- Sultan, WA
- Pro
Helps you connect and work with Lego's SPIKE Prime/MINDSTORMS Robot Inventor hubs
Cross-platform, C implementation of the IETF QUIC protocol, exposed to C, C++, C# and Rust.
Tools for interacting with SPIKE PRIME Micropython environment
Open Source, cross-platform tool to generate logging/tracing code, using printf() style event descriptions
Official Repository of WPILibJ and WPILibC
Cross-platform, Serial Port library written in C++
VEX IQ reference sensor implementation for the TI MSP430 Launchpad eval card
Camera access and streaming library (ARCHIVED, merged into allwpilib)
The Microsoft Build Engine (MSBuild) is the build platform for .NET and Visual Studio.
NetworkTables Core Library (ARCHIVED, merged into allwpilib)