## Reporting Security Issues ✍️ This document will cover: - [Reporting a security bug 🕵️‍♂️](https://github.com/hackclub/sprig/edit/main/SECURITY.md#reporting-a-security-bug) - [Suggestions to improve reporting 💬](https://github.com/hackclub/sprig/edit/main/SECURITY.md#suggestions-to-improve-reporting) ### Reporting a security bug 🕵️‍♂️ Hi there 👋 Thanks for taking the time to report a potential security flaw! By doing this, you help make Sprig much safer 🔐 To report a bug, kindly contact the Hack Club team at `team@hackclub.com`. ### Suggestions to improve reporting 💬 Everything can be made better ✨ Even the way bugs can be reported 🪲 If you think a better way could be used to report security flaws then create an issue on the repo ✍️