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A light-weight CSS framework to implement basic layout and a handful of components.


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   WNXKKKXNW        N000000000000KKXXNNNNNNNNNNXKK000000000000000000XW    WXXNW 
 WNXXXNWWNNXKKXW   WK00000000KXNNWW             WNK000000000000000KXN  WNKO0XW  
 WWWWXK0Okxxxx0N  WX000000KNNW      WWW        WNX0000000000000KXWW  WXOkkKW    
   NOxxxxxxxkXW  N0000KXWW     WNK0OOKW     WNX000000000000KXNW   NKOxxONW     
    XkxxxxxxxON  WNKKXNW     WX0OkxxkKN     WX00000000000KXNW    NKkxxx0N       
    Kxxxxxxxx0W   WWW     WXKOxxxxxOXW    WNK0000000000KXWW    NKkxxxxON        
    Kkxxxxxxx0W        WXKOxxxxxxxON     WX0000000000KNW     NKOxxxxxxOW        
    Xkxxxxxxxk0NWWWNXK0OxxxxxxxxxON    WWX00000000KXNW     WXOxxxxxxxx0W        
    NOxxxxxxxxxkkOkkxxxxxxxxxxxxkX     NKK000000KXNW     WXOxxxxxxxxxxK         
    WKxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx0W     NK0000KXNW      WXOxxxxxxxxxxxON         
     NOxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxkX      WNNXNNWW      WXOxxxxxxxxxxxxxKW         
     WKkxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxON                  NKOxxxxxxxxxxxxxx0N          
      WKxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxkX               WNKkxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxON           
       WKkxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx0W           WNXOkxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxOX            
        WKkxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxk0NW    WWWNK0kxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxON             

Welcome to SplashCSS

We're still in pre-pre-release phase. Check back again soon or feel free to submit feedback.

Getting Started

It's pretty easy to get started. You've already found this README which is great. Once you bring the project local, there's only 3 easy steps to get started.

  1. Install NPM packages by running npm i
  2. Build everything by running npm run build
  3. Start the vite server and browse to the URL output by running npm run start

That's it.

Building SplashCSS

Building SplashCSS

Instead of building the Demo app or the Distributables individually as outlined below, we can build both at the same time. Well, it won't be concurrently as we're trying not to bloat the packages installed, but run this:

npm run build

Building the Demo

The demo page is already pre-built. The purpose of this page is to highlight several of the features of SplashCSS. You can browse the demo page by visiting the index.html file in the root. The .css and .js files it accesses are the files contained in the /demo folder.

To re-build the demo site including the CSS and JavaScript, run the following command in the root:

npm run buildDemo

Building the Distributables

As with the demo, the distributables are already pre-built. These files are the files you'd want to reference in your application. They can be found in the /dist folder.

To re-build the distributables including the CSS and JavaScript, run the following command in the root:

npm run buildProd

Using SplashCSS Functions and Mixins

color-wheel Function

The color-wheel function is found in the _color-mixin.scss file. It will take a base color and infer 10 other colors based on the base color including:

  • light - 15% lighter base color
  • lighter - 30% lighter base color
  • dark - 15% darker base color
  • darker - 30% darker base color
  • complement - uses the SASS function to obtain the complement color
  • invert - inverts the base color
  • left60 - gets the color by adjusting the hue 60 degrees to the left of the existing color
  • left120 - gets the color by adjusting the hue 120 degrees to the left of the existing color
  • right60 - gets the color by adjusting the hue 60 degrees to the right of the existing color
  • right120 - gets the color by adjusting the hue 120 degrees to the right of the existing color

You can use the function in your SASS to build out style rules like so:

$blue:    #007bff;
$indigo:  #6610f2;
$purple:  #6f42c1;
$pink:    #e83e8c;
$red:     #dc3545;
$orange:  #fd7e14;
$yellow:  #ffc107;
$green:   #28a745;
$teal:    #20c997;
$cyan:    #17a2b8;

