# `` Component API ## Props | Prop | Type | Default | Note | | ---------- | --------------- | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | `image` | `ImageSource` | A custom image to be used as the overlay. Only required local image resources and uri (as for images located in the net) are allowed to be used. | | `bounds` | `Array` | | The coordinates for the image (bottom-left corner, top-right corner). ie.`[[lat, long], [lat, long]]` | | `bearing` | `Number ` | `0` | `Google Maps API only` The bearing in degrees clockwise from north. Values outside the range [0, 360) will be normalized. | | `tappable` | `Bool` | `false` | `Android only` Boolean to allow an overlay to be tappable and use the onPress function. | | `opacity` | `Number` | `1.0` | `Google maps only` The opacity of the overlay. | ## Events | Event Name | Returns | Notes | | ---------- | ------- | --------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | `onPress` | | `Android only` Callback that is called when the user presses on the overlay | ## Types ``` type LatLng = [ latitude: Number, longitude: Number, ] ```