from repurpose.process import parallel_process_async, idx_chunks import pynetcf.time_series as nc from pygeogrids.grids import CellGrid import repurpose.resample as resamp import numpy as np import os import time from datetime import datetime import logging import pygeogrids.netcdf as grid2nc import pandas as pd from pygeobase.object_base import Image import warnings class Img2TsError(Exception): pass def is_subset_grid(grid, other, compare_index=False, compare_cell=False): """ Check if all the locations from other grid are also included in grid, i.e. other grid is a subset of grid. - Check if distance between (common) GPIs is 0 Parameters ---------- grid: CellGrid Main grid other: CellGrid Potential subset grid compare_index: bool, optional (default: False) If GPIs have the same coordinates, verify that the index is the same. compare_cell: bool, optional (default: True) Both input grids must be CellGrids. Also the cell numbers assigned to the same locations must be equal. Returns ------- subset: bool True if subset or equal else False """ gpis, dist = grid.find_nearest_gpi(other.activearrlon, other.activearrlat) if not np.all(dist == 0): return False if compare_index or compare_cell: grid = grid.subgrid_from_gpis(gpis) # continue with common gpis if compare_index: if not np.array_equal(grid.activegpis, other.activegpis): return False if compare_cell: if (not isinstance(grid, CellGrid)) or \ (not isinstance(other, CellGrid)): raise IOError("Both grids must be of of type `CellGrid`") if not np.array_equal(grid.activearrcell, other.activearrcell): return False return True class Img2Ts: """ class that uses the read_img iterator of the input_data dataset to read all images between startdate and enddate and saves them in netCDF time series files with the cell structure of the outputgrid. Currently, 2 time series formats are implemented: - The `OrthoMultiTs` format will we used when the same time stamp applies to all data points in a loaded image. - `IndexedRaggedTs` format will be used when time stamps vary between locations in a netcdf image file. The `_read_image` function will decide whether the orthogonal format is used or not. """ def __init__(self, input_dataset, outputpath, startdate, enddate, input_kwargs=None, input_grid=None, target_grid=None, imgbuffer=100, variable_rename=None, unlim_chunksize=100, cellsize_lat=None, cellsize_lon=None, r_methods='nn', r_weightf=None, r_min_n=1, r_radius=18000, r_neigh=8, r_fill_values=None, filename_templ='', gridname='', global_attr=None, ts_attributes=None, ts_dtypes=None, time_units="days since 1858-11-17 00:00:00", zlib=True, n_proc=1, ignore_errors=False): """ Parameters ---------- input_dataset : DatasetImgBase like class instance must implement a ``read(date, **input_kwargs)`` iterator that returns a `pygeobase.object_base.Image` object that contains the data loaded from the netcdf file. outputpath : str path where to save the time series to startdate : datetime.datetime or str date from which the time series should start. Of course images have to be available from this date onwards. enddate : datetime.datetime or str date when the time series should end. Images should be available up until this date input_kwargs : dict, optional (default: None) keyword arguments which should be passed to the method ``read(date, **input_kwargs)`` to read the image data in addition to the time stamp. input_grid : CellGrid, optional (default: None) Ghe grid on which input data is stored. If not given then the grid of the input dataset will be used (`input_dataset.grid`) If the input dataset has no grid object then resampling to the target_grid is performed. target_grid : CellGrid, optional the grid on which the time series will be stored. If not given then the grid of the input dataset will be used imgbuffer : int, optional number of days worth of images that should be read into memory before a time series is written. This parameter should be chosen so that the memory of your machine is utilized. It depends on the daily data volume of the input dataset. If -1 is passed, all available data will be loaded at once (no buffer). variable_rename : dict, optional if the variables should have other names than the names that are returned as keys in the dict by the daily_images iterator. A dictionary can be provided that changes these names for the time series. unlim_chunksize : int, optional netCDF chunksize for unlimited variables. cellsize_lat : float, optional (default: None) if outgrid or input_data.grid are not cell grids then the cellsize in latitude direction must be specified here. Consider e.g. 5 deg cells as shown here for a grid with the origin in the bottom left corner: