality Tool by Douglas Crockford - [JSHint]( — community-driven tool to detect errors and potential problems in JavaScript code - [JSCS]( — JavaScript Code Style checker ## Fonts - [CSSFontStack]( - [Font Squirrel]( - [Google WebFonts]( - [Fontcustom]( — command line utility to generate fonts from separate svg/eps files - [Fontello]( — easy way to combine selected icons from popular icons sets into custom made font - [Online Font Converter]( - [Check font name by screenshot]( ## CLI Apps - [Grunt]( - Javascript task runner - [Yeoman]( - Developer workflow - [Bower]( - Javascript package manager ## OS X Apps - [ColorSnapper]( — easy-to-use tool for quickly finding out the color of any pixel on the screen - [Gitbox]( — version control as easy as Mail - [LiveReload]( — "As soon as you save a file, it is preprocessed as needed, and the browser is refreshed..." - [PixFit]( — measure tool - [xScope]( — for measuring, inspecting & testing on-screen graphics and layouts - [MAMP PRO]( — Mac, Apache, MySQL and PHP - [DataURLMaker]( - [ImageOptim]( — drag'n'drop UI and various optimisation tools - [ImageAlpha]( — converts 24-bit PNG to paletted 8-bit with full alpha channel - [BLESS CSS]( — fighting IE's CSS selectors limit, and nice tool for checking CSS selectors count - [Kaleidoscope]( — a nice diff tool - [Dash]( — gives you instant offline access to 80+ API documentation sets. ## Git - [GitHowTo]( - [Pro Git]( - [Try Git]( - [LearnGitBranching](