.PHONY: all init format lint build build_frontend install_frontend run_frontend run_backend dev help tests coverage all: help init: @echo 'Installing pre-commit hooks' git config core.hooksPath .githooks @echo 'Installing backend dependencies' make install_backend @echo 'Installing frontend dependencies' make install_frontend coverage: poetry run pytest --cov \ --cov-config=.coveragerc \ --cov-report xml \ --cov-report term-missing:skip-covered tests: poetry run pytest tests format: poetry run black . poetry run ruff . --fix cd src/frontend && npm run format lint: poetry run mypy . poetry run black . --check poetry run ruff . --fix install_frontend: cd src/frontend && npm install run_frontend: cd src/frontend && npm start frontend: make install_frontend make run_frontend install_backend: poetry install backend: make install_backend poetry run uvicorn src.backend.langflow.main:app --port 7860 --reload --log-level debug build_and_run: echo 'Removing dist folder' rm -rf dist make build && poetry run pip install dist/*.tar.gz && poetry run langflow build_and_install: echo 'Removing dist folder' rm -rf dist make build && poetry run pip install dist/*.tar.gz build_frontend: cd src/frontend && CI='' npm run build cp -r src/frontend/build src/backend/langflow/frontend build: make install_frontend make build_frontend poetry build --format sdist rm -rf src/backend/langflow/frontend lcserve_push: make build_frontend @version=$$(poetry version --short); \ lc-serve push --app langflow.lcserve:app --app-dir . \ --image-name langflow --image-tag $${version} --verbose --public lcserve_deploy: @:$(if $(uses),,$(error `uses` is not set. Please run `make uses=... lcserve_deploy`)) lc-serve deploy jcloud --app langflow.lcserve:app --app-dir . \ --uses $(uses) --config src/backend/langflow/jcloud.yml --verbose dev: make install_frontend ifeq ($(build),1) @echo 'Running docker compose up with build' docker compose $(if $(debug),-f docker-compose.debug.yml) up --build else @echo 'Running docker compose up without build' docker compose $(if $(debug),-f docker-compose.debug.yml) up endif publish: make build poetry publish help: @echo '----' @echo 'format - run code formatters' @echo 'lint - run linters' @echo 'install_frontend - install the frontend dependencies' @echo 'build_frontend - build the frontend static files' @echo 'run_frontend - run the frontend in development mode' @echo 'run_backend - run the backend in development mode' @echo 'build - build the frontend static files and package the project' @echo 'publish - build the frontend static files and package the project and publish it to PyPI' @echo 'dev - run the project in development mode with docker compose' @echo 'tests - run the tests' @echo 'coverage - run the tests and generate a coverage report' @echo '----'