cellsize_lon : float, optional (default: None) if outgrid or input_data.grid are not cell grids then the cellsize in longitude direction must be specified here. Consider e.g. 5 deg cells as shown here for a grid with the origin in the bottom left corner: r_methods : string or dict, optional resample methods to use if resampling is necessary, either 'nn' for nearest neighbour or 'custom' for custom weight function. Can also be a dictionary in which the method is specified for each variable r_weightf : function or dict, optional if r_methods is custom this function will be used to calculate the weights depending on distance. This can also be a dict with a separate weight function for each variable. r_min_n : int, optional Minimum number of neighbours on the target_grid that are required for a point to be resampled. r_radius : float, optional resample radius in which neighbours should be searched given in meters r_neigh : int, optional maximum number of neighbours found inside r_radius to use during resampling. If more are found the r_neigh closest neighbours will be used. r_fill_values : number or dict, optional if given the resampled output array will be filled with this value if no valid resampled value could be computed, if not a masked array will be returned can also be a dict with a fill value for each variable filename_templ : string, optional filename template must be a string with a string formatter for the cell number. e.g. '' will translate to the filename '' for cell number 1. gridname : string, optional filename of the grid which will be saved as netCDF global_attr : dict, optional global attributes for each file ts_attributes : dict, optional dictionary of attributes that should be set for the netCDF time series. Can be either a dictionary of attributes that will be set for all variables in input_data or a dictionary of dictionaries. In the second case the first dictionary has to have a key for each variable returned by input_data and the second level dictionary will be the dictionary of attributes for this time series. ts_dtype : numpy.dtype or dict of numpy.dtypes data type to use for the time series, if it is a dict then a key must exist for each variable returned by input_data. Default : None, no change from input data time_units : string, optional units the time axis is given in. Default: "days since 1858-11-17 00:00:00" which is modified julian date for regular images this can be set freely since the conversion is done automatically, for images with irregular timestamp this will be ignored for now zlib: boolean, optional (default: True) if True the saved netCDF files will be compressed Default: True n_proc: int, optional (default: 1) Number of parallel processes. Multiprocessing is only used when `n_proc` > 1. Applies to data reading and writing. Should be chosen according to the file connection. A slow connection might be overloaded by too many processes trying to read data (e.g. network). If unsure, better leave this at 1. ignore_errors: bool, optional (default: False) Instead of raising an exception, log errors and continue the process. E.g. to skip individual corrupt files. """ self.imgin = input_dataset self.zlib = zlib if (input_grid is None) and hasattr(self.imgin, 'grid'): input_grid = self.imgin.grid self.input_grid = input_grid self.target_grid = target_grid if self.target_grid is None: self.target_grid = self.input_grid if self.input_grid is None and self.target_grid is None: raise ValueError("Either the input dataset has to have a grid, " "`input_grid` has to be specified or " "`target_grid` has to be set") self.input_kwargs = input_kwargs or dict() # Chunk the target grid according to the chosen cell size if not hasattr(self.target_grid, 'activearrcell'): if (cellsize_lat is None) or (cellsize_lon is None): raise ValueError( "Target grid is not a CellGrid. `cellsize_lat` and " "`cellsize_lon` must be specified") self.target_grid = self.target_grid.to_cell_grid( cellsize_lat=cellsize_lat, cellsize_lon=cellsize_lon) else: if cellsize_lat is not None or cellsize_lon is not None: warnings.warn("A cell size was specified, but the input grid " "is already a CellGrid. Your settings will be" "ignored!") if self.input_grid is None: self.resample = True elif (hasattr(self.input_grid, 'activearrcell') and hasattr(self.target_grid, 'activearrcell') and (self.input_grid == self.target_grid)): self.resample = False elif is_subset_grid(self.input_grid, self.target_grid, compare_index=True): # even if grids are the same, but GPI order is different, resample self.resample = False else: self.resample = True startdate = pd.to_datetime(startdate).to_pydatetime() enddate = pd.to_datetime(enddate).to_pydatetime() self.currentdate = startdate self.startdate = startdate self.enddate = enddate self.imgbuffer = imgbuffer self.outputpath = outputpath self.variable_rename = variable_rename self.unlim_chunksize = unlim_chunksize self.gridname = gridname self.r_methods = r_methods self.r_weightf = r_weightf self.r_min_n = r_min_n self.r_radius = r_radius self.r_neigh = r_neigh self.r_fill_values = r_fill_values self.filename_templ = filename_templ self.global_attr = global_attr self.ts_attributes = ts_attributes self.ts_dtypes = ts_dtypes self.time_units = time_units self.ignore_errors = ignore_errors # if each image has only one timestamp then we are handling # time series of type Orthogonal multidimensional array representation # according to the CF conventions. # The following are detected from data and set during reading self.orthogonal = None # to be set when reading data self.timekey = None # to be set when reading data self.n_proc = n_proc self.log_filename = \ f"img2ts_{'%Y%m%d%H%M')}.log" def _read_image(self, date, input_grid, target_grid): """ Function to parallelize reading image data from dataset. Do not modify any class attributes here! Parameters ---------- date: datetime.datetime Time stamp of the image to read. This is used by the image stack reader to extract a data array. input_grid: CellGrid Grid containing the points that image stack reader loads. target_grid: CellGrid To perform spatial resampling, a target grid is needed. If None is given or the target grid is the same as the input grid, then no spatial resampling is performed. Returns ------- image: Image Image data read from input data set (might be spatially resampled) orthogonal: bool Whether the image fits the orthogonal time series format or not. """ logger = logging.getLogger('img2ts') # optional on-the-fly spatial resampling resample_kwargs = { 'methods': self.r_methods, 'weight_funcs': self.r_weightf, 'min_neighbours': self.r_min_n, 'search_rad': self.r_radius, 'neighbours': self.r_neigh, 'fill_values': self.r_fill_values, }"Read image at: {str(date)}") try: image =, **self.input_kwargs) except IOError as e: msg = "I/O error({0}): {1}".format(e.errno, e.strerror) image = None if image is None:"Could not read image at date {date}.") return None if self.resample:"Grids don't match. Spatial resampling is performed.") # resample with subset selection (NN) if target_grid is None: raise Img2TsError("Target grid is required for spatial " "resampling.") else: data = resamp.resample_to_grid(, image.lon,, target_grid.activearrlon, target_grid.activearrlat, **resample_kwargs) # new image instance with resampled data metadata = image.metadata metadata["resampling_date"] = f"{}" image = Image(target_grid.activearrlon, target_grid.activearrlat, data=data, metadata=metadata, timestamp=image.timestamp, timekey=image.timekey, ) elif len(target_grid.activegpis) != len(input_grid.activegpis):"Grids have different size, sub-setting is performed.") # grid is the same but subset is loaded metadata = image.metadata metadata["subsetting_date"] = f"{}" idx = np.where(np.isin(input_grid.activegpis, target_grid.activegpis)) image = Image(target_grid.activearrlon, target_grid.activearrlat, data={k: v[idx] for k, v in}, metadata=metadata, timestamp=image.timestamp, timekey=image.timekey, ) else: # no sub-setting or resampling required, take the image data as is pass orthogonal = self.orthogonal if image.timekey is not None: # if time_arr is not None means that each observation of the # image has its own observation time # this means that the resulting time series is not # regularly spaced in time if orthogonal is None:"Setting mode to NON-ORTHOGONAL image format") orthogonal = False else: if orthogonal: raise Img2TsError( "Images can not switch between a fixed image " "timestamp and individual timestamps for each " "observation") else: if orthogonal is None:"Use ORTHOGONAL image format") orthogonal = True else: if not orthogonal: raise Img2TsError( "Images can not switch between a fixed image " "timestamp and individual timestamps for each " "observation") return image, orthogonal def _write_orthogonal(self, cell: int, cell_gpis: np.ndarray, cell_lons: np.ndarray, cell_lats: np.ndarray, timestamps: np.ndarray, **celldata): """ Write time series in OrthoMultiTs format. Parameters ---------- cell: int Cell number of the data to write cell_gpis: np.ndarray GPIs of data to write. Must match with celldata / lons / lats cell_lons: np.ndarray Lons of data to write. Must match with celldata / gpis / lats cell_lats: np.ndarray Lats of data to write. Must match with celldata / gpis / lons timestamps: np.ndarray Array of datetime objects with same