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Important Note

This is currently being integrated into the MEC project, from being a standalone project. Once fully integrated the build/dev notes etc will all be part of the normal mec system.

Windows note

as I dont currently target mec at windows (but will do), its likely I'll keep the pd-lib-builder working for windows externals initially. if you find its missing source files (i.e. doesn't link), check the CMakeFiles.txt for a definitive list

Technobear's kontrol

kontrol is a system for managing parameters, allowing abstraction of the input and display mechanism, and including navigatonal aids


not released, development only - not working, do not use ;)


Its best for users if there is a single source for these externals, so if you wish to extend/fix/contribute, Im very happy to take Pull Requests for enhancements / bug fixes etc.


kontrol - parameter control kontrolhost~ - interface to organelle, note DSP needs to be turned on to work

Folder Structure

api - core functionality, target independent pd - pure data externals pd/kontrol - Kontrol pure data external for add params etc pd/kontrolhost - pure data external for interfacing to Organelle

Building external , without MEC##

(only use for Windows, use normal 'cmake' mec build for linux/macOS... these hardcoded makefiles will be removed once mec is available for windows)

cd mec_kontrol/pd/kontrol
cd mec_kontrol/pd/kontrolhost

Notes: you will need a copy of pure data installed. By default, pd-lib-builder will attempt to auto-locate an install of Pure Data, to find the appropriate header files. If your puredata setup is non-standard, you can use PDINCLUDEDIR and PDLIBDIR

externals will be installed into the library directory, under the 'mec' library.

Example builds

building instaling using defaults

make install 

a non standard build when PD needs to be specified, for examle Bela you can use

make PDINCLUDEDIR=~/Bela/include/libpd/ PDLIBDIR=~/Bela/projects/pd-externals install

See make help for more details.

This build uses pd-lib-builder