$colors: ($blue, $indigo, $purple, $pink, $red, $orange, $yellow, $green, $teal, $cyan);

$i: 0;
@each $c in $colors {
    $theme: color-wheel($c);
    $i: $i + 1;

    $i2: 0;
    @each $l, $v in $theme {
        $i2: $i2 + 1;
        .color-#{$i}-#{$i2} {
            background-color: $v;
            &::before {
                content: "#{$v}";

calculate-contrast Function

The calculate-contrast function will take two hex color values, such as #f2f2f2 and #000, and calculate the contrast ratio, also known as relative luminance, between the two values. It does this by sending each color from the hex code being passed in to the sRGBToLinear function, which converts the color value to a numeric contrast value.

You can use this function in your SASS like so:

$v1:      #f2f2f2;
$v2:      #000;
$c: calculate-contrast($v1,$v2)

find-safe-color Function

The find-safe-color function takes two parameters. The first is the starting color. The second is optional and is the ratio you're trying to achieve. The default value is 4.5. You can find out more about the WCAG ratios by visiting the WebAIM Contrast Checker page. The function will return a color by checking the initial lightness and based on that value, lightening or darkening the color by 2% until it finds a complementary color that meets the ratio passed in.

You can use this function in your SASS like so:

$base-color: #f2f2f2;
$wcag45: find-safe-color($base-color);

NOTE: On SASS compilation, if you are passing in a color value and the function cannot find a complementary color that meets the ratio you are trying to obtain, you will see a console message like: Color (#ccc) not safe. If this is the case, we recommend changing the ratio or changing the input color. If building using a CI pipeline, you may need to check the CI logs.

wcag-safe-colors Function

The wcag-safe-colors function takes a single, base color parameter. From that base color, the function will find appropriate WCAG safe colors based on WCAG 2.0 and WCAG 2.1. In addition to learning more about the ratios, you can learn more about the WCAG rules by visiting the WebAIM Contrast Checker page. For example, if following WCAG Level AAA, the normal text ratio should be at least 7:1. You can find that color by grabbing the return value wcag21-aaa-normal-color.

A dictionary is returned from wcag-safe-colors including the rule name and the color. Here are the rule names returned:

  • base-color - This is the color passed in and is included in case you are passing in each color in a color array to build a map.
  • wcag20-aa-normal-color - This requires a contrast ratio of 4.5:1 for normal text
  • wcag20-aa-normal-ratio - This is the ratio calculated between the base-color and wcag20-aa-normal-color
  • wcag20-aa-large-color - This requires a contrast ratio of 3:1 for large text
  • wcag20-aa-large-ratio - This is the ratio calculated between the base-color and wcag20-aa-large-color
  • wcag21-aa-input-color - This requires a contrast ratio of 3:1 for graphics and user interface components such as form input borders
  • wcag21-aa-input-ratio - This is the ratio calculated between the base-color and wcag20-aa-input-color
  • wcag21-aaa-normal-color - This requires a contrast ratio of 7:1 for normal text
  • wcag21-aaa-normal-ratio - This is the ratio calculated between the base-color and wcag21-aaa-normal-color
  • wcag21-aaa-large-color - This requires a contrast ratio of 4.5:1 for large text
  • wcag21-aaa-large-ratio - This is the ratio calculated between the base-color and wcag21-aaa-large-color

Using the rules above, large text is defined as text that is bold 14 points or larger. It can also be normal weight text 18 points or larger. Normal text would be anything smaller than that.

An example usage of this function is shown below:

$base-color: #007bff;
.blue-box {
    background-color: $base-color;
    color: map-get(wcag-safe-colors($base-color), 'wcag21-aaa-normal-color');
    border: 1px solid map-get(wcag-safe-colors($base-color), 'wcag21-aa-input-color');
    font-size: 12pt;


A light-weight CSS framework to implement basic layout and a handful of components.







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