size as second dimension of data arrays. **celldata: Data variable names as keys and 2D numpy.arrays as values """ logger = logging.getLogger('img2ts') # can be used to write to file"Appending orthogonal time series chunk for cell {cell}") while True: try: with nc.OrthoMultiTs( os.path.join(self.outputpath, self.filename_templ % cell), n_loc=cell_gpis.size, mode='a', zlib=self.zlib, unlim_chunksize=self.unlim_chunksize, time_units=self.time_units) as dataout: # add global attributes to file if self.global_attr is not None: for attr in self.global_attr: dataout.add_global_attr( attr, self.global_attr[attr]) dataout.add_global_attr( 'geospatial_lat_min', np.min(cell_lats)) dataout.add_global_attr( 'geospatial_lat_max', np.max(cell_lats)) dataout.add_global_attr( 'geospatial_lon_min', np.min(cell_lons)) dataout.add_global_attr( 'geospatial_lon_max', np.max(cell_lons)) dataout.write_all(cell_gpis, celldata, timestamps, lons=cell_lons, lats=cell_lats, attributes=self.ts_attributes) break except OSError: # file probably used by some other process logging.error(f"Could not write to file for cell {cell}. " f"Wait a bit and try again...") time.sleep(3) def _write_non_orthogonal(self, cell: int, cell_gpis: np.ndarray, cell_lons: np.ndarray, cell_lats: np.ndarray, **celldata): """ Write time series data for cell to IndexedRagged format. Parameters ---------- cell: int Cell number cell_gpis: np.ndarray GPIs of data to write. Must match with celldata / lons / lats cell_lons: np.ndarray Lons of data to write. Must match with celldata / gpis / lats cell_lats: np.ndarray Lats of data to write. Must match with celldata / gpis / lons celldata: dict[str, np.ndarray] Time series data for this cell. Arrays must be sorted by the GPI in the cell (asc.) arrays have the following shape [dates, ...] """ logger = logging.getLogger('img2ts') # can be used to write to file fname = os.path.join(self.outputpath, self.filename_templ % cell) n_gpis, n_t = celldata[self.timekey].shape gpis = np.repeat(cell_gpis, n_t) lons = np.repeat(cell_lons, n_t) lats = np.repeat(cell_lats, n_t) gpi_time = celldata.pop(self.timekey).flatten() # remove measurements that were filled with the fill value # during resampling # doing this on the basis of the time variable should # be enough since without time -> no valid # observations if self.resample: if self.r_fill_values is not None: if type(self.r_fill_values) == dict: time_fill_value = self.r_fill_values[self.timekey] else: time_fill_value = self.r_fill_values if isinstance(gpi_time, valid_mask1 = np.invert(gpi_time.mask) else: valid_mask1 = None if np.isnan(time_fill_value): valid_mask = ~np.isnan(gpi_time) else: valid_mask = gpi_time != time_fill_value if valid_mask1 is not None: valid_mask = valid_mask & valid_mask1 else: valid_mask = np.invert(gpi_time.mask) else: # drop data where time stamps are NaN valid_mask = np.isfinite(gpi_time) celldata = {k: v.flatten()[valid_mask].filled() for k, v in celldata.items() if k != self.timekey} gpis, lons, lats = gpis[valid_mask], lons[valid_mask], lats[valid_mask] while True: try: with nc.IndexedRaggedTs( fname, n_loc=len(cell_gpis), # no duplicates mode='a', zlib=self.zlib, unlim_chunksize=self.unlim_chunksize, time_units=self.time_units) as dataout: # add global attributes to file if self.global_attr is not None: for attr in self.global_attr: dataout.add_global_attr( attr, self.global_attr[attr]) dataout.add_global_attr( 'geospatial_lat_min', np.min(cell_lats)) dataout.add_global_attr( 'geospatial_lat_max', np.max(cell_lats)) dataout.add_global_attr( 'geospatial_lon_min', np.min(cell_lons)) dataout.add_global_attr( 'geospatial_lon_max', np.max(cell_lons)) # var attr keys and celldata keys must match! if self.timekey is not None and self.ts_attributes is not None: if self.timekey in self.ts_attributes: _ = self.ts_attributes.pop(self.timekey) dataout.write(gpis, celldata, gpi_time[valid_mask].filled(), lon=lons, lat=lats, attributes=self.ts_attributes, dates_direct=True)"Non-Orthogonal time series chunk for cell {cell} " f"written.") break except OSError: # file probably used by some other process logging.error(f"Could not write to file for cell {cell}. " f"Wait a bit and try again...") time.sleep(3) def calc(self): """ Iterate through all images of the image stack and extract temporal chunks. Transpose the data and append it to the output time series files. """ # save grid information in file grid2nc.save_grid( os.path.join(self.outputpath, self.gridname), self.target_grid) for img_stack_dict, timestamps in self.img_bulk(): # ================================================================="Finished reading bulk with {len(timestamps)} images") start_time = # temporally drop grids, due to issue when pickling them... target_grid = self.target_grid input_grid = self.input_grid self.target_grid = None self.input_grid = None _cells = target_grid.activearrcell # the goal is to select data by cell and sort by gpi cells_sorted = np.all(_cells[:-1] <= _cells[1:]) if not cells_sorted: cells_order = np.argsort(_cells) else: cells_order = None keys = list(img_stack_dict.keys()) for key in keys: #print(key) # rename variable in output dataset if self.variable_rename is None: var_new_name = str(key) else: var_new_name = self.variable_rename[key] # change dtypes of output time series if self.ts_dtypes is not None: if type(self.ts_dtypes) == dict: output_dtype = self.ts_dtypes[key] else: output_dtype = self.ts_dtypes img_stack_dict[key] = img_stack_dict[key].astype( output_dtype) if var_new_name != key: img_stack_dict[var_new_name] = img_stack_dict[key] del img_stack_dict[key] if cells_order is not None: # Pass the data sorted by cell GPIs to store them img_stack_dict[var_new_name] = \ img_stack_dict[var_new_name][:, cells_order] if cells_order is not None: # sort the grid so it matches the data! # the funny sorting allows to use np.split later _grid = CellGrid(lon=target_grid.activearrlon[cells_order], lat=target_grid.activearrlat[cells_order], gpis=target_grid.activegpis[cells_order], cells=target_grid.activearrcell[cells_order]) else: _grid = target_grid ITER_KWARGS = {} # check if target_grid.activearrcell is sorted # if not sort it and the arrays accordingly values, indices, counts = np.unique( _grid.activearrcell, return_counts=True, return_index=True) ITER_KWARGS['cell'] = values for k, v in img_stack_dict.items(): # split data by cell v = np.split(np.swapaxes(np.atleast_2d(v), 0, 1), indices, axis=0)[1:] ITER_KWARGS[k] = v del img_stack_dict ITER_KWARGS['cell_gpis'] = np.split(_grid.activegpis, indices)[1:] ITER_KWARGS['cell_lons'] = np.split(_grid.activearrlon, indices)[1:] ITER_KWARGS['cell_lats'] = np.split(_grid.activearrlat, indices)[1:] STATIC_KWARGS = {} if self.orthogonal: STATIC_KWARGS['timestamps'] = timestamps FUNC = self._write_orthogonal else: # time information is contained in `celldata` FUNC = self._write_non_orthogonal parallel_process_async( FUNC=FUNC, ITER_KWARGS=ITER_KWARGS, STATIC_KWARGS=STATIC_KWARGS, log_path=os.path.join(self.outputpath, '000_log'), log_filename=self.log_filename, loglevel="INFO", logger_name='img2ts', ignore_errors=self.ignore_errors, n_proc=self.n_proc, show_progress_bars=False, backend='threading' ) self.target_grid = target_grid self.input_grid = input_grid del ITER_KWARGS, STATIC_KWARGS logger = logging.getLogger('img2ts')"Chunk processed in " f"{ - start_time} Seconds") def img_bulk(self): """ Yields numpy array of images from imgbuffer between start and enddate until all images have been read. Returns ------- img_stack_dict : dict[str, np.ndarray] stack of daily images for each variable startdate : datetime.datetime date of first image in stack enddate : datetime.datetime date of last image in stack datetimestack : np.ndarray array of the timestamps of each image jd_stack : np.ndarray or None None if all observations in an image have the same observation timestamp. Otherwise it gives the julian date of each observation in img_stack_dict Yields ------ tuple[dict, datetime, np.ndarray or None] """ timestamps = self.imgin.tstamps_for_daterange( self.startdate, self.enddate) for i, dates in enumerate(idx_chunks(pd.DatetimeIndex(timestamps), self.imgbuffer)): # Need to temporarily remove grids as they cannot be pickled for MP target_grid = self.target_grid input_grid = self.input_grid self.target_grid = None self.input_grid = None ITER_KWARGS = {'date': dates} results = parallel_process_async( self._read_image, ITER_KWARGS=ITER_KWARGS, STATIC_KWARGS={'target_grid': target_grid, 'input_grid': input_grid}, show_progress_bars=False, log_path=os.path.join(self.outputpath, '000_log'), log_filename=self.log_filename, loglevel="INFO", logger_name='img2ts', ignore_errors=self.ignore_errors, n_proc=self.n_proc, backend='threading' ) img_dict = {} timestamps = np.array([]) while len(results) > 0: img, orthogonal = results.pop(0) for k, v in if k not in img_dict: img_dict[k] = [] img_dict[k].append(v) if self.orthogonal is None: self.orthogonal = orthogonal if self.timekey is None: self.timekey = img.timekey timestamps = np.append(timestamps, img.timestamp) del results, ITER_KWARGS order = np.argsort(timestamps) timestamps = timestamps[order] img_dict = {k:[order] for k, v in img_dict.items()} # Add the previously removed grids back self.target_grid = target_grid self.input_grid = input_grid yield (img_dict, timestamps)