========= Changelog ========= Unreleased changes in master branch =================================== - Version 0.11 ============ - Use joblib for parallel processing framework, improved logging - Added option to parallelize Img2Ts process - Fix bug where a wrong grid attribute was used. Version 0.10 ============ - Ts2Img module was rebuilt. Allows conversion of time series with NN lookup. - Added example notebook for converting ASCAT time series into regularly gridded images. - Added a simple parallelization framework, with logging and error handling. - Added the option to pass custom pre- and post-processing functions to ts2img. Version 0.9 =========== - Update for new pyscaffold - Fixed bug where resampling failed when a BasicGrid was passed instead of a CellGrid Version 0.8 =========== - Update pyscaffold package structure (pyscaffold 3) - Drop py2 support - Add pypi deployment to travis. Version 0.7 =========== - Add resample functions (from pytesmo) Version 0.6 =========== - Update setup.cfg Version 0.5 =========== - Update readme - Update pyscaffold version in setup.py because of compatibility issues with setuptools 39 Version 0.4 =========== - Enable compression by default. Version 0.3 =========== - Enable image to timeseries conversion if missing images are encountered. Version 0.2 =========== - First public version - Rename to repurpose - Improve test coverage Version 0.1 =========== - initial version supporting image to time series conversion - draft for time series to image conversion