# Use an official Node runtime as a parent image FROM node:11.15 AS builder # Copy the current directory contents into the container at /app COPY ./frontend /app/frontend COPY ./backend /app/backend # Compile the frontend WORKDIR /app/frontend RUN ["npm", "i"] RUN ["npm", "run", "build"] # Compile the backend WORKDIR /app/backend RUN ["npm", "i"] RUN ["npm", "run", "build"] # Switch to the final stage of the build FROM node:11.15 # Copy the compiled frontend to the final stage COPY --from=builder /app/frontend/dist /app/frontend/dist # Copy the fompiled backend to the final stage COPY --from=builder /app/backend/dist /app/backend/dist COPY --from=builder /app/backend/node_modules /app/backend/node_modules # Make both the HTTP and HTTPS ports available EXPOSE 80 EXPOSE 443 # Prepare the JWT key pair VOLUME [ "/app/jwt" ] # Don't use SSL ENV EDM_SSL false # Define the DB connection ENV EDM_DB_HOST ENV EDM_DB_DB edm ENV EDM_DB_USER edm ENV EDM_DB_PORT 5432 ENV EDM_DB_PWD edm ENV EDM_DB_SSL false ENV EDM_DB_SCHEMA edm # Define JWT ENV EDM_JWT_PRIVATE_KEY /app/jwt/jwtRS256.key ENV EDM_JWT_PUBLIC_KEY /app/jwt/jwtRS256.key.pub # Configure the container start WORKDIR /app/backend/dist CMD ["node", "."]