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Folders and files

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Runtime Environment

Short & Quick introduction

Prepare the input flat files and corresponding domain object / mapped POJO

Below are the input files with ‘|’ separated fields which we will be putting (one or more) on each run in our input folder on file system (E:/inputFiles).

  • infile.txt
Shaun Pollack  |   10/03/1975  |   85
Lance Klusner  |   10/03/1972  |   98
Alan Donald    |   01/02/1973  |   76
  • anotherinfile.txt
Brian Lara       |   09/11/1971  |   92
Malcom Marshall  |   10/03/1964  |   96
Vivian Richards  |   03/08/1960  |   88
Kurtley Ambrose  |   03/08/1971  |   61
  • yetanother.bak
Adam Gilchrist |   09/11/1977  |   91
Steve Waugh    |   10/03/1971  |   76
Shane Warne    |   03/08/1972  |   56
Andrew Symonds |   03/08/1973  |   61
  • com.websystique.springbatch.model.ExamResult

Create a FieldSetMapper

  • com.websystique.springbatch.ExamResultFieldSetMapper

Create an ItemProcessor

  • com.websystique.springbatch.ExamResultItemProcessor

Create actual spring batch job

  • com.websystiqye.springbatch.SpringBatchJob

Add a Tasklet to archive file once processed

  • com.websystique.springbatch.FileArchivingTasklet

Add Quartz related classes

  • com.websystique.springbatch.quartz.SchedulerJob
  • com.websystique.springbatch.quartz.ApplicationContextUtil
  • com.websystique.springbatch.quartz.CronTriggerFactoryBean

Add Spring application context for Quartz and Spring Batch

  • src/main/resource/batch-context.xml
  • src/main/resource/quartz-context.xml

Run Scheduler

  • com.websystique.springbatch.Main
